
How to dress a newborn for a walk in winter

When the baby is discharged from the hospital, the parents try to regularly walk with the baby. Walking in the fresh air at any time of the year has a good effect on the full development of the child, both psychological and physical. Staying in the fresh air ensures a good mood for the child, healthy sleep and development of immunity. From fresh air, the baby's lungs are freed from accumulated dust, the bronchi are moistened, which reduces the risk of diseases. In addition, all the internal systems of the body begin to work in an enhanced mode, because the baby needs to maintain the level of energy costs, for example, when fighting the cold air temperature.

Walking with a toddler in winter

If in the summer the issue of clothing is resolved quickly, then with the onset of cold weather, many mothers think about how to dress a newborn for a walk in winter.

Choosing winter clothes

When choosing winter clothes for a newborn, air temperature and weather conditions such as wind, sun or precipitation are taken into account. For babies, you need to choose the right clothes so that they do not cause an allergic reaction in delicate skin. To do this, make sure that all materials are natural and contain as little dyes as possible.

If the first months of a baby's life pass just in the winter, mothers make sure that there are as few exposed parts of the body as possible. For this, a special jumpsuit is purchased that is worn under outerwear. It will protect the back and abdomen of a nursing baby from hypothermia.

Important! Clothes for the baby should not hinder his movements, so they choose not too narrow and not too loose.

For newborns, it is not recommended to purchase clothes with large fittings, such as zippers, buttons and other things. So that the baby does not feel uncomfortable with the clothes, it is chosen with seams on the outside and soft buttons.

Mothers make sure that the child does not get overcooled or overheated. Don't wear too many clothes for this. Before the walk, the mother always begins to gather, putting on outerwear on herself, then the baby. Otherwise, he may get sick and catch a cold. Likewise, it is not recommended to go to stores with newborns for a long time. If there is no one to leave the child on the street with, they try to choose the type of outerwear that can be easily removed while indoors.

Babies are dressed warmly but not wrapped

Newborns don't need so many things for winter walks. All of them make up three layers of clothing: underwear, warm and top, as well as socks, mittens, hats and a scarf. To understand that the child has been put on the right amount of things, they touch his neck before going out. If it is very hot and even damp, it means that the child is already bursting, and one layer of clothing needs to be removed. If the baby's nose becomes cold during the walk, it means that the baby is cold and another layer of clothing is needed. The mother does this check several times to monitor the child's condition.

Parents should remember that newborns' metabolism is very different from adults. Therefore, if somewhere the parents are freezing, the child can be quite good. Most often, there are precisely those cases when the child is not cold, but sweating.

Choosing a hat

The correct choice of a baby hat is an important point, since it is the head that freezes in babies first.

Important! Babies must wear a thin cap or hat under the warm top. This is done not only to keep warm, but also to prevent irritation.

When choosing a hat for babies, pay attention to the presence of strings so that it holds firmly and does not slip. The cap itself should cover the ears, neck and forehead - this is a must for babies. When the child is very small, they try not to take the hat for growth, since it should tightly cover the head. If there is free space, then the head may begin to freeze. In order to choose a hat by size, the circumference of the baby's head is measured before buying.

The cap covers the head as much as possible

Choosing a jumpsuit and socks

It is recommended to give preference to jumpsuits in a larger size (60th is just right). If a child was born at the beginning of winter, then during the winter he will grow up rather quickly. If you take a jumpsuit with a size smaller, then by the spring it may already be small. The baby will wear a 60-size jumpsuit all winter and early spring.

In this case, the size is determined by the height of the child. Many modern manufacturers of children's clothing produce products indicating sizes 0-1, 3-5, and the like. This refers to the child's age in months - from birth to 3 months. If only one number is indicated, then we are talking about years.

Sometimes the marking is double, for example, 60/47 (height / chest girth). In this case, the child is measured immediately under the armpits. It is better to focus not on the specified size by year, but on the build of the baby.

The main focus is on the type and thickness of the insulation. Filling happens:

  • fleece;
  • feathers or down;
  • sheepskin or camel wool;
  • synthetic product (sintepon, etc.).

For the winter version, it is recommended to take a wool lining, since it is considered natural and warm. Fleece is a good choice for autumn or winter. However, it is important that parents understand that even the warmest type of overalls filler can only keep warm for a limited amount of time. If mothers plan to walk for more than 30 minutes, then the child will gradually freeze.

Don't forget about socks. For a winter walk, two pairs of socks are worn on the baby: thin and woolen. A second layer of socks is required, even if the jumpsuit is warm enough. Wool materials work best for warm socks.

Clothes at different temperatures

In winter, the temperature can fluctuate greatly, rising above 0 degrees and dropping to frost. In each of these cases, the newborn is dressed differently so that the baby does not catch a cold.

The main rule that a mother should adhere to in winter, in all weather conditions, is that the child should not be wrapped up. It is best to dress your toddler like yourself with another layer of clothing and cover the top with a blanket. This formula is most likely.

At temperatures above 0 °

The weather is sometimes unpredictable, and the temperature rises above 0. Moms are at a loss how to dress a newborn for a walk in winter if it suddenly gets warmer. It is enough to change the bottom layer of warm clothes to a thinner one, leave the outer clothes the same, even at +1.

Temperature from 0 to -10 °

In this case, they try to dress the baby in a warmer version.

Universal winter version

  1. It is advised to first put on a diaper, underwear or bodysuit with pants, as well as thin socks and a hat.
  2. Then move on to a warm layer of clothing. Opt for jumpsuits made of wool or fleece and warm socks.
  3. The top layer of clothing is in the form of street jumpsuit, mittens, a hat and a scarf. As a jumpsuit for walking, it is advised to choose models based on sheepskin, because natural materials are always better. Many mothers for newborns purchase an envelope instead of overalls.

This set of clothes is enough to make your baby feel comfortable while walking. If there is a strong wind, the mother can take a small blanket with her in the stroller to protect the baby from drafts.

Temperature below - 10 °

It is not recommended to take walks for babies up to a month at temperatures below -10. In order for the baby to breathe fresh air, mother can go out with him to the balcony.

After a month, walks at this temperature are already permissible. The child is dressed in the same way as described above, but wrapped in a warm blanket on top of the stroller.

Cover your face or not

Some mums worry about their baby's open face. They think about how to dress the baby so that he is warm and comfortable, is it worth covering his face? Such concerns are not groundless, because the child should really be warm, but there is no need to wrap his face. The baby's nose is resistant to frost even from the first days of life. If you cover it with a blanket or something else, the baby's breathing may be difficult.

In addition, modern strollers have a variety of attachments and visors so that neither rain nor snow bothers the child on the street.

The face is not covered, if necessary, a stroller visor is used

Duration of walks in winter

It is recommended to go out with a baby for the first time, some time after discharge from the hospital. They are waiting for the newborn to get used to the house, then you can begin to take the first short walks with him - about a quarter of an hour. The next day the duration may be longer. Someone prefers to make one exit, but longer, someone makes several short walks a day. It is not recommended to go outside for the first time if the air temperature is below -5 °. By the month they walk with the baby as much as the parents want and how much it is comfortable for him under the temperature conditions.

Note! Starting from the month of life, the baby should be accustomed to walking and, on average, be in the fresh air for 1.5-2 hours daily.

With a month-old baby, you can walk up to -10, but provided there is no wind. Later, when the baby is already a little older, walks can be at -15. Pediatricians advise to shorten the usual walking time in cold weather.

During the first months of life, it is not necessary to walk with your child along different routes. It is enough to be on the balcony or just in the yard. The main thing is that the place was chosen quiet and calm.

The first months are walking on a balcony or in a quiet place

Additional Information. Before a walk, it is recommended to apply a protective baby cream on the child's cheeks so that the strong wind does not damage the baby's delicate skin.

In addition, mothers should collect the stroller in advance and put everything they may need during the walk:

  • drinking bottles (milk or water);
  • napkins handkerchiefs (wet or paper);
  • removable diapers;
  • warm diaper.

In general, mothers should understand that the main thing in walking with newborn children is comfort. Care must be taken to ensure that the child is neither cold nor too hot. Walking can be limited in time due to extreme cold weather. Additionally, it is advised to do without slings in winter, preferring strollers. It will be warmer for the baby and easier for the mother herself.