
11 months old baby

The baby, who is eleven months old, is a completely independent person, albeit small. He knows a lot and knows how. Some children at this age take their first independent steps and pronounce the first conscious words. In order for the baby to develop harmoniously, his energy must be directed in the right direction. To do this, parents must imagine the basic knowledge and skills of the crumbs at this age.

A baby at 11 months knows and can do a lot

What a baby can do at 11 months

11 months for a child is an important date in his life. During this period, the baby already looks like a small adult: he eats almost all adult food (only if the baby has no teeth, the food is thoroughly wiped), can focus on toys for a long time, knows how to communicate with parents, relatives, brothers and sisters. There is an intensive development of motor skills and coordination of movements, correct posture is formed.

Almost all children at this age like to stand for a long time in the arena or in the crib

The development of boys and girls in the twelfth month of life is practically the same. Boys can have more weight and be ahead of girls in growth parameters, this happens often, but not always. The basic skills and abilities of children of both sexes at this age are approximately the same. It is believed that in boys, the development of speech may be slightly delayed, but motor skills are formed faster, in babies, on the contrary. However, there are many exceptions to this rule. Modern doctors believe that the development of speech and motor skills does not depend on the sex of the baby, but on genetics (hereditary predisposition) and on how often his parents work with the child.

List of necessary skills and abilities of children for 1 month. up to a year

Motor skillsSits independently, crawls on all fours, stands at a support, walks by the hand or tries to take the first independent steps
Self-service skillsHe tries to eat on his own with a spoon, drinks himself from a cup or from a bottle with a nipple, he himself eats a piece of bread, an apple, a donut or a biscuit
Speech developmentPronounces the simplest onomatopoeic words, repeats individual syllables, imitating the speech of an adult. Some children say "mom", "dad", "baba", call the names of relatives, brothers and sisters
Intellectual developmentKnows how to play with sorters and pyramids, build a tower from large cubes, roll a stroller with a doll or a toy car

If there are no conditions at home suitable for the baby, the child suffers from malnutrition or is often sick, the timing of mastering these skills may shift to a later side. The same applies to babies who were born much ahead of time.

How to develop an 11 month old baby

For the correct development of the baby during this period, it is necessary:

  • In every possible way to stimulate the motor activity of the baby;
  • Talk to the baby as often as possible, read him poems, songs and nursery rhymes;
  • Provide the child with a permanent place to play (for example, in an arena, in a bed or on a carpet), provide free access to age-appropriate toys;
  • Daily walks and hardening procedures;
  • Consult a physician if you suspect physical or mental retardation.

The tenth to eleventh months is the most stressful time for parents. An 11 month old baby is a real fidget, during this period one of the main tasks of adults is to ensure the safety of the baby during independent play.

Physical development

At 11 months, babies can add 300-500 grams. in 30 days and grow by 2.5-3 cm. The child completely switches to adult nutrition, his teeth are actively teething. A special curvature of the spine is formed, which is responsible for walking on two legs with a straight back. Some eleven-month-old babies begin to grow hair rapidly.

Most babies already have four teeth at 11 months - two lower and two upper

Speech development

11 month old babies can pronounce the simplest onomatopoeic words, depicting familiar domestic and wild animals. The child can easily depict the howling of a wolf, the rustling of leaves, the sound of rain. Many children, not yet able to speak, begin to "sing", singing along with familiar tunes heard on the radio or television. If there is a pet at home and the baby communicates closely with it, the baby may try to "talk" with the pet in its language (for example, to depict barking, meowing, chirping).

At this age, the child can pronounce the first words

Neuro-psychomotor and mental development

The future fate of a person depends on mental development in early childhood. 11 months is one of the most important periods in the formation of emotions. The baby gradually learns to express his emotions with the help of meaningful facial expressions. If a child is happy, he smiles and laughs out loud, dissatisfaction is manifested by loud crying and grimaces. If a baby for some reason does not like someone from relatives or friends, he can violently express his dislike. The kid is offended when a toy or a dangerous object (for example, a fork) is taken away from him. It is very easy to distract a baby from unpleasant emotions - it is enough to show him something bright, interesting.

The baby is intensively developing emotional perception of the world

Attention! At 10-11 months, many babies become afraid of strangers: relatives and family friends. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, it gradually disappears. The main thing is not to deliberately frighten the baby. On the contrary, you need to calmly tell the baby that the aunt (uncle) will not do him anything bad or hurt him. If the baby cries at the sight of strangers, it is better to take him in your arms so that he feels protected.

Physical activity

11 months for a girl or boy is the time when the baby makes the first attempts to master walking - a new way of moving in space. First, the baby walks with the support of the hand, then begins to take the first steps on his own. The main task of parents at this moment is to make sure that no sharp corners and objects are encountered on the way of the little one, a collision with which is dangerous for the child.

Attention! Many babies do not get to their feet up to a year, preferring to crawl. Children's doctor Komarovsky says: “There is nothing wrong with that, since crawling develops muscles, strengthens health and does not put stress on the spine. If the baby is still crawling around the apartment, do not forcefully put him on his feet and walk him by the hands. The child will definitely go, but a little later, when he is ready for it. "

Games and activities

In 30 days from the date of execution of eleven months to a year, you can fit a lot of educational games and activities. The main thing is to know what is better for the kid to play with. Classes on the development of a child at 11 months at home should be held with the participation of the simplest toys. To develop the baby properly, you can use:

  • Sets of matryoshka dolls or colorful buckets that fit into one another;
  • Classic pyramids from multi-colored rings;
  • Sorters;
  • Large plastic cubes without sharp corners, soft cubes are also good;
  • Jigsaw puzzles made of thick cardboard, consisting of two, maximum four pieces.

You can also teach your child the simplest role-playing games. At the twelfth month of life, a normally developed baby will be happy to feed a doll or roll it in a car, put it to bed, build a simple house from a children's designer. Also, kids really like to look at bright pictures in books made of thick cardboard. The main advantage of such books is that they do not tear, as 11-month-olds often break, tear and spoil things.

Baby loves to play with cubes and pyramids

Child development test

To conclude about the condition of an 11-month-old child, parents can conduct simple testing. If most of the questions are answered positively, parents can accept congratulations: the baby is developing normally, in accordance with age. During testing, it is worth finding out whether the baby can:

  • Get up in a crib or playpen, holding onto a support;
  • Crawl on your knees;
  • Clap;
  • Pronounce onomatopoeic words;
  • Hold a spoon in your hand while eating;
  • Point to objects that an adult names.

If the delay in physical and mental development is obvious, you should consult with a neurologist or pediatrician. The child may be prescribed some medication or professional massage. However, in most cases this is not required. The main thing is to remember that each baby is individual, and in no case be angry with the child, if he still does not know everything.

The more parents and other adults work with the baby, the faster he will master all the above skills and abilities. The main thing is that classes are not conducted from time to time, but according to the regime and have an accurate schedule, convenient for both adults and babies.

Healthy 11-month-old toddler attempts to hold a spoon on his own while eating

A month before the first birthday, the baby becomes much more independent and begins to show his character. To easily find a common language with the baby, adults should treat him calmly and kindly, and also not panic because of the child's unexpected whims. After a year, the baby will begin a new phase of development. Gradually, it will become much easier for parents to understand their child.


Watch the video: 11 Months old Baby Milestones (September 2024).