
Games with a baby 6 months

During the first six months of life, the baby changes, develops emotionally and physically, now the baby is a small personality with its own character. Every day, habits and skills are formed, the regime of nutrition and wakefulness changes. He shows interest in the world around him, wants to move and play.

Baby 6 months

What you need to be able to do at 6 months

A six-month-old baby still does not know how to walk and sit for a long time without support, but already freely rolls over from back to stomach. From a supine position, it can be pulled up through my mother's hand into a sitting position. Lying on his stomach, the baby can lean with one hand, and the other can reach for the toy.

Children at this age babble, laugh, try to reproduce what they have heard. The child can memorize and repeat 40-45 different sounds. If up to six months children expressed emotions by screaming and crying, now they cry only in case of discomfort. In the sixth month of life, an emotional connection was formed between the parents and the child, a conscious dialogue begins, with simple sounds the baby asks to give him something, to pick him up.

The baby must have developed skills:

  • Focus vision. To check, you can hold a bright thing at a distance of 30 cm from the child's face, pay attention to his gaze, where he is directed;
  • Repeat for adults. The kid must repeat the facial expressions of his parents, a smile, frowning eyebrows;
  • Show different reactions to objects. For example, children react to a toy with joy and animation; when they see a bottle of food, they must open their mouths;
  • Know your name. The kid reacts to him with animation;
  • Be interested in sounds;
  • Grip tight. If you take a toy from a child, he will pull it towards him, express dissatisfaction.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that it is necessary to develop the baby in a playful way, so he will feel at ease and quickly master unfamiliar skills. Books with vivid illustrations will help to entertain and educate him at the same time. For a 6-month-old baby, you should choose books with cardboard pages, pictures should be large. While the baby is looking at the pages, the mother reads him short poems, tells him who is depicted on the pages.

It is better to spend active games with a 6 month old baby at home on the floor, covering it with a blanket. Toys are laid out on the surface, the baby will try to crawl up to them, his muscles will work. For active activities, it is advisable to adhere to the regimen, start every day at the same time. Children should be tempered, spend at least 2-3 hours in the open air every day.

Floor games

What to teach a baby at 6 months

By the age of 6 months, children make their first attempts to sit, crawl, try to stand up, leaning on the edge of the arena. The muscles of the legs get stronger, if you hold the baby by the armpits, he will forcefully push himself off the floor. Children not only study the world around them, but also taste it, they will certainly pull their favorite toys into their mouths. Up to 10-15 minutes the kid can concentrate, play with enthusiasm.

Games with a 6 month old baby, during which he actively moves:

  • Follow the sound. On the floor, under a pillow or blanket, you need to hide a musical toy or phone on which the music is turned on. The child will listen and crawl for the sound. The game develops not only muscles, but also the baby's hearing;
  • Get the thing. As a target, you can choose a new toy, shiny trinkets to which he will crawl. Things are laid out no further than 1-2 meters so that the distance does not frighten the baby. When the baby approaches, the toy needs to be pushed back 10-20 cm;
  • Fitball riding. The child, holding, is placed with his stomach on a large ball (fitball), his toy is placed below. Mom holds the baby, tilts him along with the fitball to the floor. He should notice the toy, start drawing his hands to it.

Note! By 6 months, there is a favorable moment for weaning from the nipple. At this age, it is easier to wean. Later, when the habit is formed, it will be more difficult to part with it.

Sitting on a ball

How to play with your 6 month old baby

Parents play with a six-month-old baby to prepare him for the first steps, develop emotions, motor skills and coordination. Exercise is done only in a good mood. The kid must be in tune, you cannot force him.

How to play with a boy

Games with a 6 month old baby are the same regardless of gender. A boy and a girl should develop the same muscle groups, skills, abilities. Differences can be in toys, cars, balls, rattles, a large constructor are more suitable for boys.

Children at six months already know how to distinguish colors, for a boy it is better to choose toys of yellow, red, green and blue colors. It is better to refuse items that cause potential aggression (robots, monsters, toy weapons). The kid does not yet understand the meaning of these objects, but their images are deposited in the mind.

How to play with a girl

When choosing entertainment for a girl, it is better to give preference to soft toys, dolls, balls and rattles. The girl should be surrounded by bright things, the colors are dominated by red, pink, lilac, yellow, green, peach. Better to choose books with princesses in pretty dresses and jewelry.

Note! Children do not yet distinguish between girls and boys toys, but parents from an early age form their habits inherent in different sex.

Best games for 6 month old baby

The task of parents is to choose interesting and developmental activities for their baby. What parents should play with a 6 month old baby:

  • peekaboo;
  • pyramid;
  • improvised toys;
  • informative books.

Hide and seek

It is better to start the game with your favorite toy. For example, take a teddy bear and hide it behind a curtain. Some part of it must be peeking out for the child to notice it. You need to offer the baby to find his favorite toy, offer to look for it together. You need to repeat the game 2-3 times.

Later, mom and dad can hide together or offer to hide the baby. Be sure to play along with the child, look for him for 2-3 minutes and be happy when he is found. Oddly enough, the game prepares children for the temporary absence of their mother. To let go of the parents, the baby must see that they do not leave forever and will definitely return.


Children at this age can already play with the pyramid, but do not expect that they will be able to assemble it. Parents show how to assemble it correctly, children do it in their own way. You can't scold a crumb if he does it wrong.

The pyramid can be transformed into a new toy: place large rings on top and bottom, small rings between them. Turn the new toy over and roll it on the floor like a car. If there are 2 pyramids, parents can make a car: make holes in the front and back in a plastic bottle, insert a pyramid pole, string large wheel rings on the sides.

Plays with the pyramid

Handy toys

A six-month-old baby will equally appreciate expensive toys from the store and those made by hand. Often children are more interested in what mom and dad use. In order not to spend extra money in children's stores, you can use:

  • Wooden spoons and scoops. They have a rounded shape, the baby will not get hurt. You can play with spoons, beat the rhythm;
  • Plastic bottles and cans filled with water, dry cereals, pasta, candy wrappers, trinkets;
  • Plastic dishes with rounded edges;
  • Towels and clean sponges. It is desirable that the towels have a different texture: soft, hard, terry. The kid will touch them, squeeze, distinguish by touch;
  • Plastic or cardboard cups. You can build a tower from them, then break it;
  • Empty boxes. Caskets, small boxes from household appliances will do. The baby is offered to open the box in which the toy is waiting for him.

Note! Do not overload the child with a large number of toys. You do not need to give more than 3 items at the same time, it is better to change them to new ones every time.

Educational books

Any children's books will do, the main condition is that they must be colorful. Parents show the baby a picture, saying what is shown on it. You can show cards with images of animals, plants, cars, say the names of flowers.

Classification of educational games for children at 6 months

Newborns are completely dependent on mom and dad, who must properly organize the child's leisure time. Educational games for children at 6 months of age train muscles, organs of hearing and vision, and sensorimotor skills.

Speech development

By 6 months. the child does not pronounce words and does not fully understand their meaning, focusing more on emotions. The following games are suitable for speech development:

  • Emotion words. The child is shown images of animals or plants, pronouncing their names out loud with different intonations. For example, the word "bunny" should be said in a high, joyful voice, the word "wolf" or "bear" in a low. Children by intonation understand what they want to convey to them, distinguish between joyful and sad voices;
  • During any game, everything is accompanied by sounds. They clap their hands - "clap-clap", help the child to jump - "jump-bounce", dropped the toy - "bang";
  • Parents name each part of the crumbs' body when they bathe him, dress him. You need to depict the sound of a car during the game, the sounds of animals and birds.

Physical development

Playing with a baby, starting from 6 months, should develop his need for movement. The following exercises are suitable:

  • Development of the muscles of the legs and arms. The child lies on his back, his mother helps him to move his arms and legs, movements can be done with music. Next, you need to bend the legs at the knees and pull the child to the chest. He will resist, try to straighten up, push mom away. The muscles will tone up, after 1-2 weeks this load will not be enough, and the baby will crawl;
  • If the child is already crawling, you can offer him to overcome obstacles. A large cardboard box will come in handy, through which he must crawl. First, parents show how a ball or toy passes through the "tunnel", after which they offer to repeat;
  • Jumping on the ball. Parents hold the baby upright, his feet spring on a fitball or a rubber ball.

Development of sensorimotor skills

The following games for a 6 month old baby will help develop tactile skills:

  • Flip through the pages. First, children need to be given books with cardboard pages, gradually replacing them with paper ones. You can count the pages, saying: "This is the first page, this is the third, this is the sixth";
  • Perform simple tasks: squeeze water from the sponge, open and close the box, remove socks;
  • Give the baby a finger massage by gently pressing on the pads;
  • Give the baby an unnecessary sweater with buttons, Velcro or a zipper, showing how to unfasten and fasten. Care must be taken so that the lightning does not pinch his fingers;
  • To make children's fingers distinguish between texture and size, you can put beans, pasta, buttons, shells into the box and let the child play.

Leafs through a book

Important! You can not give the baby small things - beads, beads and small cereals that can get into the respiratory tract.

Games to develop coordination

Exercises will help develop gross motor skills and coordination of movements:

  • The baby is seated on the lap of an adult, held by the hands. It is slowly swayed left and right, back and forth;
  • A light inflatable ball or ball is thrown to the child, he must try to catch it. If it didn't work out the first time, they throw it again;
  • The same ball is given to the crumbs so that he tosses or pushes them off with his handles.

Development of hearing and vision

A medium-sized box is useful for developing vision. You need to stick a bright picture on one side, show it to the baby. Then the mother turns the box over and in surprise asks: "Where did the picture go?", Prompting the child to search.

You can show the baby objects of different colors and shapes, while saying: "This is a round red ball", etc. Later you can ask to choose the desired item from the 2-3 offered. Parents can read poems and nursery rhymes, hum songs, turn on music to the baby.

A six-month-old baby develops an interest in the world around him, he distinguishes voices and reacts to parental speech. Parents play with their 6 month old toddler's muscles, hearing, vision and sensorimotor skills. The process of playing captivates the child, it is necessary to choose activities that will not only entertain, but also teach him.


Watch the video: How to entertain your 6 month old baby (July 2024).