
Sizes of clothes for newborns

Choosing clothes for a newborn baby is not easy. All children are different. Babies grow and develop at a different pace, each of them has its own height and body characteristics. Boys and girls are also different in appearance. For the convenience of choosing, experts recommend using special size tables.

Children's suit should be comfortable

Selection of clothes for the baby

In order to properly form a newborn's wardrobe, it is necessary to know the main features of young children: the abrupt pace of development (the child grows "by leaps and bounds"), undeveloped thermoregulation processes (the baby is very easy to overheat or, conversely, overcooled), features of baby skin sensitive to allergenic materials and easily irritated by contact with rough tissues).

When choosing outfits for a newly born baby, keep in mind the following:

  • The suit should not be too tight so that the baby's internal organs are not squeezed;
  • It is worth giving preference to natural fabrics and forgetting about synthetics, at least until the baby is one year old;
  • Clothes, shoes and hats should not have rivets and buttons with sharp corners;
  • If possible, it is worth choosing models with adjustable length and transformer models - they will last much longer.

Guided by these simple rules, you can create an optimal children's wardrobe.

Wardrobe selection should be taken care of in advance

Types of children's clothing

If the baby was born in the summer, the first three months are enough for him diapers and undershirts. However, more comfortable functional clothing is required for walks and visits to the doctor. The kid will need:

  • Envelope jumpsuit for walking in a stroller;
  • Undershirts. They are usually worn by children up to six months. When the child learns to sit independently, they are replaced with T-shirts or T-shirts with short sleeves;
  • Body. These are comfortable clothes for walking in the summer and for scheduled visits to the doctor;
  • Sliders. They are needed when the baby begins to actively move. However, if it is cold at home or outdoors, sliders can also be worn on the newborn, under the diaper in which it is wrapped.

Hats are an integral part of children's wardrobe. For children under one year old, this is a thin cotton cap (put on after bathing), a denser flannel cap (worn when walking and at home, if the apartment is cold), a woolen cap for the street.

In winter, baby booties or warm woolen socks are put on the baby's romper. It is strictly forbidden to wear them on a bare leg, because sensitive baby skin can feel severe discomfort from direct contact with wool.

Selection of things in winter and summer

In summer, children up to three months old are put on a vest and a light calico cap, the baby is wrapped in a diaper. In hot weather, you can do without sliders. Therefore, if the baby was born in the warm season, for the summer he will need diapers, undershirts and two or three caps. You don't have to buy an envelope for a walk, because the baby is still covered with a blanket in the stroller.

A “winter” newborn will definitely need a warm overalls and a woolen hat. You should also pick up flannel jackets with rivets and insulated sliders that are suitable in size. In addition to chintz diapers, you will need denser ones.

The kid should feel comfortable in his suit

How much to buy clothes

If the newborn constantly wears disposable diapers, there is no point in purchasing a large number of clothes. For the first three months of life, the baby will need:

  • Winter walking bag - 1 pc .;
  • Woolen hat for winter-autumn - 1 piece;
  • Calico cap 3-4 pcs. and 2-3 pcs. flannel;
  • Calico and flannel diapers - 15-20 pcs.;
  • Undershirts (chintz, flannel) - 10 pcs.;
  • Flannel blouses with fasteners - 5-6 pcs.

On request, you can also purchase several baby bodysuits and overalls made of cotton fabric. Which color to choose depends on the gender of the child and the tastes of the parents. Also, young parents usually buy two or three sets of bedding for a crib.

Attention! You should not buy too many products of the same size and type, because babies under one year old develop at a very fast pace. It is known that in the first three months the baby grows by about 10 cm. Then the weight gain and growth slows down a little. A child from six months to a year, on average, adds 300-500 grams. and grows by 2-2.5 cm per month.

Types of dimensional grids

The sizes of clothes for newborns can be found in the so-called "nets". There are two types of them: depending on the height ("by centimeters") and depending on the age ("by months"). The first mesh allows you to more accurately select clothes and can be used when choosing a wardrobe for premature babies. The size of the child by months is convenient to use when relatives choose clothes as a gift for the baby, knowing exactly his age, but at the same time do not represent his complexion. When using this variant of the table, it is recommended to choose clothes "for growth", focusing on the data in the column dedicated to the older age.

Dimensional chart by month

A size chart will help you choose the right clothes. Height, weight, body length, chest and head girth in boys and girls during the first ode after birth differ slightly. These data depend largely not on gender, but on the pace of development of the baby and heredity. In this regard, in Russia it is customary to use universal sizes of newborns, suitable for use in both boys and girls. In preschool age, from about three years of age, the difference in weight and height between boys and girls becomes more noticeable. Therefore, starting from this age, it is advisable to use separate size charts for male and female children.

Attention! It is impossible to be guided by the data of the size range to determine the best suit for a premature baby. In this case, special requirements are imposed on clothes, and sizes are calculated individually, depending on the specific situation and the degree of the baby's lag in physical development.

Baby cap size

A warm woolen hat for a winter walk in winter can be purchased one size larger, because the child is wearing a cotton cap under it.

Newborn size by month headwear table

Age in months0-11-23-45-67-910-12
Head circumference34-3940-4141,5-4343,5-4546-4848,5-50
The size67891011

When buying bonnets and hats, you should give preference to models with comfortable ties. A child, even a baby, spends a lot of time on the move, so the hat should not fall off.

Socks and shoes size

The very first shoes of the child are woolen booties with soft soles. However, as soon as the baby learns to walk, he should put on leather boots (on thin socks) on his legs, otherwise flat feet may develop quickly.

Dimensional chart of a newborn, socks and shoes

Age in months0-11-23-45-67-910-12
Foot length (to take a measurement, you can put a child's foot on a piece of paper and circle it with a pen)less than 6.46,5-7,47,5-8,48,5-9,49,5-10,410,5-11,4
The size67891011

Pediatricians and orthopedists strongly advise young children not to wear someone's shoes, even if they are in perfect condition and fit exactly in size. Failure to observe this rule can lead to leg illnesses, serious gait and posture disorders.

Orthopedists urge parents not to wear other people's shoes on young children

Jumpsuit size

Parents often buy overalls for newborns "for growth". At the same time, they are guided by the fact that on the street the baby still lies in a stroller and does not experience any inconvenience in a spacious suit. However, doing so is wrong. If the jumpsuit is too large, cold can penetrate into gaps and crevices. It should also be borne in mind that babies up to three months old feel comfortable only in a tight-fitting "cocoon". If the jumpsuit is too large, the baby will wake himself up during sleep with involuntary movements of his arms and legs.

In the cells of the table below, not only height is taken into account, but also how much the baby weighs. This data can be used when knitting suits with your own hands.

Newborn clothing size for overalls

Age in months0-11-23-45-67-910-12
Height, cm50 – 5657 – 6162 - 6768 – 7374 - 7980 – 85
Weight, kg3 – 3,55 – 5,57 – 88 – 99 – 1111 – 12
The size566268748086

If the baby was born in winter, it is better to purchase a jumpsuit with a removable lining made of natural fur. In the spring, when the child is older, the lining can be unfastened. The jumpsuit will immediately become larger and will last for at least another year and a half: a boy or girl will be able to walk in it when he learns to walk.

Sizes of bodysuit and vests

You should not choose undershirts that are tied with a cord and ribbon. The most convenient and safest option is a metal snap fastener. The bodysuit should have a similar fastener at the bottom for easy diaper change.

Standard sizes of a newborn baby for clothes, bodysuits and undershirts

Age in months0-11-23-45-67-910-12
Height50 – 5657 – 6162 - 6768 – 7374 – 7980 – 85
Chest girth404244464850
The size505662687480

It is convenient to put on undershirts on newborns and babies in the first time after birth, up to three months. From three months, when children begin to actively move, it is better to replace them with a comfortable bodysuit in combination with sliders.

Bodysuits are very comfortable clothes for the baby

Slider sizes

Sliders come in two flavors: strapless closed-toe pants and strappy pants. The second option is more convenient. On some models, the buttons on which the straps are fastened are arranged in two rows. This helps to regulate the height: the sliders can “grow” with their little master.

Children under one year old, sliders

Age in months0-11-23-45-67-910-12
Height50 – 5657 – 6162 – 6768 – 7374 – 7980 – 85
Chest girth404244464850
The size566268748086

Closed-foot sliders are enough for babies under three months old. For older children, you should purchase several pairs of ordinary cotton pants that imitate trousers, with socks and booties.

When choosing a suit for an infant under one year old and a dowry in a maternity hospital during pregnancy, one should first of all pay attention to the size. To make the baby feel as comfortable as possible, you should not take things "for growth." Also, do not wear suits that are too tight and tight, otherwise the child will sweat a lot, his natural heat exchange will be disrupted.


Watch the video: What Size Baby Clothes To Buy. CloudMom (July 2024).