
A baby at 4 months does not roll over on its stomach

Starting from the period of newborn, and up to a year, children develop at a rapid pace. Every month they learn new skills and acquire useful skills. These include coups.

The baby lies on his back, does not turn over, the legs are bent, pressed to the body

First attempts to roll over

Upon reaching 3 months, babies make their first independent attempts to see the world in an upright position. At this point, they can raise and hold their head well, as well as raise their ribcage and shoulders, leaning on their elbows when lying on their stomach.

Spending time lying on your stomach is very beneficial for babies from a physiological point of view - it helps to develop the muscles of the arms, neck and back, stimulates blood circulation and improves the functioning of the digestive system. This technique stimulates the child's desire to roll over. The new picture of the world, different from the one that he observed in the first months of his life, when he was lying on his back, should really please and interest him. This will cause the baby to make more attempts to change his position. The child does not immediately roll over. Development occurs gradually as the muscles strengthen. The first step in this direction is to turn on your own. The child turns his head in the direction of the object or toy of interest, pulls the arms towards it, followed by the legs and body.

Having mastered this step, the baby seeks to do the next - to make a complete turn from the back to the tummy. To do this, just turn your head, throw one leg over the other and help yourself with your shoulders and hands to turn the body over. By the age of 4 months, most children can repeat the simple movements.

Important! A coup can happen completely unexpectedly for parents, so you should take measures in advance and secure places for games and pastime with high enough sides to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Reasons for not having a coup at 4 months

All children are different, for each the moment of the coup comes at its own time. The fact that a child does not turn over on his stomach at 4 months may indicate that the baby is not ready for this step.

Note! Premature babies develop differently, they need more time to learn the skills of turning and turning.

Main reasons

The reasons why the child himself does not roll over from his back to his tummy may be personality traits, the degree of activity and interest of the child. Weight and temperament matter. A well-fed and calm baby is less active, in the absence of a stimulus, he will not strive to change the position of his body in space and bother himself, mobile, flexible and energetic - he will. Such a toddler rarely stays at rest and tries in every way to get freedom of movement to make new discoveries.

The kid bends the back, raises the body and legs, lying on his stomach

Cause of developmental delay

Physiological reasons why a baby does not turn over at 4 months:

  • neurological abnormalities, in particular, uneven muscle tone;
  • asymmetric development of the hip joints;
  • injuries sustained while passing through the birth canal;
  • other complications as consequences of intrauterine infection, hypoxia or asphyxia.

Identification of deviations of this kind occurs in the first days after birth in the maternity hospital and in the following months during scheduled visits to specialists. With early diagnosis and timely treatment, the situation changes for the better.

Is it scary

The development of children occurs gradually and consistently, new achievements are impossible without consolidating the good results that preceded them. The ability to make coups is acquired when the motor muscles are sufficiently strengthened. If this did not happen, and the baby at 4 months has not yet turned over, in the absence of any pathology in the child, you should be patient and wait until they reach 7 months of age.

Nature also provides the opportunity to skip one step in development and move on to the next. In this case, the baby can bypass the stage of coups and begin to make attempts to sit down, then crawl.

Dr. Komarovsky says that it is worth paying attention to the presence or absence of progress, and not to the norms and terms. If a child at 4 months old did not manage to learn how to turn on his side and roll over on his stomach, while at 6 months he did not begin to master the following steps, it is worth consulting a pediatrician.

What to do

Parents interested in the timely development of their child can always help him prepare for upheavals. To do this, you will need to regularly devote time to simple techniques.

Performing baby massage before gymnastics

It is useful to do a simple massage for children, which will help to "turn over" the stubborn, if the baby does not turn over from his back to his tummy by 4 months. The massage consists in lightly stroking the arms and legs of the baby from the hand or foot towards the body, as well as the body of the child from the bottom up. You can also add a gentle rubbing of the feet and crumbs.

To develop and strengthen muscles, you need to train them more often. Side play, either right or left, will strengthen the neck, arms, and torso. It is also useful to spread the little one on the tummy - preferably several times a day.

Additional Information. The massage helps the baby start to roll over, sit down, get up and walk in time, and also affects intellectual development - from touching the child's skin and muscles sensitivity is activated, impulses go to the brain, stimulating it.

How to help master the coup

The best way to teach your toddler to roll over is to show you how to do it by directing and pushing the baby to roll over. To do this, you need a rattle or a bright toy that attracts attention and makes you want to grab it. It is necessary to place the child on a comfortable and safe horizontal surface and draw attention by moving the toy (rattle) towards the overturn. The baby should be gently pulled up by the handle, laying on its side. The toddler will reach for the toy. If the baby is not trying to roll over, you can "throw" its bent leg over the other so that it reaches the horizontal surface with its knee on the opposite side. A coup will follow. This will very clearly demonstrate to the baby what his body is capable of.

Exercises for flipping from back to stomach

Children's gymnastics, carried out with the baby, will push him to make a coup as soon as possible, if the baby at his 4 months has not yet turned over, preferring to lie on his back. It consists of simple exercises that are done in a supportive environment when the little one is in a good mood. The essence of the exercises is in the alternate use of different parts of the child's body in order to make him a coup.

Performing simple exercises

All exercises begin from a supine position. There is some consistency in the exercise, first, a turn to the side is practiced, then - a complete turn:

  • The baby's head rises slightly and gently turns towards the coup. After turning the head to the side, the shoulders and pelvis will follow after her.
  • The child's handle is retracted towards the overturn, followed by the torso and pelvis.
  • Both legs of the baby are simultaneously bent at the knees and tilted towards the coup. They are followed by the pelvis and the upper half of the torso.
  • One of the baby's legs bends at the knee, presses slightly against the stomach and starts behind the second, the pelvis and trunk rotate.
  • A diaper is used, the rim of which is lifted to provide a soft natural roll of the baby on the side and then on the stomach.

The turn should be worked out in both directions in order for the development to be more harmonious.

Positive dynamics in mastering the coup

The skill of turning from the back to the tummy will be successfully mastered by the child under certain conditions. They can be divided into 2 groups: internal, depending on the baby, and external, which are created around him.

Internal conditions include:

  • the desire to roll over;
  • sufficient physical development, which presupposes the ability to raise the head well and hold it confidently, as well as, while on the stomach, raise the arms and legs.

External factors include:

  • providing an incentive for coups;
  • the presence of a safe and solid horizontal surface;
  • favorable environment, supported by a good mood of the one who works with the baby

The infant learns the skill of turning from back to stomach when he is ready for this. Parents can help their baby by creating a supportive environment with massage and exercise. Despite the efforts and experiences of adults, contrary to their expectations, the child chooses the time for coups.

The kid does a flip from the back to the tummy

Watch the video: My baby rolls onto stomach while sleeping. Do I roll him back? (July 2024).