
Can a newborn sleep on its stomach

The baby in the first months of life every minute requires affection and care from the mother. It is absolutely normal that parents have many questions about caring for a baby: what position is correct to feed, is it possible for an infant to drink water, and is it possible for a newborn to sleep on its stomach.

Baby sleeping

Basic safety rules

Young mothers, exhausted by insomnia in the first year after childbirth, often make many mistakes, following the harmful advice of acquaintances, girlfriends or just a passing woman. Sleep on the belly of a newborn baby is always supported by some of these well-wishers, and it does not matter if the crumbs have contraindications.

You cannot follow the first recommendation that comes across, because it concerns the life of the baby. Often, many sad events happen out of ignorance of parents. It is necessary to spend a long time studying all the necessary information on how to put a baby in a crib at night, why you should not leave him to sleep on his tummy in some cases, why a baby can squeeze his legs under him in a dream, at what age you can start spreading a child on a tummy while awake.

The most basic rule is safety. Of course, after the birth of a small miracle, all parents get very tired. Regardless of this fatigue, even if it seems that nothing threatens the baby, it is always necessary to make sure that it is safe.

The most important rules:

  • You should never smoke indoors with your baby.

Important! Children who inhale tobacco smoke are at greatest risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). In addition, they can become chronic asthmatics for life.

  • The nanny or those caring for the child must be instructed on the subject of sleep safety.
  • The optimal room temperature for sleeping is 18-22 degrees. In no case should you overheat the baby.
  • There should be no pillows or extra blankets or featherbeds in the crib. The baby can get confused in them. It is best to place a child dressed in lightweight pajamas in an empty cradle.
  • The sleeping surface in the crib should be firm. No soft upholstery can be made, just like sleeping on a sofa or armchair for a baby. A firm mattress with a cotton sheet fitted tightly is ideal.
  • There should be no toys and small parts in the crib until the child is 4 months old. There should also be no lamps, luminous objects, food, or glasses of water near it.
  • There should always be cleanliness and fresh air in the children's room.
  • It is best to feed your baby with breast milk. This significantly reduces the risk of SIDS.
  • If the baby likes to sleep with his parents, then you need to make sure that the bed is safe for him, check the mattress, the strength of the sheet and all other details.

Optimal sleeping position

As a rule, even in the maternity hospital, doctors recommend putting the baby on the side. They offer to swaddle him so that the baby is comfortable. In addition, swaddling gives the child a sense of security, as if he is in the womb, where it was cramped and warm all the time.

The most natural pose for a baby is “frog”. It lies on the back, arms and legs are bent, the head is turned to the side. Up to four months, the parents choose the pose for their child, so it is important to put him in the right position.

There are three types of sleeping positions:

  • On the back,
  • On the belly
  • On the side.

Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Most pediatricians and doctors recommend sleeping on the side. However, there is a nuance in this position - it is important to create a condition so that the baby does not roll over on his stomach. For this purpose, it is enough to put a small towel or roller under the backrest. The advantage of this position is that the baby presses the legs to the tummy, this helps to move away gas or reduce the discomfort from colic. The downside is the load on the pelvic bones, so this position is contraindicated for babies with hip dysplasia.

When the baby sleeps on his tummy, then it is absolutely not worth leaving him for a long time. The baby can bury its nose in the sheet and suffocate. However, this pose has several advantages.

On the back - this position is the safest and most popular. Since the baby's head is turned on its side, he will not be able to suffer from regurgitation. However, in this position, parents should monitor the position of the head and change it in order to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system and torticollis. This position is also contraindicated in babies with diseases of the hip joints.

One of the optimal and safe sleeping positions for babies is on the back.

Note! When asked whether a newborn baby can sleep on its stomach, pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky answers positively. The doctor recommends not to interfere with the baby in choosing a position that is comfortable for him. If the baby sleeps on his tummy, then his muscle corset becomes stronger, he starts to hold his head faster and even outstrips his peers in development. In addition, in such children, the process of passing gaziks passes easier during the formation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sleep on the stomach in the first weeks of the baby

In the 90s of the last century in America, the question was actively studied: "Is it possible and worthwhile for a newborn to sleep on its stomach?" The process was gaining momentum, as SIDS cases increased at this time. Scientists and doctors have carefully studied the issue and came to the conclusion that this position can contribute to sudden death due to the fact that the child breathes through his nose into the pillow. This makes it difficult for him to breathe. In the first weeks, months, the baby does not have sufficiently developed breathing skills, therefore, in this case, he cannot figure out that it is necessary to turn the head. In addition, if the air is dry, then crusts form in the baby's nostrils. Being on the tummy, it is more difficult for the baby to inhale and exhale, the crusts also complicate this process. There is no evidence that SIDS is caused by sleeping on the stomach, but doctors today recommend paying attention to it.

Two-week-old baby sleeps safely on its tummy

Why else is the sleep of a month-old baby on the stomach dangerous - the baby can vomit and choke on this mass. The baby cannot suffocate with vomit in such a position, with the supine position such a fact is likely.

Additional Information. In the position on the tummy, the baby can breathe heavily. This is due to compression of the sternum. Then it's worth changing the pose. However, you should always consult a pediatrician who will assess all the likely cases of sleep problems for a particular child.


Contraindications for sleeping on a stomach for a baby:

  • Deviations in the work of the central nervous system, pathology.
  • If the baby's neck is numb, then the parents should track it and turn the baby over.
  • Underdevelopment of the respiratory reflex. Therefore, always make sure that the baby has enough air if he buries his nose in the mattress.
  • Komarovsky: “The baby on the tummy sleeps much better. But do not forget that:
  1. if there is a pillow in the bed,
  2. if the air in the room is dry and the temperature is above 24 degrees,
  3. if the mattress is soft
  4. if there is tobacco smoke in the room, under no circumstances should the child sleep on his stomach! "


Sleeping on your tummy allows your baby to sleep soundly

Is it possible for a month-old baby to sleep on his tummy, are there at least some advantages? There are a lot of advantages:

  • The baby's sleep becomes very deep and, most importantly, calm.
  • The kid feels safe and comfortable. The spout inhales the familiar scent of the sheets that smells like Mom and her hands. A newborn baby perceives the world around him through the prism of aromas and tactile sensations. If a comfortable bed is still present, then the child sleeps peacefully.
  • The kid confidently holds the head.
  • Joints and bones are formed in the correct shape.
  • If the child turned over in a dream on his tummy, then by doing so he carried out a massage of the internal organs, improved the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lying on his tummy, the child moves his arms and legs, but he cannot scratch himself or scare himself.
  • During the first three months, babies spit up a lot. In this position, it is impossible to suffocate from vomit.
  • Gasics go away more easily, colic becomes less sensitive. That is why, in moments of colic attacks, it is recommended to lay the crumb on your arm to the elbow and shake it. Most likely, the exhausted baby will immediately calm down and even fall asleep in this position.
  • The palms and handles rest on the mattress, a stable body position is fixed. Therefore, the child shudders less and is not frightened by body vibrations.
  • Children with hip dysplasia can sleep in this position, since the pressure on the pelvis is minimal. In addition, there is no pressure on the skull at all, and it will not work to deform it.
  • The blood flow in the head works better.

How to keep your baby sleeping on her stomach

The presence of a firm mattress in the crib will protect the baby

Two main methods:

  • Use swaddling and parents to put the baby in the desired position,
  • Use sleep restraints, which can also vibrate and rock the baby.

Experienced mothers also recommend remembering the following tips:

  • Do not use a pillow. Until six months, it is not needed at all. As well as all sorts of towels, toys, fabrics are not needed - everything that a child can bury his nose in. If the baby likes to sleep on his tummy, he should not lie on a soft surface, such as a pillow.
  • If the parents do not want the child to sleep on his tummy, then you can lay him on the barrel, put it in front and back with different twisted rollers. Then the baby will not roll over either on his back or on his tummy.
  • If it so happened that the baby sleeps on his tummy, then you should monitor the position of the neck and constantly change it. Then the risk of torticollis is excluded.

What age is safe for sleeping on your stomach

The child begins to hold the head from a period of one month. Until this moment comes, you should wait with sleep on your stomach so that the neck muscles get stronger. Also, do not leave him in this position for a long time, so that the baby does not suffocate, not understanding how to turn his head to the side. At 1-2 months, when the baby is already confidently holding his head, he will be able, if necessary, to turn the neck itself and take a comfortable position.

5-6 month old babies can sleep on their stomachs without any danger

Around four to five months, the baby begins to try to roll over and hone the skill. Therefore, during this period it becomes easier for him to choose a sleeping position for himself. In an uncomfortable position, he can change it himself without difficulty. The child can not only turn the head itself, but also push off the surface with the handles, which makes the situation even easier.

Starting from five to six months, you can completely let go of all fears about the baby's sleep on the tummy. During this period, he can already turn the head, push off the surface with the handles and, if necessary, roll over from the tummy to the back with ease.

Additional Information. The period of 5-6 months is complicated by these baby coups. Many mothers are indignant and worried that their beloved child began to wake up more often at night and constantly turn over. In these upheavals, as parents think, the child wakes himself up and is capricious from awakening. In fact, the baby begins to learn this skill and tries to figure out which position is more comfortable for him. Due to his curiosity, the baby wants to repeat the technique many times. If you have a little patience and give the discoverer time, then the awakenings will quickly end, the baby will sleep again all night, delighting the parents with a sound sleep.

Stay awake and laid out on the stomach

If you lay the baby on his tummy while awake, he will learn to hold his head, the neck muscles will strengthen. At the first patronage, the local doctor first of all recommends to do this useful procedure.

Laying the baby out on the tummy while awake

What gives the laying out of the baby on the tummy:

  • The muscle corset is strengthened, especially the neck, back, tummy.
  • Prevention of hip dysplasia is carried out. In this case, laying out the baby, you should spread his legs at a right angle, as in the "frog" position.
  • The kid learns the first crawling skills. To do this, take the "frog" position on the tummy, then "give" support for the baby's heels with your own hands. Following reflexes, the baby will want to push off.
  • Gaziks are easier to leave.

Laying out is carried out daily before each feeding. Doctors recommend carrying out the procedure within 5-10 minutes. If the baby is worried, afraid, then it is worth stroking him on the back, singing songs, talking to him.

In any question related to the health of the baby, the parents themselves are the answer. Only they are responsible for everything that happens to the baby. Whatever position adults would choose for their beloved child, it is worth remembering only one rule - not to leave him alone for a long time. Then a calm, even and healthy sleep is provided for all family members.

Watch the video: Infant Safe Sleep Practices (September 2024).