Shopping for children

6 criteria for choosing the best highchair for your baby

Will the child turn six months soon? So it's time to think about how to choose a highchair. Such an adaptation plays an important role in the development of the baby, as it helps to form the skills of etiquette, teaches to order and cleanliness, and independent absorption of food. In addition, this piece of furniture is important for growing up children. The growing toddler copies parental behavior, expressing a desire to use the same cutlery and sit at the adult table. Before giving preference to any particular model, you should consider the most important criteria and rules for choosing furniture for feeding children. We will try to reveal all the secrets of these devices and help you choose the best option.

Why are high chairs useful?

Not all newly minted parents understand the benefits of this piece of furniture. The main purpose and at the same time the advantage of the device is comfort when feeding both for the parent and directly for the child.

Let's take a closer look at the main advantages of this piece of furniture:

  1. The baby is securely fixed in one place, which is quite convenient for the mother. With such a device, children's movements are easier to control, so that adults do not have to worry that the baby will overturn hot porridge on himself or fall off the chair.
  2. A chair for eating is a guarantee of cleanliness and hygiene in the room. Judge for yourself, the carpet is not exposed to porridge, baby food, there are no traces of vegetable or fruit puree on sofas and armchairs.
  3. Nursing furniture promotes sharing of food, if you move the baby to the adult table. Consequently, the mother will not need to specially feed the child separately; she can clean up the kitchen and set the table at the same time.
  4. The use of this device is one of the factors of quick and successful accustoming to cutlery and parental food. The child is more likely to learn to eat independently and carefully. Looking at the parents, the baby gradually learns table etiquette.

By the way, Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about this. The pediatrician is convinced of the usefulness of this device. The child sees how adults eat and sit at the table, which allows him to quickly learn how to use cutlery.

The feeding chair is often a versatile design. Tabletops are very diverse: with and without sides, with recesses for mugs and cups, with a stand for various board games. That is, the child can not only eat, but also play, draw or look at books with vivid pictures.

When to buy a feeding chair?

You should think about purchasing this children's furniture at a time when the child already knows how to take a sitting position, his spinal column is already strong enough for a semi-vertical position. Typically, these conditions are met at 6 months of age (usually, but not required).

The main feature of this age period is the active introduction of complementary foods (cereals and / or vegetable puree) into the children's menu, served in plates.

The child learns to eat independently with the help of a spoon, but due to poorly formed chewing skills, motor awkwardness, and inaccuracy, he often spits out food, smears it on his own body and nearby things.

This is why your baby needs a specially designed place to eat. For example, special furniture for feeding, performing several important functions at once. In addition, it is more convenient for a mother to feed a child sitting opposite than a baby who is placed on the handles.

At 5-6 months of age, the time an infant is in the highchair should not exceed 10 minutes. But at 7 - 8 months, when the child's spine gets stronger, the duration of the sitting position increases significantly.

Universal furniture for baby feeding with transformation function will last long enough. You can use such a chair from six months to about three years old, and sometimes even seven years old.

Types of high chairs

There are several types of children's furniture, which differ in design features, age "qualification" and other characteristics. For convenience, we have summarized the main characteristics of various types of chairs in a single plate.

Kind of furnitureChild's ageMain characteristics of the model
Classic high chair made of woodFrom six months to three yearsA rather bulky structure made of wood, does not fold and does not have additional functionality.
Foldable high chairFrom six months to three yearsIt is possible to adjust the height of the product, fold it and put it away for storage.
TransformerFrom six months to 5 years of ageAs it grows up, it transforms into 2 products - a table and a chair.
BoosterFrom six months to three years of age (if the child is large, then up to two years)The product must be attached to an adult chair, furniture can be folded and put away for storage.
Hanging chairFrom the age of nine months to three years (everything will depend on the body weight of the little rider)The seat must be attached directly to the dining table, and it is important to consider the type and material of the table top.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer which highchair is best for a small child. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail the features of each type of children's furniture.

Classic high chair made of wood

This is a kind of classic of the genre - a wooden chair with high legs, which is made using the minimalist technique. Such products simply move to the adult dining table and are used for their intended purpose - to help feed the child.

The classic highchair for babies is intended for babies from six months to three years of age. It can be used exclusively at home, since it is not mobile and lightweight.

Among the advantages of such a child seat are a rather low price, the use of exclusively environmentally friendly materials, the possibility of close movement of the device to an adult dining table.

The disadvantages include the bulkiness, the heaviness of the structure. A classic wooden chair is usually not equipped with protective elements in the form of belts, it cannot be folded or disassembled, so it cannot be taken with you, for example, to nature. Let's take a closer look at one of the popular models.

Geuther mucki

A striking example of a classic wooden feeding chair from a German manufacturer. The appearance of the product, at first glance, is very simple, but everything is thought out to the last screw. Nothing distracts from the strict design of the wood structure. Parents appreciate the safety and functionality of this feeding device.

The main advantages:

  • natural material, hypoallergenic paint coating;
  • rigid back allows you to form the correct posture;
  • a safe seat is provided by a footrest, center belt and armrests;
  • easy and quick installation;
  • ease of care;
  • stylish appearance;
  • robust and stable construction.

Main cons:

  • the child must be able to sit well;
  • the soft liner must be purchased separately;
  • the highchair cannot be adjusted for height, the footrest is also not adjustable;
  • inability to adjust the backrest tilt.

The products of this German company are not the cheapest. The average cost of Geuther Mucki in stores is 7800 rubles. But for this price a classic European quality feeding device is offered.

Geuther mucki

Growing chair

Such children's adaptations grow with the child. The height of the seat can change with the growth of the small owner, and the comfortable leg support allows you to ensure the optimal position of the child's body, which has a positive effect on the distribution of the load on the spinal column.

The main advantage of such a piece of furniture is its versatility. It first becomes a highchair (with all its benefits), then it can be used as a chair for painting and creativity. Well, later, such a chair will become an addition to the home desk. Thus, this furniture can be used until adolescence.

There are few disadvantages of such a chair, and the main one is the rather high cost. However, this disadvantage is easily compensated for by numerous advantages, as well as many years of service life. Agree that it is much more profitable to buy high-quality furniture for several years than to buy a new chair for a growing child almost every year.


The chair "Peacock" meets the main criterion that excites every parent, namely, the correspondence of price and quality. Pediatric orthopedists recommend growing stools precisely because they allow a child to develop a healthy posture from an early age.


  • stable design: the baby can climb in and out of the chair on his own;
  • safety is guaranteed: there are no sharp corners, and the surface of the chair is flat, without burrs;
  • easily attaches a feeding table or a stopper for the little ones;
  • stool cover does not contain harmful additives, there is no smell;
  • 3 years warranty.


  • feeding table / stopper must be purchased separately from the highchair.

An unusual, but RIGHT chair will grow with the baby, preventing him from spoiling his posture and allowing parents to save money on buying a new chair when the baby grows up. The price of such a miracle is 3990.

You can view current promotions for the growing Peacock chair on their official website

Peacock growing chair with round back, orange

Foldable high chair

This device has the same high legs as the previous model. The seat is also intended for children in the first three years of life, and parents can fold it down, adjust the table top, footrest, backrest and seat for a particular child.

The foldable feeding chair can be fitted with small castors, which allows it to be moved around the house. The vast majority of products have foot inserts, safety straps and table tops that can protect your little one from falls and increase the comfort of use.

The advantages include compactness, the ability to fold the product, the presence of a basket and pockets for small things, an arc with pendants, a removable table top. Folding chairs are also safer.

The design also has drawbacks, which include a rather high price, low mobility (despite the possibility of folding, the chair cannot be taken with you on trips and trips). An older child will not be able to sit down and get off the chair on his own.

Let's take a closer look at one of the most popular models of this category of feeding chairs.

Inglesina zuma

This "throne" is regularly included in the rating of high chairs. The device looks really impressive - a technological novelty with a design thought out to the last screw. The model boasts 8 height positions, 3 backrest positions, large wheels. Only high quality materials are used: textile, metal and plastic.

Main advantages:

  • characterized by increased resistance;
  • very high quality (will last a very long time);
  • high degree of security (five-point straps);
  • the ability to adjust the position of the back, support for the legs and the height of the product itself;
  • double removable tray;
  • castors in front and two secure locks on the rear legs;
  • the ability to fold and store, for example, in a closet;
  • quilted seat cushion (can be removed and washed).

Main disadvantages:

  • tight safety straps;
  • Velcro is of little use because it "attracts" crumbs and other food debris;
  • not very convenient removable tray;
  • difficult to fold.

Quite an expensive pleasure - the cost of this device exceeds 14,000 rubles. Yes, the product looks quite stylish, it has a lot of advantages and strengths, but not all parents believe that such a high price should be paid for it.

Inglesina zuma


Often, the small area of ​​the apartment does not allow purchasing and installing "full-fledged" children's furniture. In this case, the best highchair for feeding is the so-called booster, or a small seat that attaches directly to the adult chair.

Such a product is intended for babies from six months to three years of age. The booster usually has a table top and safety straps, as well as a secure fastener, which allows the seat to be attached directly to the chair.

Among the positive qualities, the mobility of the device is distinguished (the chair can be taken with you on a trip or to nature). Such devices, made of plastic, usually have bright, attractive colors, complemented by a removable panel with a variety of play accessories.

The disadvantages of the models include not too high safety of the structure, in contrast to wooden products. In addition, boosters are not attached to any adult furniture, but only to massive, stable chairs with a hard seat.

Babies H-1

A fairly inexpensive booster chair for feeding babies from the age of six months. It looks very cute and pretty (design in the form of animal faces), besides, it is lightweight, compact - the product can be stored and carried in a bag specially designed for this.

The chair is attached to the adult chair using special straps. The product can also be placed on the floor thanks to the convenient spacer feet. It is important to remember that this device has a limitation on the child's body weight - 15 kilograms.

Main advantages:

  • lightness and compactness of the product;
  • nice design;
  • structural stability;
  • the chair can be taken with you on a trip;
  • removable washable cover;
  • 3-point safety harness;
  • you can adjust the height of the back;
  • removable, comfortable tabletop.

Main disadvantages:

  • not very high quality materials;
  • uncomfortable safety straps;
  • narrowish table.

A brief overview of the product allows us to conclude that the biggest advantages of the highchair are compactness and low cost. It is for these qualities that parents appreciate this feeding device. And, of course, the stylish design of Babies H-1 attracts mums and dads.

Booster chair Babies H-1

Hanging chair

From 6 months to three years, you can use another type of feeding chairs - a hinged structure. This model is attached directly to the dining table, which is characterized by certain advantages and serious disadvantages.

The strengths of hanging chairs are compactness, the ability to fold and take them with you on trips, a fairly affordable price. All this cannot but rejoice mobile parents and those moms and dads who live in small apartments.

At the same time, at the hanging chairs there are significant disadvantages:

  • the dining table itself must be stable and heavy, with a massive tabletop (the product is not suitable for glass and round tables, furniture on one leg, with a decorated surface, with a too thick tabletop);
  • not very suitable for large children, since the device has certain limitations in body weight (up to 13 kilograms);
  • unnecessarily mobile children should not be planted, since they are able to significantly loosen the product with their active actions and movements.

A hinged chair is the most dangerous option for feeding a baby. The little rider is in a rather unstable position that there is always a risk of falling. That is why in no case should the baby be left alone with the hinged structure.

In addition, you should choose a hinged chair with rubberized pads that protect the surface of the tabletop and securely fix the structure. These tips should be considered when going to the store.

Chicco Hook on Chair 360

Feeding accessories from a world famous brand. The chair can rotate around its axis, has a reliable reinforced mounting system and is designed for any dining table surface, with the exception of glass countertops.

The seat is mounted using four movable fastening mechanisms and two protective screws. Removing the chair is also quite simple - the parent unscrews the screws and presses the button, which is located on the bottom of the product.

Main advantages:

  • compactness and lightness of construction;
  • very easy to wash and wash;
  • the seat is recessed, so the child cannot fall out;
  • there are three-point safety harnesses;
  • there is a soft stop between the legs;
  • very comfortable seat.

Main cons:

  • there is a restriction on body weight;
  • not suitable for all tables;
  • a certain thickness of the countertop is required;
  • quite high cost.

A truly unusual and unique model that is regularly included in the TOP of the best nursing chairs. It differs from the rest by its amazing mobility and the ability to turn the child into any position convenient for the mother. This greatly simplifies the entire feeding process.

Highchair Chicco 360 Hook On


As the name suggests, the transformer is a multi-function model that can be used not only for eating, but also for completely different purposes. Everything will depend on the functionality of the product and the availability of additional devices.

Usually the store offers designs that can be transformed into an older chair and table (desk). There are also models that convert into walkers, cradles and swings. Cradle chairs have been used for half a year (or even earlier), and a similar function can be realized without disturbing children's sleep.

The transformer is a good option for a feeding chair for thrifty parents. Many of these models are affordable, they are characterized by increased strength, the ability to transform into various devices.

In addition, such designs can be used for a long period of time. When unfolded (table and seat), they are used for 5 - 6-year-old children. Children can draw on them and write in notebooks. Among the minuses - massiveness, rather heavy weight.

Jetem magic

Another permanent "inhabitant" of the TOP 2017 in the category "best feeding devices". The transformer "grows" with the baby. Initially, it is a standard baby feeding seat with the ability to adjust the product in height and the backrest in tilt.

As the baby grows up, the device turns into 2 separate devices: a chair and a table with a stand for books and cells for writing instruments. Such children's furniture will serve until the child enters the first grade.

Main advantages:

  • differs in functionality;
  • Includes safety straps, stand and leg divider;
  • the removable cover can be washed;
  • you can adjust the position of the back;
  • when the child grows up, the product turns into a chair and a desk;
  • long service life of furniture (up to 7 years of age);
  • 3 tabletop positions.

Main disadvantages:

  • the table top is loosely attached;
  • bulky design;
  • uncomfortable desk.

For a transformer, the cost is quite moderate - about 7150 rubles. However, the product is completely made of plastic, so it is difficult to talk about its durability. In general, parents speak out positively about this model, so it is not surprising that this highchair has a rather high rating.

Chair-desk Jetem Magic

The choice of a highchair: basic parameters and characteristics

The question of how to choose a highchair for your baby is really important. To make the right choice and buy a really worthwhile model, you need to consider several important parameters, which should be discussed in more detail.

Fixture safety

All models of feeding devices have their own design features, however, all devices must fully and fully comply with certain safety standards. So, teledoctor Komarovsky strongly advises to take this factor into account when buying this product.

To reliably protect your child, you should pay attention to several important characteristics:

  1. Quality. First of all, parents need to pay attention to the quality of the materials used to make the feeding chair. When buying, you need to ask the seller to present a quality certificate for the product.
  2. Stability. This characteristic is especially important if a high chair or a transformer is being purchased. The main features of a stable device are spaced spacers (metal legs are ideal) or a massive wooden base.
  3. Brakes. If you plan to buy a device with wheels, you need to make sure that there are special stoppers, or latches. Moreover, their work should be checked in the store to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  4. Safety straps. Almost all models have a five- or three-point safety harness. It is best to choose a device with straps equipped with softening inserts and comfortable buckles. Ideally, straps should be adjustable in height and length.
  5. Step. A footrest is essential for the formation of correct posture and prevention of baby fatigue. In addition, if the child starts to rest against a hard surface, he will not be able to slide down. The stand must be removable: it is removed when the child grows up.
  6. Correct fastening. It is necessary to ensure that all parts of the product are securely fixed, and that the fasteners (screws, bolts, etc.) are hidden under special plugs. There should be no sharp protrusions or corners.

Be sure to check what the maximum body weight of the rider is indicated in the instructions and other accompanying documents. Compliance with this rule is especially important when it comes to a hinged structure or a booster chair.

Overall dimensions

Before considering the best highchairs for feeding a small child, you need to think carefully about how important such a product characteristic as its dimensions is to you.

Of course, if you can boast of the impressive dimensions of the kitchen, then you can purchase any model of a highchair: both a classic product and a transformer. That is, rather bulky and massive devices.

If a stable floor chair does not fit at all into a tiny kitchenette, you must abandon such an acquisition and consider buying a folding structure like a booster or a hanging chair.

Regardless of the size of the device and the room itself, it is necessary to place the child seat as far as possible from electrical outlets, stoves, hanging shelves and various (but always potentially dangerous) electrical appliances.

Body material

According to this parameter, feeding chairs are divided into two main categories:

  • made of wood;
  • made of plastic.

Most often, classic products and transformers are made of wood, while hanging structures and booster chairs are usually plastic. The bases of some feeding utensils are made of metal.

Wood is one of the most popular materials for making furniture for children due to its naturalness, environmental friendliness, visual appeal and increased resistance to wear. Curiously, wooden furniture can be cheaper than plastic counterparts!

When choosing the best high chairs made of wood, it is worth giving preference to models that are made of hard wood: walnut, maple, beech wood. Such products will last longer with daily use.

Pay attention to the covering of the wooden chair. Paint or varnish should be water-based. If the wood is not covered with a protective element, you need to make sure that the surface is smooth, without any roughness or burrs.

Plastic chairs are distinguished by a wide variety of models and designs, styles and shapes. That is why many parents prefer this particular version of the material. However, before buying a plastic product, you need to make sure of its quality: the absence of a pungent smell, poisonous colors, and the presence of certificates.

In addition, plastic is a more convenient material to maintain. These chairs are washed directly in the bathtub using a shower head and liquid detergents. Wooden models are afraid of excessive moisture, so they cannot be subjected to such water procedures.

Cover material

When the child begins to hold the cutlery or cups in his hands on his own, everything around will be stained with porridge, vegetable or fruit purees, sweet juice or milk. This is why you need to worry about the possibility of washing covers before purchasing a highchair.

Some devices do not have textile parts - they have wooden or plastic seats. This option is highly practical, but the baby will not be delighted because of the excessive rigidity of the structure.

The seats of some nursing chairs are made of soft filling, which is covered with washable oilcloth. Such coatings are easy to maintain, but in the summer months it is too hot in such devices, and in the winter months it is too cold.

That is why many mothers prefer chairs with textile seats - this material is the most practical and comfortable for the little user. But whichever material you prefer, the following rules should be observed:

  • it is better to choose non-stained fabrics, since various contaminants will not stand out on them so much;
  • Ask your sales assistant to demonstrate how to remove the capes. Try to remove the cover yourself in the store;
  • be sure to try to study the manufacturer's markings on the label. It should contain advice on how to wash textiles.

When choosing a highchair for feeding, give preference to dim shades of covers that will not strain children's eyes. The preferred seat colors are green, grayish, blue and brownish.

The presence of a table top

Even if your task is to sit a child at an adult dining table, it is much more convenient to first put the baby food and drink on a special surface, a tabletop, which is equipped with many feeding devices.

Moreover, this part must have certain characteristics:

  • the lid of the highchair should have raised sides, which will keep the liquids spilled by the child on the surface of the tabletop and prevent them from staining the floor;
  • best of all, if the tabletop will be removed so that mom can wash it thoroughly. In this case, the fasteners of the part must be reliable so that the child cannot remove it on his own or overturn the contents of the plate or cup on himself;
  • manufacturers often equip countertops for entertainment purposes with additional details: toys, pendants, music modules. It is better for an infant to purchase chairs without such distractions, since the child should not play, but eat.

When choosing a product, it is imperative to evaluate the dimensions of the countertop. The best option if it fits a child's plate, mug or sippy, as well as cutlery - a spoon and a fork.

Possibility of position regulation

Adjusting the height of the seat, backrest tilt and the position of the footrest is a rather important function to enhance the comfort of the child in the highchair.

It is no secret that the baby grows extremely quickly, so the feeding chair, in which he felt comfortable at 6 months, will turn into an uncomfortable structure at the age of one. That is why the ability to adjust the seat level is very useful for the child's comfort.

The vast majority of models of feeding devices can be adjusted according to:

  • height. In this case, parents will be able to choose the most optimal position for both a very small toddler and an older rider;
  • tilt the back. Chairs for the smallest users (usually transformers) can be folded into a "reclining" position. This is a fairly comfortable position for feeding a baby who does not yet know how to sit well;
  • delivery items for legs. The adjustable footrest allows the child to sit most comfortably and also helps to maintain correct posture.

Modern highchairs are made taking into account the anatomical features of babies. Such design features are usually indicated in the instructions for the product and other accompanying documents.

Rules for teaching a child to a feeding chair

The basic principle is early training. As soon as the child begins to sit on his own, is ready to eat porridge or mashed potatoes, you should start getting to know the highchair.

Most often, children like to sit in such a "throne", so that there are no special difficulties with accustoming. If the child is wary of the highchair, refuses to sit on it, use the following expert recommendations:

  1. Make the feeding corner more attractive. For example, you can hang several bright magnets on a nearby refrigerator. You can put plastic jars with various fillers on the dining table, the main thing is that they attract and interest the kids.
  2. Usually you shouldn't "litter" the chair with toys, but in this case you can break this rule. A game arc with pendants should be placed on the tabletop, a music box should be placed. As an option - offer your child all kinds of kitchen "toys" in the form of pots, colander, plastic bottles. It is only important not to overdo it with play devices. Still, the main function of the highchair is eating.
  3. The Internet, in particular, any parent forum offers another way to solve the problem - the inclusion of cartoons or children's films while sitting down on the chair. This advice should be taken with sufficient caution, as it can form a not very healthy eating habit.
  4. Offer the child in the highchair the tastiest and favorite food. This will lead to the formation of a pleasant association with this device. In addition, the baby can feed his beloved bear or doll from a spoon.

The child must not be left on the highchair without parental supervision, even if the model is characterized by increased safety. Be sure to fasten the baby with straps, check how stable the feeding chair is.

In addition, experts strongly advise against making any manipulations with the feeding chair (adjusting the backrest tilt or device height) if the baby is at that moment in the device. Such actions are fraught with childish fright and refusal to sit down in a chair in the future.

As a conclusion

The question of how to choose the right highchair for a small child is really important. The recommendations and rules listed above will help you understand what to pay close attention to when choosing children's furniture so that it will serve your baby for several years.

  • the age of the child. Experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, advise looking closely at the chair closer to 6 months of age, when the baby begins to sit down and is ready for complementary foods;
  • body weight of the child. Many plastic chairs are designed for babies up to 18 kg. High-quality wooden chairs and transformable models will last up to 35 kilograms;
  • installation features. It is important to select such furniture so that it fits comfortably in the room and has access to it. If the kitchen is small, it is better to choose a wall-mounted model or a booster. For owners of a large room, transformers or classic seats are suitable;
  • functionality. Convertible chairs are the perfect solution for those parents who want to extend the lifespan of children's furniture. As the child grows up, the model can be transformed into a desk or table;
  • product safety. The quality of the materials from which the case, tabletop, covers and straps are made is extremely important. In addition, the chairs should not have chipped places, sharp corners, open bolts and screws. Better to buy models with seat belts, leg dividers and wheel stoppers (if any);
  • hygiene. Of course, the highchair must shine clean. You need to take care of both wooden and plastic structures, but in different ways. A plastic product is washed right in the bath, a chair made of wood is wiped with a damp cloth soaked in a non-aggressive disinfectant solution.

A feeding chair is an important piece of furniture that will be useful for parents and a child for a rather long period of time and will be used very often - the baby will have to be fed in it at least 5-6 times a day.

This is why it is so important not to make a purchase mistake. Compliance with the basic rules will allow you to choose the best device that will delight both adults and the little rider for several years. Happy shopping!

Watch the video: Baby Highchair. Feeding Chair for Baby in India. Baby Feeding Product. 6-36 months (July 2024).