
Circle for bathing newborns

Many experts suggest using the circle for bathing newborns because of its beneficial effects on the immune system and the nervous system. Also, the bathing process itself becomes more fun for the baby and allows parents to relax.

Girl with a circle in the bathroom

When to start using

Pediatricians recommend waiting for the umbilical wound to heal before purchasing a device and starting swimming procedures. At that moment, when the baby's wound heals, you can start using the inflatable accessory and introduce the baby to water.

Parents often have a question, from how many months it is possible to bathe a child in the bathroom with a circle around his neck without the danger of his day. At the age of 1-2 months, you can already use the device. Some babies begin to wear it even before they reach one month.

Additional Information. If the baby is not yet holding the head, then there is nothing to worry about. The design of the water accessory is a good head restraint. Also, the circle acts as a kind of "collar" that helps the neck muscles not to experience unnecessary stress.

Benefits for baby in bathing with a circle:

  • Quick addiction to water
  • Strengthening, development of the muscular frame and ligaments,
  • Development of attention in the baby, as he begins to respond to the words of an adult, looks at him,
  • At the time of water games, the child is highly oxygenated, due to this, the brain develops faster,
  • Due to the acceleration of blood circulation, the functioning of the digestive system improves, therefore colic and sleepless nights disappear without a trace,
  • Intracranial and intrathoracic pressure is normalized,
  • The lungs open up to the maximum,
  • All metabolic processes return to normal,
  • The child actively moves and gets tired faster, this contributes to a good and sound sleep.

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends a bathing circle to absolutely everyone, but warns against purchasing low-quality products.

Pros for parents to use when bathing a circle:

  • The bathing process becomes less energy-consuming and difficult, since you do not have to keep the baby in the water all the time,
  • The child can move in all directions, swim from side to side. This distinguishes the circle from a special slide for bathing in the bathroom,
  • Water does not get into the baby's mouth and eyes, thus does not scare him and does not create a negative experience in bathing,
  • The baby's head is well fixed, so both he and the parent are less nervous,
  • With a circle there is an opportunity to swim in an adult bathroom,
  • A kid with a circle around his neck feels security and freedom, which gives the parent the opportunity to once again rejoice when looking at his child.

How to choose

The main components in choosing a quality device:

  • Strong fixing method. As a rule, Velcro straps are used. It is necessary to check that they are performed efficiently.
  • Circle material. Must be marked "environmentally friendly PVC".
  • Form and number of chambers. There are one or two cameras. With two chambers, the inflation process is more difficult, however, such a sample will help not to swallow water, especially when working together in the pool.
  • The size. You should choose based on the weight of the baby and age. Most models take into account the age of the baby. In this case, only the diameter of the product changes.
  • The mark "Eco-Friedly" is required. This mark helps to distinguish higher quality samples from other products.

Subject to all the points, the provision of appropriate documentation, as well as the observance of safety measures at home, bathing will be safe and pleasant for the baby.

It is recommended to visit large children's stores, where a high range of goods is offered, and there is always an opportunity to return a defective purchase.

The basic rule in choosing a circle for a baby is the absence of any damage and a strong chemical smell. It is also important that the stitches are not stiff as this will compress the infant's neck.

Flipper circle for swimming

Most popular models:

  • Flipper. Production - Russia. Child's weight - up to 18 kg. The maximum age is 2 years. 2 cameras.
  • Baby-Krug. A distinctive feature is the presence of not only Velcro, but also belts with a lock. 2 cameras.
  • Baby-Swimmer. The best-selling model that meets all sanitary standards. 2 cameras. Sometimes a rattle is present.
  • Swim-Trainer. Age - 1-7 years old. Up to 5 cameras. There is no Velcro. There are shoulder straps.
  • Baby-Tone. A distinctive feature is the presence of rattles, music and pens. 1 camera.

Preparing your child for swimming with a circle

Exercise to prepare swimming with a circle

In the first year of life, bathing a child with a circle will help him quickly get used to the water and adapt to bathing.

Note! You should not immediately place your baby in water with an accessory. Bathing a child with a circle should begin after preliminary acquaintance with water and a new environment. No matter how long it takes, it is better to wait for the right moment and be patient. Otherwise, the child may be frightened and generally not want to swim in the bathroom.

In the first bathing, you can lower the circle next to the baby so that he is just next to the baby. Also, when the child is awake, it is permissible to leave a circle in the room with him so that he can study and play with him.

In order for the baby to be calm at the time of swimming with a circle, he must first be prepared for this event. You should definitely talk to him, play. When he is still quite a crumb, then you can go behind him, call out to him so that he turns and begins to swim to his parent. A little later, add toys to which he will reach and swim.

With older kids, games become more difficult:

  • Several toys are immersed in the water. The kid swims and collects them in a certain container.
  • Take a medium sized ball. Show the kid how he sways in the water. In the process, the child will understand that he also needs and can flounder, floundering with legs and arms so that waves appear.
  • Help the baby swim to the side. Then put his legs on the side and show how to push off. Then arrange similar swims from one side of the bathroom to another.

It is advisable to carry out preliminary gymnastics before swimming, kneading all the muscles, first with soft movements, then with more active ones.

In order for the child to understand well what positions apply when bathing, it is also necessary to use bathing exercises without a circle:

  • The baby's position is on the back. Both of the adult's hands are on either side of the baby's neck. The little and fourth fingers touch the upper back. In this fixed position, the baby is moved in the water from one side to another.
  • The position of the baby is on the tummy. An important rule is the absence of tension in the child's neck. Therefore, the hands of an adult are located on the upper part of the chest, slightly raise the chin of the crumbs. A very comfortable option for a child - an adult holds the baby in the chest area with one hand, while the chin is placed on top of this hand, the other hand is free, it can hold the baby's body.

Additional Information. In the event that the baby has refused to carry out such water activities, you can try diving with him. They are also widely appreciated for their benefits. In addition, they help in cleansing the sinuses and getting rid of gas formation in an infant.

Terms of use

Before using the circle for babies for bathing, you need to inflate it and check if there are any kinds of damage. After lowering it into the water, take a closer look if it retains its appearance while on the water. If everything is in order, then you can start swimming.

Note! After the two chambers of the device are filled with air, a depression is formed between them, which envelops the contour of the child's neck and the place of fixation of the chin. Only then is everything ready for use.

How to put on

Straps to secure the circle around the neck

In the process of dressing, the following scheme is applied:

  • Pre-wash the circle with baby gel and dry it,
  • The baby is laid on the tummy in the lap of the parent,
  • Wear a circle very carefully, using the moment when the baby begins to raise its head,
  • Pay attention to the fact that the baby's chin is in a special recess,
  • Fix the Velcro straps,
  • Examine the child - he should be comfortable.

Important! It is only necessary to wear a bathing circle for a newborn baby in the room before swimming. It is strictly forbidden to perform this process in water.

If someone can hold the baby, then the process is performed many times faster and more calmly for all participants:

  • Velcro is unfastened
  • The rings of the circle are spread apart,
  • Carefully and slowly the circle is put on the baby's neck,
  • The chin is placed in a specially designated place for it,
  • Velcro is fastened, while the tightness of the circle to the baby's neck is controlled.

After that, just as slowly lower the baby into the water, where you can no longer hold the baby, but you should definitely follow it so that the circle does not unfasten randomly, or the baby itself does not catch on to it, does not take it off on its own. Despite the fact that the circle is a popular and modern product, you still need to be very careful and vigilant with it.

How to remove a circle without anyone's help

The child raises his head while lying on his tummy

It is necessary to remove the circle in the same way as to put it on. It is important to perform this process not in the bathroom, but in the room, laying the baby on your knees on the tummy. At that moment, when the baby instinctively begins to raise the head, the device is carefully removed.

Some mothers offer to wear a circle when the baby lies facing them. In such cases, the baby's head begins to hang down, which makes it quick and easy to remove the accessory from the baby.

How to swim with a circle

Child bathes with a circle around his neck

The very first water activities with an accessory last no more than 10 minutes, since the baby comes across it for the first time, makes many independent movements in the water. In view of this, a large amount of energy is expended.

Bathing time increases every day by a minute. Be sure to pay attention to the baby and his activity.

Swimming with a circle occurs both in the position on the back and on the stomach. Initially, it is permissible to help the child by pointing out the directions of movement. To do this, an adult takes the edge of the circle and pushes it in the necessary direction. The kid will quickly understand everything and learn to swim. As a rule, all babies enjoy bathing with such a water accessory.

Important Precautions:

  • Do not leave your child unattended,
  • Do not inflate the circle to the limit, during swimming it may burst,
  • Inflate only with your mouth
  • Baby's feet must touch the bottom of the bathroom,
  • The valves must be tightly closed,
  • It is forbidden to use a circle at a depth of more than 1 meter,
  • Do not fill it with water,
  • A swimming circle is not a lifesaver.

Contraindications for use

There are contraindications to using a swimming circle for newborns. Babies with these diseases are strictly forbidden to carry out water procedures with him:

  • Congenital diseases
  • Genetically transmitted diseases
  • SARS, colds,
  • Infections
  • Childbirth injuries
  • Epidermolysis bullosa,
  • Purulent formations in the neck area,
  • Hypertensive-hydroceval syndrome,
  • Increased, decreased muscle tone,
  • Rash on the neck, chest, inflammatory skin diseases.

For rashes on the neck and chest, it is forbidden to use the circle

Additional Information. If the crumbs do not have diseases from this list, however, there are doubts about their use, or there are other diseases, the right solution to the issue would be to visit the attending physician, pediatrician and, necessarily, a neurologist.

Some negative reviews about the device are often associated with the fact that the parent did not wear the circle correctly, did not follow the safety rules, or frightened the child, as a result of which he refused to wear it later. There are much more advantages in using, since the circle for babies for bathing can be used even when the baby does not know how to hold the head. Any adult will be glad that he does not have to stand in an uncomfortable position while bathing the child, who at that moment can swim in the bathroom with pleasure.

Watch the video: How do I keep up with personal hygiene with a newborn? - Dr. Amit Jayasingrao Nigade (July 2024).