
Toys for baby 6 months

The sixth month is the age when the child begins to be interested in the world around him and toys in particular. The classic opinion is that a plush animal is perfect for a toddler. As a rule, such a gift takes place in the corner and is not particularly needed by the child at this age. In this case, the toddler may attempt to suck it into the mouth with the entire set of bacteria that can provoke a number of diseases in a child. In order to prevent this, it is very important to understand which toys are suitable for a 6 month old baby and which ones are not.

Baby 6 months

Toys at 6 months

For a half-year-old child, any object can become a toy. By the age of six months, many children actively take objects with their hands, can perform various actions with them: push them, put them on top of each other. By this age, the baby can crawl, actively exploring the world around him.

It is important to note! If this strictly does not happen in six months, it is not always worth worrying. Children grow up in different ways. Some sources write different numbers, for example, 7 months. Therefore, the described tips can be suitable for children under 9 months - everything is very conditional.

Toy for baby 6 months

It is recommended to place toys in different corners of the room so that the child learns to look for them. These actions are necessary for the development of the child's intelligence. In addition, crawling trains your back muscles. It is important not only to choose the right toys, but also to properly organize the baby's interaction with them.

At this age, a child can knead clay and plasticine. Six month olds may also like wooden toys. They may attempt to pick up small things like tweezers - with thumb and forefinger. This develops fine motor skills well, so parents should strongly support these attempts.

Attention! It is possible to let the child play with small objects only under the close supervision of an adult and remove toys from the child's access zone if the parent cannot control him.

It is not recommended to prohibit the child from satisfying his cognitive interest with phrases like: "do not touch", "do not climb", provided that this action does not pose a threat to the life and health of the baby. In fact, there are few such objects: sockets and a stove. The child will not physically reach all other items if they are placed on the top shelf or in any other inaccessible place.

Here is a list of good toys that a 6 month old baby might be interested in.:

  1. Musical instruments. At this age, the child develops hearing, so it is very useful to introduce him to different sounds. By the way, music lessons contribute to the development of intelligence. It is important to choose only well-tuned instruments.
  2. Cars or something related to this (locomotives, carts). It is important to choose a sturdy toy for a 6 month old baby that can support the weight of a crawling baby who will lean on it.
  3. Toys that can be moved with a string. If they make sounds at the same time, it's generally amazing.
  4. A set of items that stack into each other. You can buy a regular set of disposable glasses that your child will love to fold and take out.
  5. Tower cubes. A six month old baby will destroy what the parents have built, an older baby will try to build something himself. This is a toy for the future. So she is also able to develop intelligence. You can buy pyramids, simple constructors.
  6. Baby hammers that make sounds when struck.
  7. Rattles can be left. If earlier the parent used them to calm the child, now the latter can indulge in them. The scope for imagination is huge.
  8. Swimming animals.
  9. Picture books. Why not start acquainting your child with books from the sixth month?
  10. Children's development tables. This is a surface that is supported by several supports. There are various buttons, knobs on it, by pressing or pulling for which you can hear fascinating music. To use the toy, the child needs to stand up and hold onto the table. When choosing such a toy, you must make sure that it is stable.

You can also buy a car in which you can ride with your feet. The main thing is to make sure that the child is comfortable in it. There are many more cool toys to choose from for a six month old baby.

Criterias of choice

The choice of toys for a six-month-old child has its own specifics, so it is necessary to highlight clear criteria:

  1. The recommended material is wood. Toys for babies 6 months old should be firm and easy to clean. Teddy bears, pigs, cats and dogs are put off for later.
  2. It is highly desirable that the child can take some action with the toy: combine elements, nest one object into another, and make sounds when pressed. This is how his intellect will develop.
  3. Toys for 6 month olds should be easy to grasp.
  4. It is important to choose sturdy toys that can withstand flying, clenching your fists, and baby bites.
  5. To teach your baby to crawl faster by six months, you can choose a moving or rolling toy.
  6. Safety. The toy must be made of quality materials and have an appropriate safety certificate.

It is advisable to choose such an assortment of toys so that the child can get to know the world through all the senses.

A toy for a six month old baby

These same construction sets are usually considered toys for boys, although they are capable of developing the cognitive abilities of children of both sexes. By not being guided by gender stereotypes, you can get the most out of your child.

Toyand for boy

Sex education for a child should start from the cradle. The first thing parents should do is to introduce him to himself, to help him correctly identify his gender. At six months, in fact, the only way to do this is to buy special toys that will form the correct model of behavior.

Boy toy

Although in modern society the role of gender stereotypes is gradually erased, therefore, previously considered masculine purposefulness and willpower gradually become feminine qualities, this is no longer perceived as something abnormal. Moreover, more and more people come to the conclusion that seemingly masculine traits are useful in the life of absolutely any gender and determine to a greater extent its personal and social maturity than gender.

Likewise, with the qualities that were previously considered more feminine, primarily the ability to empathize. Any man can tell how important this skill is. Moreover, without emotional intelligence, success in society is impossible. It used to be thought that empathy was the prerogative of women. Men were brought up so that they did not know how to empathize. It turned out to be a vicious circle.

Therefore, it is recommended to focus on the development of the child's positive qualities when choosing toys, without looking at the floor. Eif you take a stereotypes, tips by choiceat toys for the boy are as follows:

  1. An ideal toy for a 6 month old boy should have a substantive, not emotional character. In simple words, a car is better than a doll. At the same time, it is not recommended to completely isolate the baby from toys that can bring up emotional intelligence. It's just that the proportions are not the same as those of girls.
  2. Fortress. Boys are more inclined to break toys and are less careful about them. Therefore, it is important to choose a model that can last a long time with such extreme use.
  3. Price. Follows from the previous point. A 6-month-old boy will have to buy a lot of toys. Therefore, price is the most important criterion.

All these criteria are very conditional. The child's abilities that you want to develop should come to the fore.

Toys for girls

The most popular toy for a 6 month old girl is a doll. Her choice must be taken responsibly. First of all, don't buy expensive models. The face should be gentle, although it is not necessary for its features to be displayed clearly.

Toy for girl

It is advisable that small details such as a nose are either sewn or painted so that they do not have the risk of falling off. A small child should be kept away from tiny things.

It is important to pay attention to the material. The toy should be easy to clean and wash.

How to play with a six month old baby

Games help develop a child. For example, fine motor skills of hands are developed with the help of boxes or molds, nesting dolls. It's a good idea to train her with plasticine. The speech is developed by the game "Conversation with a cup". Several different cups are taken, they are folded together in a special shape. After that, each of them is taken in turn, and the parent says a word into it. It will sound different every time. The more often this game is carried out, the faster the child will begin to repeat this word.

The well-known doctor Komarovsky highly praised educational games for children. He talked about how useful this non-standard approach to raising a child is, and what benefits it has.

Educational games can be general and special. The former can be used with absolutely any toy. For example, you could put a car or doll down, cover it with a blanket, and leave a small part of the item visible. The child will try to take it. Later he discovers that this way he can get things that are not visible, and after a while he will be able to pull off the blanket.

Here's another exercise. It is necessary to give one toy in one hand of the baby, the other in the other. After that, the adult offers him a third. After several attempts, the child can figure out that he needs to put one thing, only then he will be able to take the third.

Koos Cubes

Special educational games are typical Koos cubes, pyramids, constructors. It is important to select toys based on the child's developmental level. If he faces an overwhelming task for a long time, then this will lay the foundation for low self-esteem.

Since anything can be a toy at six months, you can build an obstacle course with pillows. The main thing is that the child by this moment knows how to crawl. If he still does not quite succeed, you can string some kind of toy on a string and present it in front of the child's gaze at a certain distance from him. The kid will try to get to the car, cat, bear, cube and crawl to the desired object.

Using a cardboard box and a blanket, you can build a tunnel through which the child can also crawl. A blanket is placed on top, one end of it lowers slightly so that the adult cannot be seen. Before that, a son or daughter must be called from the other end of the tunnel. The blanket hides part of the view when the child is in the tunnel. To make the baby crawl, you can give him a hand through the remaining visible part of the exit.

Types of toys

There are many types of toys for the smallest children, each of which has its own functions, although this division is rather arbitrary.

Bath toys

They perform two tasks: to occupy the child's attention while his parents bathe him, and to develop, satisfying cognitive interest. Bathing toys are various fish, ducks, fruits that do not sink in water. You need to place them on its surface. Some children may throw objects out of the bathtub. Then they need to be fixed on the rim, after a while the children show interest in them.

Bath toys require separate care. It is important to clean them regularly with detergents to avoid contamination of the child with pathogens.


These are universal toys for toddlers of different age categories. A huge number of rattle games have been invented. It is advisable to select those that are suitable for the baby in terms of development. At the age of six months, a child can shake this object and listen to what happens. At 7-8 months of age, the baby can already tap the rattle on the table, throw it on the floor, compare different models. First of all, everything depends on the individual development of the baby.


Six months of age is the period when you can begin to accustom your child to books. First, give him literature with drawings for him to study, as well as recite certain fragments to him. Of course, it is too early to teach reading, but the foundation of love for this process must be laid from an early age.

In a word, there are a lot of toys for a 6 month old baby. It remains only to choose the ones suitable for the individual characteristics of the baby, which begin to manifest themselves at this age.

So what kind of toys are needed for a 6 month old baby? No difference. What matters is how the child interacts with them, and whether they contribute to his development.


Watch the video: BABY MUST HAVES. BABY ESSENTIALS. 3-6 MONTHS. Michelle Taylor (June 2024).