
At what age can a child be given goat milk?

Mother's milk is the most beautiful thing that a mother can give to her child, and there are no analogues to it. But it so happens that it is not enough or not at all and it is necessary to find a replacement. Of course, there are many different mixes on the shelves for different ages. Is it possible to use the milk of animals, such as goats, to feed a child?

Our article is devoted to goat milk, its properties. And he answers the questions - how to give it correctly and whether it is allowed to children under one year old.

Benefits of Goat Milk

At a time when formula was not so widespread on the market, our grandmothers most often fed babies with goat milk. The benefits of such milk are obvious:

  1. Milk is rich in minerals and vitamins. In composition, it is close to that of a cow, but it is much richer in calcium, iron, magnesium, proteins and fats.
  2. It contains much less lactase. Thanks to this quality, goat milk can be given to babies with digestive problems.

    Thanks to the experiments of US scientists, it was found that it more meets the physiological needs than cow's milk. For allergic tendencies, goat's milk is the best option for feeding a baby.

  3. Goat milk has hypoallergenic properties. This is achieved by the fact that the protein casein, which provokes allergies, is in small quantities.

Special benefits:

  • thanks to linolenic acid, it promotes immune growth;
  • serves as the prevention of rickets;
  • possesses, thanks to lysozyme, bactericidal properties;
  • normalizes bowel function;
  • due to the presence of potassium and magnesium, it improves the functioning of the conduction system of the child's heart.

According to myths, the Greek god Zeus was fed with goat's milk. That is why he was so belligerent.

A. Pradeus, immunologist: "It should be remembered that animal milk is created for young mammals and it is not advisable to transfer a baby to such milk."

Cons of goat milk:

  1. Lack of folate derivatives. Hence the risk of anemia in the child.
  2. More phosphorus, which gives extra work to the kidneys.
  3. High fat content.

Of course, goat milk for babies has a greater advantage over cow milk. But you should not violate the age criteria when introducing this product.

Contraindications to the use of goat milk

Unfortunately, the use of goat milk for babies also has some restrictions. Among them:

  • individual intolerance;
  • age under 9 months;
  • raw milk from a sick animal.

Goat milk for newborns

It is very important to determine the age range for the introduction of this product on the menu. You can give goat milk in its pure form only from 9 months, when the digestive system is already optimally formed, and its enzymes are ready to digest the goat's milk.

Newborn babies do not need such supplementary feeding.

This puts a lot of stress on the baby's kidneys and digestive tract.

How to give goat milk?

  1. Before giving goat milk to your baby, you need to find a quality supplier. It can be your own goat or a trusted store.

    If you take in a store, then be sure to look at the packaging for the implementation period - no more than ten days.

  2. To prevent infection with bacteria and viruses, it is necessary to boil the goat's milk.

    It should be remembered that goat milk can transmit a number of infections. One of them is brucellosis.

  3. Be sure to evaluate the organoleptic properties yourself - smell, color, taste. There should be no foreign odors, sour taste.
  4. It is optimal to give the child goat milk diluted with water 1: 4. At one meal, the child needs no more than 50 grams, therefore, when diluted with water, a volume of 250 ml is obtained.

    This dilution is recommended because goat's milk is very fatty, rich in calcium and phosphorus. A large concentration of these substances and elements overload the baby's body.

  5. In the first feedings, it is best to start with small portions of 20 ml.

    Watch the child's condition, the absence of allergic reactions.

With a positive effect, you can increase the single volume up to 50 ml.

Goat milk should be introduced into the diet only as a complementary food.

Goat milk in infant formula

Goat milk can be given to infants as adapted formulas. Their big plus is that they are close to breast milk in composition. And most importantly, such a product is hypoallergenic and looks good for children with manifestations of diathesis. Such mixtures can be given to a child from birth.

One of the brightest representatives of these mixtures is a mixture of the company "Nenny". The mixture is high in calories. She appeared on sale the very first in Russia. The mixture "Nanny" is rich in protein casein, thanks to which it relieves constipation. But its disadvantage is that it is not very similar to breast milk and other formulas.

Thanks to the research carried out, it was found that the highest quality mixtures are based on goat milk "Cabrita" and "Mil Kozochka".

Julia, 25 years old: “From birth I give my daughter“ Kozochka ”, an excellent mixture. No tummy problems, no stress on the kidneys. "

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky E.O. regarding the introduction of goat milk into a child's diet: “Goat milk is given unreasonably great importance. It does not represent any particular value. To transfer a child, especially a newborn, completely to feeding with goat's milk, I consider inappropriate. Moreover, the lack of folic acid can deplorably affect the hematopoietic system and cause anemia. You can use it if you live in a village, you have a personal goat that can give pure, uninfected goat milk. But you should still remember that even homemade goat's milk should be diluted with water, thereby reducing its fat content. "

Of course, before giving goat milk to a baby, you should consult a doctor. Goat milk has a number of advantages over cow milk, but also a number of disadvantages over breast milk. Do not seek to completely transfer the infant to animal milk. For full development, in the absence of human milk, he needs adapted mixtures, and only one feeding can be replaced with goat.

Watch the video: Goat Milk Gouda - Cheesemaking at Home (July 2024).