
"Hilak Forte" during pregnancy: is it possible for pregnant women and how to drink it correctly?

While expecting a baby, many women are faced with gastrointestinal disorders, such as constipation or heartburn. They are manifested as a result of altered taste preferences, an increase in the size of the uterus, changes in hormonal levels and other factors. To improve digestion, doctors recommend that expectant mothers take certain medications that improve the condition of the microflora, for example, "Hilak Forte". This drug is considered safe for pregnant women, which has a positive effect on the functions of the digestive system.

Features of the drug

The only dosage form of the German medicine called "Hilak Forte" is drops. It is a cloudy or clear yellow-brown solution. This liquid has a smell similar to caramel or cherry.

Drops can be sold in bottles of 30 and 100 ml, as well as in sachets of 1.1 and 2.2 ml. There is a special dropper on the bottle, thanks to which the medicine is accurately dosed. Each milliliter of solution contains about 25-30 drops. Portion packs are sold at 30 per box.

The effect of "Hilak Forte" on the body is provided by water substrates, which are based on milk sugar and metabolic products of 4 types of microorganisms... Such beneficial bacteria are lactobacilli acidophilus and helveticus, Escherichia coli and enterococci. In the substrates there are no bacteria themselves (they are embryonic), but only lactic and fatty acids produced by these microbes.

The auxiliary components of the drug are sodium and dipotassium phosphates, water, potassium sorbate, phosphoric and citric acids. Flavors and sweeteners are also added to the cherry-scented drops. No prescription is required to buy Hilak Forte in a pharmacy. The average price of a 30 ml bottle is 250 rubles. The shelf life of the medicine in the bottle is 4 years (after opening - only 6 weeks), and in the sachet - 2 years.

Operating principle

After the drug enters the intestine, its active substances contribute to the establishment of a certain acidity and maintain it at a level that stimulates the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms and at the same time inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbes. It also improves the absorption of minerals and water.

Due to this effect, the reception "Hilak Forte" helps to get rid of diarrhea, normalizes the composition of the intestinal flora, stimulates the formation of vitamins, promotes regeneration of the mucous membrane and enhances local immune defenses.

The components of the drug are not deactivated by gastric juice and digestive enzymes, they begin to act immediately after entering the intestines.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

As already noted, "Hilak Forte" is called a medicine that is safe for expectant mothers, therefore it is often prescribed during the period of expectation of the child if there are any difficulties with digestion. In children, the drug can be used from birth, therefore Hilak Forte cannot do any harm to the baby in the womb. The active substances do not enter the bloodstream, but act only in the intestines, therefore, the medication also does not affect the state of the uterus in any way. The drops are harmless both for 2-3 trimesters and in the early stages.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The reason for prescribing a woman in the "Hilak Forte" position is one of the conditions when the drug will be useful, for example, if:

  • the pregnant woman complains of diarrhea, flatulence, constipation or any other digestive disorder caused by dietary changes;
  • for some reason, the balance of the intestinal flora in the expectant mother was disturbed, for example, the woman had to take antibiotics;
  • the woman showed signs of dyspepsia due to climate change;
  • due to a decrease in immunity, a pregnant woman developed colitis, enteritis or gastroenteritis of a bacterial nature (caused by Shigella, Escherichia, Salmonella and other harmful pathogens);
  • the expectant mother contracted a rotavirus, or she has a candidal intestinal lesion;
  • the patient has allergic skin diseases;
  • a woman suffers from a reduced acidity of gastric juice;
  • the expectant mother was diagnosed with diseases of the gallbladder or liver.


Annotation to the drug prohibits the use of "Hilak Forte" in case of increased sensitivity of a particular patient to any ingredient of the drops, as well as in some pathologies when the absorption of milk sugar or other carbohydrates is impaired (glucose-galactose malabsorption, lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, isomaltase deficiency).

Any other diseases are not an obstacle to prescribing medication, but taking medication while waiting for the baby should still be agreed with the doctor who is observing the pregnant woman. Cherry-flavored drops do not include sugar, so it is preferable to drink them for diabetes.

Side effects

In general, "Hilak Forte" is tolerated normally, but occasionally an intolerance reaction may appear on the solution. It can be in the form of itching, hives, or skin rashes, and sometimes the medication causes diarrhea or constipation. No other negative effects are noted after using the drug.

If signs of hypersensitivity appear, further use of "Hilak Forte" should be abandoned.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to drink "Hilak Forte" before meals, but it is permissible to take drops during meals as well. The medicine that is sold in vials is dispensed using the cap on the bottle, dripping into water or other liquid (the medicine should not be mixed only with milk).

If the doctor has not prescribed another regimen, then "Hilak Forte" is drunk three times a day, 2.2-3.3 ml per dose. This amount of solution is obtained from 40-60 drops. It is also quite convenient for adults to use a sachet, because one sachet already contains the required single dose.

Since the drops contain no living microorganisms, "Hilak Forte" can be used together with antibacterial drugs.

With severe dysbiosis, the doctor can prescribe this medication simultaneously with probiotics, for liver diseases - with drugs from the hepatoprotective group, for digestive disorders - along with enzymes. It all depends on the clinical picture of a particular expectant mother.


In most cases, women respond positively to the use of "Hilak Forte" while waiting for the baby. The medicine is called effective, its effectiveness is noted for diarrhea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract. According to expectant mothers, it is convenient to dose the drug, and side effects when taking it are extremely rare. Among the disadvantages of drops are usually mentioned the high price and short shelf life of an open bottle.


If it is necessary to replace "Hilak Forte" with a medicine with a similar effect on the digestive system, the doctor may recommend several drugs.

  • "Duphalac". This tasty syrup contains lactulose and has a beneficial effect on the health of beneficial intestinal bacteria. Due to the hyperosmotic effect, taking "Duphalac" also helps to cope with constipation, establishing normal bowel movements. The product is safe at any stage of pregnancy and can be used even in the 1st trimester.
  • Linex. Inside such capsules are dried lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enterococci. Taking the drug normalizes the state of the intestinal flora, promotes proper digestion, and enhances immune reactivity. The medication is in demand for flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms of dyspepsia. Its use in pregnant women is permissible at any time.
  • "Bifiform"... Such capsules are a source of two types of beneficial microorganisms - bifidobacteria and enterococci. After ingestion, they actively develop in the intestines, suppressing pathogenic flora and helping food to better digest. The drug is indicated for intestinal infection, dysbiosis, lactase deficiency and other diseases. It is harmless to the fetus and can be administered throughout pregnancy.

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