
How many months can boys be imprisoned

It's one thing to know the theory of infant development, quite another to practice. A young mother is often puzzled by questions related to her. For example, can boys sit down and when?

Mother sitting down the baby

When to drop the boys

There is no particular difference, according to the well-known children's doctor Komarovsky, whether a boy is raised by his parents or a girl. Both those and those develop in approximately the same way: first they learn to raise their heads, then roll over, crawl and, finally, sit down. All this depends not on gender, but on the individual qualities of the child: on his body weight, character and temperament, the ability to move freely. A child before puberty, regardless of his gender, develops the skills of existence and knowledge of the world.

Doctor Komarovsky

Sitting is also a skill. It is mastered by a child only when his muscle frame is strong enough to support the weight of the body. This period is from six months to eight. Sitting down the child artificially is highly discouraged. If the muscles are not ready, the spine will take the entire blow, which can seriously harm it. From what follows the conclusion: the question "what time can the boys sit down?" generally incorrect - to sit down, based on age, without any regard for readiness is impossible.

Signs of readiness

The muscles that support the body must be prepared for this kind of stress. How can you tell if your child is ready? There are certain signs, based on which, we can say that the crumb is strong enough:

  • First, the baby must hold his head confidently;
  • Secondly, he actively rolls over on his side, on his stomach and back;
  • The baby is already trying to rise on his hands, lying on his stomach. In the ideal case of development, the baby should first crawl, then, getting on all fours and bending a knee to the stomach, sit on the ass, but not all children do this. Some may squat, then crawl;

Active kid

  • From a lying position, the child clings to surrounding objects and tries to seat himself.

If the toddlers perform all these actions, then the mothers of the boys can put them on the ass, it is not known how many months to start. There are no clear terms. One terribly independent, lively, thin baby will sit down at 5 months and will be ready for this, another, full and phlegmatic, the baby will begin to sit down only by 8 months. This is normal in both cases.

Why early planting is dangerous

More recently, the mother of a newborn girl was told horrors about the bending of the uterus from sitting down, the mother of the boy was frightened with infertility, which will certainly bring disposable diapers. These stories and myths are a thing of the past. For example, today it is found that the harm from sitting down is the same for everyone. It consists in the following:

  • Sitting, when the muscles in the back and abdomen are still weak, is a real blow to the spine. This can lead to violations of its development.
  • Some parents put pillows and bolsters under the backs of their babies, hoping to reduce the load. This is also not true - the child's posture is far from natural, therefore it does no less harm than the first.

Child sitting in pillows - you can't do this

  • It is necessary to take into account the fact that the vertebrae are still weak, pliable. Most of all, when a baby is put in, the thoracic spine suffers, which in the future may threaten with problems with the lungs and breathing.


So how many months can boys be imprisoned and in what position? If the baby is already active, trying to sit down on his own, he can be transferred from the cradle stroller to the walking block and slightly raise its back. At five to six months, the angle can be about 40-45 degrees, by six or seven - already 60. Above it is impossible, if the baby does not sit confidently himself. Let him try to get up, sit down, he should not interfere. There is no need to worry - until the muscles are strengthened, he will not be able to seat himself.

The chaise longue and the back of the highchair can also be raised at the same angle to keep the baby in a semi-sitting position. So it is permissible to spend no longer than an hour a day. The more confident the baby is to sit by himself, developing the skill, the more this period will increase.

Important! When it comes to potty training (which is not supported so early by modern pediatricians, but is not prohibited either), then readiness is also important. And more than for simple sittings. A baby just starting to sit down cannot hold his body without support, which is required to cope with the needs with the help of a pot. Of course, mom can hold the baby. But it is better (both for the mother's nerves and for the baby itself) to wait with accustoming, at least until the child sits confidently on his own.

Potty kid

Baby development

When asked when it is time for a child who starts to sit confidently to sit down, for a boy, not a single pediatrician will give the exact time in response. It all depends on three factors:

  • Character. It is difficult for a choleric baby or sanguine to lie still for a long time. He will be more active and will start sitting down earlier. Phlegmatic, melancholic are more passive.
  • The weight. If a child has a lower limit of body weight for age, it is easier for him to begin to restrain himself. Chubby kids find it harder. They will sit down later.
  • Parental attention. If mom and dad closely monitor the development of their baby, do massages, do infant swimming, then the physical fitness of such a child will be better, attempts to sit down will begin earlier than those of someone who grows by themselves.

In general, the baby develops in leaps and bounds, highlighting one muscle group for enhanced targeting. The graph is something like this:

  1. Neck;
  2. Extremities (especially the muscles of the hand);
  3. Belly and sides;
  4. Back (here the child sits down);
  5. Legs.

A rough plan does not mean that one muscle develops, while the others atrophy or stand still - just one of the groups is strengthened more than others, but the others work too.

There are now special devices to make parenting easier. How many months boys are put there, can this be done?

When can jumpers

Toddlers love to "jump" very much. They are held by adults, and children really like to push off with their legs from the support and "take off" in their parents' arms. Mom and Dad have a hard time - already a heavy child who takes up his hands for a long time, does not allow him to do chores or work. Manufacturers of children's furniture know this, and have released jumpers: a special child seat suspended on springs or elastic bands, which is either mounted in the doorway or has stationary struts.

Child in jumpers

Pediatricians vote against them. The fact is that parents begin to put children in jumper who are just starting to sit down. Whereas they can only be used when the child has sat down confidently himself. The exact terms of the permissible use of jumpers cannot be determined - they depend on each individual child individually.

Attention! Children's doctors disapprove of jumpers, it is better to try to do without them altogether.

When can walkers

This device is even older than the jumpers. It is a soft, deep seat for a child with legs and wheels on them. The baby is put inside, and he touches his legs, moving by "walking", like an adult.


Every pediatrician will say that walkers are even more harmful than jumpers. When jumping, the baby is only briefly pushed away from the support by the leg, while in the walker the load on the feet and spine is longer. In addition, their frequent use will negatively affect the psychological readiness to walk - the baby will be afraid to take the first steps longer.

There is no categorical prohibition on the use of walkers, but there are recommendations from doctors to avoid it. If the parents think otherwise, you should definitely wait for the period when the baby sits down by himself, and then use this device. A child who has just begun to sit down cannot be put into a walker.

Important! Orthopedists advise limiting the use of both walkers and jumpers to 15 minutes a day. If adults put a baby in such a toy for a short time from the age of 5-6 months, then there will be no harm.

When can kangaroo

A new and very fashionable invention for today's mothers is such "bags" for carrying a child, attached to an adult. This is especially true for those children who like to sit in their arms. The baby is at the mother's heart, the hands of the parent are untied. Some of these devices can be used even from birth, which suggests a prone position. The following requirements are imposed on the sitting position:

  • In no case can the child's legs be located with the letter "P", that is, simply hang down. The butt of the toddler should sag, the knees should be spread apart and slightly upward, so that their position is obtained with the letter "M".
  • The back of the crumbs should be well fixed, do not allow dangling.
  • It is recommended that the baby be worn facing the wearer and not out into the world. This results in the most physiological wearing, as if on hands.

There are three types of carriers of this kind:

  • Sling (a piece of dense fabric that the mother wraps around and the baby is attached to her);
  • Kangaroo (resembling a backpack, the baby simply fastens in it);
  • Ergo backpack.

Ergo-backpack Guslenok Comfort

Of all this, it is permissible to wear slings from 3-4 months, ergo backpacks (not all, just a cross between a backpack and a sling). The kangaroo does not meet the requirements - the legs in it take the "P" position, which transfers the main emphasis to the spine, the baby is usually fastened facing outward. Even if they are turned to face their mother, the back is fixed worse than in a sling or ergo backpack. Accordingly, you can use a kangaroo only when the child is confidently sitting on his own, not earlier than 7-8 months. For those who are just starting to sit down, the right ergo backpack is better suited.


How the squatting skill is formed

Sitting is a skill. And one of the most difficult, mastered by the year children. It consists of:

  • Desires. If a child wants to see something more than is visible while lying down, for example, from a stroller while walking, he will try to do everything to change the position of his body.
  • Physical skills. Here, the lessons of parents with children are summed up (massage performed by mom, professional massage and swimming in the pool are especially useful), and the freedom of movement of the latter. This can also include weight, since it directly affects physical development, but is not associated with health.
  • The state of health of the crumbs. It is important not to miss scheduled examinations of a pediatrician, surgeon, orthopedist. If the baby has a disease, it can interfere with development, it needs to be treated.

This formula does not include the forced sitting on the ass.

Important! Some mothers believe that if they do not show how to sit, the baby will not understand it for a long time. You can "acquaint" the baby with the sitting position with the help of a special exercise that will not harm, unlike sitting down ahead of time. To the child lying on her back, the mother gives the thumbs up in her hands. The baby should try to pull up and sit down on its own. The parent should not drag him upstairs.

Sitting exercise

If the child is not sitting

Parents who raise their children according to book standards, by six months, if they have not sat down, can raise a panic. You should not do this, because you need to consider the following:

  • The physical readiness to sit occurs in the period from six to eight months, but not exactly by six months.
  • There is a concept of an individual development period, which adjusts the average time frame in one direction or another.

Of course, there are indicators that should alert the mother and father of the baby:

  • If at six months the child does not hold his head confidently;
  • If by seven months he does not even try to roll over;
  • If by eight months he has a general passivity, he moves reluctantly.

In all these cases, you need to seek medical advice. Perhaps the point here is precisely in the personal timing of development, depending on the child. Maybe this is how pathology manifests itself: hypotonia of muscles, disorders of the development of the bone apparatus. Why the little one does not sit and does not try, only a specialist should determine.

There is no exact time when the boys sit down. It is definitely not necessary to rush the baby, to adjust it to idealized norms. It is better for parents to let him develop according to his own schedule, keeping his finger on the pulse of the state of the crumbs.


Watch the video: The Miracle In Your Mouth (July 2024).