
Vegetables for the first feeding of babies and 12 doctor's recommendations for their preparation

For the first months of their life, babies drink only mother's milk or formula milk, so the introduction of new products into food is a big step in a child's life.

For the first months of their life, babies drink only mother's milk or formula milk, so the introduction of new products into food is a big step in a child's life.

When introducing complementary foods, it is important to offer the child a large amount of vegetables in order to obtain beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. This is also necessary in order for the baby to develop a habit of new tastes.

Early introduction of complementary foods will prevent the child from being too selective in food in the future and will enable parents to observe food allergies.

It is better to introduce vegetables first. They contain most of the beneficial minerals and vitamins that a growing body needs. Only when the child's body gets used to vegetables can the child be offered fruits. Vegetables have a neutral taste, they do not affect metabolism, do not have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

When can you give your child vegetable puree?

Experts recommend starting to introduce children's vegetable purees into the daily diet of a child at the age of six months. By this time, the children's digestive tract is able to efficiently absorb the ingredients of the puree without diarrhea and flatulence.

Before introducing the first vegetable feed to your child, make sure it is ready. The young digestive system takes time to develop before it can digest adult food.

  • Your baby should be able to hold his head on his own, open his mouth for a spoon, chew food in his mouth and then swallow it;
  • another indicator that the baby is ready for the first complementary food is a doubling of the body weight that was at birth.

Watch your baby's stools closely after eating new food. Refrain from introducing complementary foods if you notice watery stools. The digestive tract may not be ripe enough for mashed vegetables.

If the baby does not want to try an unfamiliar product, postpone its introduction until later. Try again after a few weeks.

The initial portion of the introduced product should be no more than a teaspoon. If the baby does not have problems with digestion, the dose of complementary foods should be increased every day by a teaspoon, until the portion is equal to the age norm.

Monocomponent purees made from steamed hypoallergenic vegetables are suitable for children 4 - 6 months old.

How to introduce complementary foods?

First, give your child a small amount of puree from a soft spoon. Do this for several weeks. Start with small meals, half a teaspoon each. Puree for babies should be given after breastfeeding.

Don't worry if your baby doesn't swallow all of the food. Babies often refuse food or spit it out. Remember, every child develops at their own pace. Some will learn to spoon-feed quickly, others will have little interest. Don't give up, try again.

Pediatricians usually advise starting with green vegetables because they are less sweet than yellow vegetables.

Instead of buying mashed potatoes for children at the store, you can make vegetable purees for your child at home using complementary foods recipes. If you do this, you will know exactly what is in the baby's food. Plus, you can save money this way, since store-bought baby vegetable puree for your child is usually more expensive than homemade one.

The best vegetable purees for the first feeding

Zucchini puree

Zucchini puree for the first feeding is the best choice. It is perfect for babies from 4 months old. It has a mild and delicate taste due to its fiber and high pectin content. This vegetable contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, which are essential for the metabolism of a growing child.

Zucchini is one of the few vegetables that has hypoallergenic properties. Folic acid, iron, copper, contained in zucchini in large quantities, play a significant role in hematopoiesis.

Squash puree

Very nutritious puree for babies. Patisson is rich in calcium, fiber and vitamins, it can be given to children from 4 to 6 months. This is another sweet tasting food that is very soft and easy to swallow.

Pumpkin puree

Rich in ascorbic acid, iron and many nutrients. Pumpkin is a great addition to a child's diet, an ideal companion for less sweet vegetables such as squash and green beans. It also goes well with fruits and meats. In addition, pumpkin is high in fiber, low in fat and very few calories.

Cauliflower puree

From about six months, you can give the baby cauliflower. It is a vegetable high in vitamins C and K.

Green Bean Puree

If you think your baby is ready to try green vegetables, baby green bean purees are a good option for a 4-5 month old baby's first meal.

Beans are saturated with vitamins A and K, which contributes to the formation of the baby's immunity. Using it as the first green vegetable in complementary foods will help your child get used to this color.

Pea mash

Even if the parents don't like peas, the child is more likely to eat them. Peas are another favorite among young children because they taste sweet. This food is high in protein, high in fiber and improves digestion. Peas are also rich in vitamins A and C.

Broccoli puree

Broccoli is one of the most advanced green vegetables around. It is usually given between 8 and 10 months. This vegetable contains a lot of fiber and ascorbic acid. Helpful for constipation.

Mashed potatoes

This is one of the best first purees for babies. The potatoes are very soft and tasty. It contains a lot of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid, which helps to strengthen the child's immune system. Due to its high coarse fiber content, this vegetable will help with digestion.

Carrot puree

Carrots are another favorite vegetable for babies. This is because carrots also taste sweet. Rich in beta-carotene, carrots are a nutritious addition to a child's diet.

The high vitamin A content helps maintain healthy vision and helps the body resist infection. In addition, carrots are versatile - they can be mixed with a variety of fruits, meat and other vegetables.

Turnip puree

As soon as the baby crosses the 6-8 month line, try giving him a turnip. It is rich in ascorbic acid and calcium and is high in coarse fiber and protein. Turnip has a sweet taste and is easily digested.

Eggplant puree

Eating eggplants saturates the body with vitamins A, B6 and folic acid. This vegetable also contains minerals like potassium and calcium. The high fiber content will help your child improve stool if they are constipated.

Spinach puree

Calcium-rich and packed with antioxidants, spinach is ideal for older children. This leafy green vegetable contains many nutrients, including vitamin A, selenium, and iron.

Spinach is high in nitrate levels and should be consumed in moderation.

Beetroot puree

You can add variety to your baby's diet with antioxidant-rich beets. As soon as the child tastes different yellow and green vegetables, it is time to taste this wonderful root vegetable too. Beets are high in calcium, potassium, vitamin A and coarse fiber. This vegetable is nutritious and will delight the baby with its colorfulness.

Asparagus puree

Bright and tasty, asparagus contains many vitamins and nutrients, including iron, calcium and vitamin A. But like cauliflower and broccoli, this coarse-fiber-rich vegetable can be difficult to digest.

Wait until the child is a little older (from 10 months) before offering him this puree. Asparagus can be consumed as a standalone dish or mixed with other vegetables.

How to make vegetable puree for a baby with your own hands?

Follow these steps to make the first complementary puree:

  1. Choose fresh, ripe vegetables for the first feeding for babies. The most delicious and nutritious baby vegetable puree for complementary foods comes from the freshest vegetables at their peak.

    Choose vegetables with firm flesh and bright color. Avoid crushed, stained vegetables.

  2. Frozen or canned vegetables can be used to make the first complementary puree, but they will not have the same nutritional value and taste as fresh vegetables puree.
  3. Any type of vegetable should be mashed, although it is more difficult to make a smoother puree from green vegetables. Carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, broccoli, courgettes and any other pulpy vegetables soften when cooked.
  4. Wash the vegetables. When manipulating them under running cold water, make sure to remove all traces of dirt.

    You can use an herbal cleanser if you are cleaning vegetables that have been treated with pesticides.

  5. Peel the vegetables if necessary. Cut off the top and bottom ends of the vegetables with a knife and remove any wrinkles.
  6. Cut vegetables into thin slices. Cutting vegetables into slices rather than cubes will shorten the cooking time, and the baby puree will become more uniform in consistency.
  7. Boil some water in a deep bowl. You don't need to fill it up completely, you just need some water to steam the vegetables. Two to four glasses of water are enough, it all depends on the size of the dishes used.
  8. Steaming vegetables is the best way to preserve nutrients. Boiling vegetables is another option for preparing them, but boiling has been shown to destroy some beneficial vitamins.
  9. Steam vegetables for 15 to 20 minutes. Fill a special basket with vegetable wedges and place in a saucepan. Cover the pot to start cooking the vegetables.

    Avoid large quantities of vegetables in the cooking container. You may have to do it in batches.

    After 15 to 20 minutes, the vegetables should be soft enough.

  10. If a basket is not available, place the vegetable slices in boiling water. Cook for a quarter of an hour or until soft.
  11. Use a blender. Place 1 cup cooked vegetables in a blender, add a little water if necessary for a smoother texture.
  12. Transfer the puree from the blender to the container used for feeding the baby.

The beginning of complementary feeding plays a decisive role in the work of the digestive system, and for the healthy state of the child as a whole. Parents need to be very careful about their baby's nutrition to avoid further problems.

Watch the video: 10 Month Old Baby Food Recipes (July 2024).