
Two-level ceiling in the nursery

A two-level ceiling is a newfangled phenomenon in the field of renovation and interior decoration, which is gaining increasing popularity among consumers.

This option belongs to the elite, but there are other reasons for the popularity of these products.

The ceiling finished in this way looks very attractive. A two-level ceiling is often chosen for repairing a nursery.


Most often, a two-level ceiling is a tension structure, simply made in two tiers.

If we talk about the visual effect, this allows you to combine different types of finishes, but it must be borne in mind that the second tier is already significantly lower than the ceiling height indicated in the technical passport of the room.

There are many advantages, so the choice in favor of this type of finish is quite justified. Here are its main advantages:

  • The second level is able to hide the irregularities of the first. This problem is rare, but still.
  • Due to the presence of different levels, it is very convenient to divide the room into functional zones. Some believe that zoning is strictly for wall decoration. However, ceiling decoration can successfully perform the same functions.
  • Various engineering communications can be hidden behind the ceiling, first of all - electrical wiring for lighting. In some cases, luminaires completely built into the ceiling are used, which take up quite a lot of space, which makes the room height much lower.

It is the two-level ceiling that allows you to solve this problem. Luminaires are simply used only in a certain part of the room - for example, along its walls (where an additional second tier allows them to be placed).

  • The visual effect of the use of two-level ceilings is amazing. The simplest thing is to simply make two tiers of material of different colors, however, the central (higher) coating is often decorated with one or another color image, due to which a result is achieved on the ceiling that resembles the use of photo wallpaper.


There are many materials from which you can make a two-level ceiling in a nursery.

Fabric, PVC and drywall are commonly used. Each of these materials has its own characteristics. Sometimes they are even combined with each other - to achieve the best result.

If we talk about fabrics, they are environmentally friendly and do not give glare. It is noted that good material is completely safe - manufacturers impregnate it with special compounds, blocking the likelihood of fire or the development of fungus and mold. It is also a great solution in terms of durability.

The warranty is about 10-15 years, but the actual service life may exceed the warranty twice.

The fabric reliably insulates the room from heat loss and extraneous sounds, it allows air to pass through, preventing the "greenhouse effect", withstands temperature changes well - and is even able to withstand flooding, but not for long, so it is better not to buy it if such a probability is high.

PVC sheeting is somewhat cheaper, it is also able to withstand flooding, and this material (unlike fabric) can be used after a flood. Low quality versions of this material are often toxic (due to their synthetic origin).

In general, this is a design option, it does not have any special protective properties, it cannot be used for a long time.

As for drywall, it is used a little less often for ceilings, but in general its use is also possible. Its plus is that it easily takes any desired shape, so curly jumpers between levels are often made of it.

As for the installation of a full-fledged ceiling, then beware of accidental deformation or soaking there - due to flooding. This material does not possess insulating properties, but there should be no doubts about its environmental friendliness.


The issue of the texture of the ceiling is usually given relatively little attention, but with due regard to this issue, the texture can be used as a design detail.

In this regard, fabric ceilings stand out, since they have a characteristic rough structure that stands out well against the background of any other materials and provides an indescribable feeling of warmth and comfort.

The PVC film is stretched to a perfectly even state, where the surface is perfectly smooth, due to which various images are usually applied to this material.

If we talk about the texture of drywall, then it is usually also smooth, but its use may be limited to jumpers.

How to choose a design?

A two-level ceiling in a nursery is a design solution that testifies to the good aesthetic taste of the consumer, so you cannot relate to the choice without the proper degree of responsibility.

The easiest option is to mix two colors (or even use two levels of the same color). A single-colored two-level ceiling looks quite fresh and modern, but it is not always suitable for children's rooms.

Perhaps, only if the color is chosen is not white and not black, because children still need brightness. The only exceptions are teenagers. At the same time, avoid using too bright colors of a single-color ceiling, otherwise it will be difficult for babies to calm down before bed.

If we talk about a two-color two-level ceiling, then it is necessary not only to correctly think over the combination of colors, but also to fit them into the overall interior design.

With the help of such a solution, it is very convenient to zone the space - for example, leave a bright color for the play area, and use a calmer pastel shade for the recreation area.

If you decide to use a full-color drawing, you should choose it based on the age and personal preferences of the child. It is possible that it is even worth asking him directly about how he sees the final result of the work.

If we talk about babies, then their print on the ceiling is some kind of images of nature, made in the form of a drawing, but without too bright colors.

Preschoolers and younger students will be much more delighted with the bright images, but then the colorful part of the ceiling should be placed above the play area, in no case above the work area or recreation area.

At this age, the best option is your favorite cartoon characters, but let’s also be the “real world” design option (ceiling decoration in the form of a sky or tree branches, like in a garden).

At the same time, small children are still more prone to a drawn image than to the photographic accuracy of a picture.

For these babies, it is not at all necessary to install the most durable ceilings - remember that they will soon grow up, and then the ceiling will no longer match their tastes.

With teenagers, the choice will be much more difficult, since they are much closer to adults in terms of the variety of their preferences. Here it is necessary to be determined in the same way as with the parents' room.

For example, the romantic nature of a young girl is quite ready to accept the same sky or garden, but now, perhaps, the time has come for photography, not drawing.

As for young people, they are already close in status to mature men. They usually prefer austerity, so even a solid white finish or a combination of black and white is often the most suitable.

If you need just a picture, you should select it in strict accordance with the general style of the room - for example, for a modern high-tech room, choose a "metal" canvas with raindrops on it. But the sky or the garden will not fit here at all.

Competent examples in the interior

Choosing the design of a two-level ceiling, parents often cannot grasp the fine line between “colored” and “dim” so that the child likes it, but at the same time does not excite him too much.

The first photo is a great example of how you can use colors without turning a room into an attraction.

Zoning can be achieved not only through the colors of the ceiling, but also through the difference in lighting. Pay attention to the following photo - the ceiling there is decorated with the same curly inserts throughout its entire area, but above the playing area they are additionally highlighted along the perimeter.

A vivid example of the use of pictures (spring sky with light clouds) is shown below.

And here is a clear proof that even a single-color two-level ceiling can look stylish and interesting. The smallest of this option will not be very to your taste, but for a teenager this is quite a good solution.

When choosing the most appropriate option, do not forget to ask your child - this is very important.

Original ideas for decorating ceilings can be seen in the video below.

Watch the video: 4995 Paist Road (June 2024).