Child health

Gynecologist about inflammatory diseases of the external genital organs in children

When it comes to children, especially when it comes to their health, the heart involuntarily "shrinks" not only from the parents, but also from the doctor. We begin to sort out in our thoughts what “this” is, where does “this” come from and how can “this” be treated? I would like to achieve a quick and positive result in the treatment of a small patient.

In our article, we'll talk about the inflammatory process in the genital area in girls, namely, about vulvitis.

The name vulvitis itself has the ending "it", which already speaks of the inflammatory process. Inflammation of the female sphere (and in our case, vulvitis in girls) is usually accompanied by pain, discharge (leucorrhoea), itching and burning of the genitals.

Inflammation characteristics


According to the World Health Organization, every fifth person in the world suffers from chronic pain, and about 60% of chronic diseases are accompanied by pain.

Pain is one of the most common complaints from a child. The nature and intensity of pain depends on the state of the patient's nervous system. Pain in diseases of the genital area does not always correspond to the severity of the pathological process.

With a slight disorder of the genitals, the pain has an acute, sharp character, and in the chronic course of the process, sensations may be completely absent.

Therefore, when treating small patients, the doctor must find out the history of the disease, its beginning, where the pain is localized and where it spreads. The expressed pain in the genital area, namely in the clitoris, labia minora, is explained by the richness of nerve endings in this area.

But the inflammatory processes of the vagina are not painful, they are manifested only by a feeling of pressure, burning, but if fatty tissue is involved in the process, then there is a sharp pain, especially when touched.


This symptom is also a "guide" of the inflammatory process of the genital area in adults and children. By the nature of the leucorrhoea, as well as the presence of odor, one can judge the disease.

Itching and burning

Itching and burning of the external genital organs also accompanies inflammation of the genital organs.

Now let's dwell in more detail on the inflammatory process of the external genital organs in children, namely vulvitis.

Vulvitis in children

As mentioned above, vulvitis is an inflammation of the external genital organs (namely, the vestibule of the vagina, labia majora and labia majora, clitoris and the outer part of the urethra). According to statistics, this disease occurs more often in girls from 1 to 8 years old and is about 65 - 70%. It should be noted that this form of inflammation is often found with vaginitis and is called vulvovaginitis.

Causes of vulvitis

Vulvitis in girls can develop for a number of reasons.

These include several factors:

  • features of the structure of the genitals and physiology (the absence of "useful" lactobacilli that protect the vagina, the vaginal environment is neutral or close to alkaline, more open external genital slit);
  • increased purity "there" (when parents try to cleanly "wash" the child, thereby creating favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. And if this soap with a pleasant smell, and even antibacterial, then you should not wonder where this " byaka "was taken from the baby! As stated in the book by VE Radzinsky" Obstetric aggression ", the sterility of the vagina should not be allowed;
  • constant wearing of diapers also creates a condition for the development of pathogenic microorganisms (when the effect of a "greenhouse" under the diaper is created, where it is warm and humid, especially if you do not change them in time and do not arrange "air baths").
  • helminths can be the cause of the development of the inflammatory process of the external genital organs in girls. Roundworms have the ability to crawl out of the child's priests at night and lay eggs around the anus, they can also crawl into the vagina, thereby facilitating the ingress of eggs and intestinal flora into the genitals, resulting in intense itching and, as a result, inflammation;
  • mechanical factors, when, in the process of studying the surrounding world, a girl begins to stick various small objects, toys into her vagina, or simply touches her genitals with dirty hands;
  • chronic disorders in the endocrine system, as well as the presence in the body of other foci of chronic infection (tonsillitis, carious teeth).

Vulvitis in a newborn is at risk of developing as a result of passing through the mother's birth canal.

Thus, there are a large number of reasons that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process of the external genital organs in a girl, which means that every little princess is at risk. This places a lot of responsibility on the parents.

Factors that can cause vulvitis in girls have been described. However, it is worth talking about direct "culprits" of development. It:

  • viruses;
  • fungi;
  • bacteria;
  • protozoa;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonococci, etc.

Depending on which of them caused the inflammatory process, a distinction is made between specific and non-specific vulvitis.

How to recognize "him"?


The symptoms of the disease with vulvitis have all of the above signs, characteristic of the inflammatory process:

  1. Itching and burning in the genital area.
  2. Discharge from the genitals (which the mother can see on the child's panties), their nature depends on the specific pathogen. So, if the causative agent is a fungus, then the discharge will be cheesy, if it is Escherichia coli, then the discharge will be greenish-yellow with an unpleasant odor of feces, if the cause is Staphylococcus aureus - viscous and yellow, but mostly transparent leucorrhoea.
  3. Pain syndrome, especially aggravated by urination.
  4. Redness of the skin and mucous membranes, ulcers may form as a result of scratching.

Other symptoms - lack of appetite, sleep disturbances, abdominal pain, and stool disturbances - may occur, but are extremely rare.

Three forms of the disease

Vulvitis in girls can manifest itself in one of three forms:

  • the acute form is characterized by a bright onset, pronounced symptoms. Acute vulvitis lasts up to 1 month;
  • a subacute form of vulvitis, characterized by a change in periods of exacerbation and remission, lasting up to 3 months;
  • the chronic form of vulvitis is characterized by the possible absence of the above symptoms and only by the presence of burning sensation during urination, lasting more than 3 months.

Age factor

According to the age category, distinguish between:

  • vulvitis of infancy (0 to 12 months);
  • vulvitis of childhood (from 1 to 8 years old);
  • vulvitis in prepubertal period (from 8 years to the onset of menarche);
  • vulvitis in puberty (after the onset of menarche).

Allergic vulvitis

It also happens allergic vulvitis, the development of which can be provoked by various food products (a large amount of sweets, citrus fruits), synthetic underwear, chemicals. With this form of vulvitis, identical symptoms will be observed, possibly less pronounced, as well as redness of the surrounding skin and mucous membranes.

Candidal vulvitis

Candidal vulvitis develops as a result of damage to the vulva by fungi of the genus Candida. With this type of vulvitis, the main symptom is discharge from the genital tract in the form of cottage cheese. Infection of a newborn often occurs during the passage of the contaminated birth canal of the mother, which suggests that during pregnancy it is necessary to sanitize vulvovaginitis of any etiology.

Treatment of this type of vulvitis is carried out with appropriate drugs acting on yeast-like fungi. Also, in the complex, you can use washing with herbal infusions (chamomile, calendula), which perfectly cope with inflammation and relieve itching.

Thus, when at least one of the listed signs appears, it is imperative to see a doctor for diagnosis and timely treatment. However, there is an opinion that vulvitis is a commonplace inflammation that occurs with a high frequency in girls and is also easily treatable. However, inflammation is also in "Africa" ​​inflammation and entails certain consequences already in adulthood!

And recurrent vulvitis, that is, repeated repeated inflammation of the external genital organs, can lead to the development of complications: fusion of the labia minora, the appearance of ulcers of the mucous membranes due to intense itching of the skin, involvement in the inflammatory process of the urinary system with the development of cystitis, urethritis.

Diagnostics of the vulvitis

In most cases, when the above complaints appear, the mother and the girl turn to pediatricians.

The diagnosis of vulvitis can be made by a local pediatrician, however, further observation and treatment should be carried out by a pediatric gynecologist in order to avoid complications!

Diagnosis is based on examining a small patient, studying her life history and onset of the disease, and laboratory examination.

The main research method that allows you to identify the causative agent of inflammation is microscopic examination and bacteriological sowing of vaginal secretions for flora and antibiotic sensitivity.

If there is a suspicion that the nature of vulvitis has a specific character, then scraping is examined by the polymerase chain reaction method. In addition, a general blood test, urine test, urine culture for flora and many other tests that a pediatric gynecologist will prescribe to you is mandatory.

Treatment of vulvitis in girls

Let's talk about how to treat a girl's vulvitis. The main thing in the treatment of vulvitis in children is to eliminate inflammation and suppress the cause of this inflammation.

Recommended actions

Complex therapy, includes:

  • anti-inflammatory baths with the addition of decoctions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. To do this, pour 1 - 2 tablespoons of dry grass with 1 liter of boiling water, insist, cool, decant and carry out sessile baths for 3 - 5 minutes;
  • washing the external genitalia with antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, Miramistin);
  • symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating itching, burning (antihistamines, anti-inflammatory ointments);
  • in the case of bacterial vulvitis, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. If vulvitis is of a fungal nature, then antifungal drugs (Itraconazole, Fluconazole or topically Pimafucin cream, Clotrimazole). If the cause of Trichomonas is Metronidazole, Tinidazole. If vulvitis has developed as a result of the ingress of a foreign body, then it is removed, and with helminthic vulvitis, respectively, antihelminthic therapy;
  • for allergic vulvitis, limit the use of foods that cause allergies (citrus fruits, sweets, chocolate).

In addition, the complex treatment of vulvitis necessarily include:

  • multivitamins (synthetic) or foods fortified with vitamins;
  • preparations containing lactobacilli (Linex, Bifiform), in order to restore the microflora of the vagina;
  • increasing the body's immune forces (walking in the fresh air, exercise).


Linex is a preparation containing live strains of lactobacilli, easy to use in children from 1 year old. Available in capsule and powder form.

100 grams of powder contains at least 1 * 10 * 8 CFU. But, it should be noted that the drug is widely prescribed by pediatricians and in infancy.

Newborns and children under 7 years old are assigned 1 sachet per day, children over 7 years old - 2 sachets per day, it is possible in one dose. The duration of therapy is 30 days, if necessary, the course is repeated.

The drug is freely available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The price of the drug ranges from 400 to 600 rubles per package.


Bifiform (baby, baby, complex) is a complex probiotic that has various forms of release for different age categories - from newborns to adults.

  1. Bifiform baby available in the form of a suspension (1 dose 1 time per day for 20 - 21 days).
  2. Bifiform baby (release form - sachet). It is prescribed for children from 1 to 3 years old, 1 sachet 2 - 3 times a day, over 3 years old - 2 sachets 2 - 3 times a day.

The drug can be freely purchased in pharmacies in the city, without a doctor's prescription. Its price is, on average, 350 rubles per package.

Bifidumbacterin Forte

Bifidumbacterin Forte is a 4th generation probiotic. One dose of the drug contains at least 1 * 10 * 7 CFU. The form of the drug is powder. Children under the age of 6 months are prescribed 2.5 doses 2 - 6 times a day, children aged 6 months to 3 years - 5 doses 1 - 2 times a day, children over 3 years old - 10 doses 1 - 2 times a day. The course of taking the drug is 2-3 weeks, with repetitions 2 - 3 times a year.

The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The price is about 130 rubles for 10 pieces.

Measures to prevent vulvitis in girls and women

Currently, there is a huge amount of information for young parents on how to properly hygiene newborns and older girls.

Yes, you understood correctly, the hygiene of babies comes first! It is necessary to wash the girl properly with warm running water after each act of bowel movement and before going to bed! Water procedures after each trip to the toilet completely wash out the entire microflora of the vagina, making it sterile, and, therefore, defenseless against pathogenic flora.

It is necessary to wash from top to bottom, that is, in the direction from the vulva, perineum to the anus. Use toilet soap no more than 2 times a week. In addition, girls should have separate hygiene items (towel, washcloth).

You can also reduce the risk of developing vulvitis in girls and women if you stop wearing synthetic and tight-fitting underwear, change sanitary pads, diapers and diapers in a timely manner as they become dirty or every 4 hours.

In addition, it is of great importance in the prevention of the development of inflammation of the external genital organs, and not only, balanced and nutritious nutrition of children, prevention and timely treatment of concomitant and chronic diseases, as well as fortification.

Watch the video: GYNECOLOGIC EXAMINATION, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. (July 2024).