
Complementary feeding at 4 months

Until 4 months of age, the main food that a baby receives is breast milk or an adapted milk formula. By this age, the child's body begins to produce gastric juice, the intestinal walls thicken, and the stool normalizes. He begins to sit, but still cannot walk. The baby is ready to change the diet. However, you should not rush, there are rules for the introduction of complementary foods.

Child eats from a spoon

Is the baby ready at 4 months for the introduction of complementary foods

From 4 months of age, bottle-fed infants begin to gradually switch to adult nutrition. This is due to the fact that at this age, babies do not receive a sufficient amount of useful and nutritious elements with the mixture. Some pediatricians are of the opinion that breastfed babies are also ready to introduce complementary foods.

By what signs is it determined that a child can be introduced to complementary foods at 4 months? Before starting to change the child's diet, you should pay attention to a number of signs:

  • The baby's first milk teeth erupted.
  • The baby is watching with interest the adults' food intake.
  • The baby does not gorge himself on formula or breast milk, this is manifested by the frequent demand for food.
  • The child learns to sit.
  • Underweight is present.
  • Delays in development due to insufficient intake of nutrients.

Boy with teether

What can not be entered at 4 months

At 4 months, the gastrointestinal tract is not fully formed. It is recommended that you start with the lightest foods. They approach the choice of food carefully so as not to provoke an attack of colic, problems with stools and allergies. It is forbidden to try the following products:

  • red berries: strawberries, raspberries, strawberries;
  • canned meat and fish;
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • spice;
  • banana;
  • pasta;
  • meat broths;
  • cottage cheese, milk, eggs, butter.

Important! It is recommended to start complementary feeding with dairy-free porridge or vegetable puree, instead of fruits and juices, since after a sweet crumb he will not want to eat vegetables.

What can be administered at 4 months

Many young parents do not know what can be given to a baby at 4 months old. After visiting the pediatrician for a routine examination, the doctor explains in detail what can be consumed by the child. Depending on the individual characteristics of the development and health of the baby, the doctor makes recommendations. The most suitable products include:

  • dairy-free porridge: buckwheat, rice;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • an Apple.

Parents choose one product from the list and let the baby try it. It is preferable to use ready-made puree cans, which are sold in any store. Baby food is prepared according to a certain technology. Purees are hypoallergenic, children tolerate them well. The right product will strengthen the health of the baby.

Baby puree

Scheme and table of complementary foods from 4 months

Complementary foods are introduced starting from 1 tsp. mashed potatoes. The children are fed for the second morning feed to monitor the reaction. The next day, the portion is doubled. They continue to do this until they bring one intake of vegetable puree or porridge to 140 g.

An approximate scheme of introducing complementary foods to a child at 4 months

1Zucchini1 tsp
2Zucchini2 tsp
3Zucchini4 tsp
4Zucchini6 tsp
5Zucchini8 tsp
6Zucchini - pumpkin7 tsp - 1 tsp
7Zucchini - pumpkin6 tsp - 2 tsp
8Zucchini - pumpkin4 tsp - 4 tsp
9Zucchini - pumpkin2 tsp - 6 tsp
10Pumpkin8 tsp
11Pumpkin - cauliflower7 tsp
12Zucchini - cauliflower4 tsp
13Pumpkin - cauliflower2 tsp
14Cauliflower8 tsp
15Zucchini - broccoli7 tsp
16Pumpkin - broccoli6 tsp
17Cauliflower - broccoli4 tsp
18Zucchini - broccoli2 tsp
19Broccoli8 tsp
20Vegetable mix - buckwheat7 tsp
21Vegetables - buckwheat6 tsp
22Vegetables - buckwheat4 tsp
23Buckwheat8 tsp
24Buckwheat - vegetables - rice4 tsp - 3 tsp

For children who are poorly gaining weight, it is recommended to start complementary foods with porridge. This will contribute to accelerated weight gain. Moreover, it is also rich in useful microelements that are necessary for a baby, like vegetables. It is preferable to choose buckwheat or rice, as they are best digested and do not cause an allergic reaction.

Important! The baby is given all the products to try separately in order to track the reaction of the body.

Girl in mom's arms with a spoon

How to introduce complementary foods to a baby at 4 months of age while breastfed

On the guards, it is customary to introduce new products into the diet from 6 months. In some cases, these dates are shifted, and they begin to feed from 4 months. These reasons include:

  • prematurity;
  • underweight;
  • lack of trace elements;
  • not satiation with breast milk.

It is worth considering! The digestive systems of breastfed babies are not as well-formed as those of artificial children. Therefore, any changes in the diet begin by carefully studying the baby's reaction.

It is worth adhering to certain rules:

  • It is forbidden to give the baby several products at the same time. If he develops a reaction, it will be difficult to find the allergen.
  • Give new food before breastfeeding. By this time, the baby will be hungry and will eat with pleasure.
  • After complementary feeding, they are supplemented with breast milk.
  • The consistency of the food should be smooth and lump-free. At 4 months, babies cannot chew the lumps, they can choke on them.
  • After getting used to the first vegetable, they begin to introduce a new one.
  • It is recommended to feed the baby from a spoon, so that it will be easier to teach him to eat on his own in the future.
  • By the beginning of the 5th month, the baby should try 4 products.
  • Complementary foods are introduced when the baby is completely healthy. If there is a cold, then the procedure is postponed.
  • If complementary food coincides with vaccination, then it is postponed for one week.

Kid in a green bib

How to introduce complementary foods to a baby at 4 months old on artificial feeding

For willow babies, the rules for changing the diet are the same as for babies. Children on this type of food digest new foods more easily. The adapted milk formula contains cow protein, for the digestion of which certain enzymes are produced. For juices, cereals and purees, there are rules for complementary foods.

Vegetable and fruit puree

There is an opinion that fruit juices and fruits are easier to digest, and they also contain more useful trace elements and vitamins. However, modern pediatricians incline to complementary foods from vegetables, since they taste less pleasant, the baby after fruit will not want to eat fresh vegetables.

Mashed potatoes are made from fruits and vegetables. They are also sold ready-made in stores. For self-preparation, the fruit is boiled over medium heat for 15 minutes, then knead with a fork, add a small amount of broth, beat with a blender until smooth.

Fruits are rubbed on a fine grater. With this treatment, lumps are formed, which the baby can choke on. It is recommended to use ready-made homogenized puree.

Important! After complementary feeding with several products, mixed purees are prepared from several components.


Many pediatricians do not recommend starting complementary foods with juices, as this increases the risk of developing intestinal diseases and causes allergies. After the baby tastes the sweet juice, it will be difficult for him to get used to fresh vegetables. When introducing a drink, certain rules are followed:

  • They give juice to drink after feeding, as the baby can refuse milk.
  • Feeding is carried out with a spoon and a bottle with a nipple.
  • The first portion is 5 ml.
  • For each appointment, a new can of juice is opened, it must always be fresh.
  • When making juice on its own, it is diluted with boiled water twice.
  • For the first feeding, use one-component juices from apples or pears.

Complementary food


Porridge is great for a 4 month old baby who is not gaining weight well. They are nutritious, due to their nutritional value and calorie content, they contain as many trace elements and vitamins as needed for the development of the crumbs. When using cereals, certain rules are followed:

  • Buckwheat, rice and corn are suitable for the first feeding.
  • Choose cereals that do not contain gluten, as it slows down the development of children.
  • They buy cereals in specialized stores or pharmacies, they must be marked "4+" and a detailed description of the preparation.

Important! For improved weight gain, add 1 tsp to the porridge. vegetable oil to increase the calorie content of the dish.

Gradually, the second day's feeding of the baby is replaced with porridge. After such a meal, he sleeps well and plays for a long time. Many mothers prefer this option for starting complementary foods. Cereals must be included in the diet.

Baby's reaction as a signal to stop complementary feeding

In some cases, the child's body reacts to a new product within 24 hours. In such situations, its consumption is temporarily stopped. The following symptoms appear:

  • a rash on the body of a different nature;
  • an attack of colic;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • green stools;
  • restlessness.

If a reaction occurs, it is necessary to stop complementary feeding and seek the advice of a specialist.