
7 year old daughter sucks finger

anonymously, about a girl, 1 year old

My problem is that my 7-year-old daughter still sucks her thumb (for example, when watching cartoons, when she falls asleep or thinks about something). Doctors advised to give her the drug "Adaptol", but I doubt its necessity. Can this problem be solved without drugs?

Hello. If a child sucks his thumb when he is nervous, then, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the reason for which he is anxious. The fact is that the sucking reflex, given to children from birth, provides them with emotional calmness and stability. Sucking is often associated with a sense of security, this is the period when the baby sucked on mom's breast.

As they age, children learn to calm themselves in a different way. With your child, either this did not happen, or after some stress, it resumed again. You need to carefully observe your daughter and track the moments that lead to thumb sucking. Understand what exactly in these situations can disturb the child. Also try to talk to her about her experiences immediately in these situations. "Are you restless now? What exactly is bothering you and how can I help?" Children suck their fingers to feel psychological comfort.

If your child was not able to get rid of such an addiction before he reaches 5 years of age, it is still fraught with the formation of a malocclusion. Among preschoolers and children of primary school age, there are not so many owners of this habit. But those children who have not yet managed to get rid of it may also experience problems in communicating with their peers. The reasons why he sucks his thumb at this age are no longer related to the physiological processes in his body. Rather, one should seek in them an emotional and psychological subtext. Sometimes this is one of the symptoms of a disease of the central nervous system, so consultation and treatment of a neurologist is necessary.

The child either feels uncomfortable or lacks your parental attention. Maybe he has difficulty communicating with peers at school. Thumb-sucking then becomes his personal sedative. You, of course, can put anything on his hands, and he will "forget" how to suck his thumb. But his problems will result in the fact that he will bite, for example, his nails until they bleed. Or twist your hair and pull the strands out.

There are many ways to break this habit. The most popular is to spread mustard on a child's finger or something else equally unpleasant - for example, there is a special Nekusayka varnish. Also, with younger children, fairy tale therapy and sand therapy are usually used.

You can go to a psychologist for classes and try to eliminate the cause and get rid of this habit forever, if it's not neurology. All the best!

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 26 December 2018

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Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 03 July 2017

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Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymous (about boy, 1 year old), 11 April 2017

The child is 7 years old, first grade. Every day he makes tantrums and cries with or without reason, says that everyone offends him. Please tell me what to do.

Watch the video: Parenting Tips: How to Stop a Child From Sucking Fingers (July 2024).