
How much should a baby sleep at 9 months

Young parents do not always know how much a child should sleep at 9 months. For proper development and health, you need to follow the correct regime. Pediatricians establish the necessary minimum so that the norms of sleep and wakefulness coincide with the biological rhythm.

Healthy baby sleeps soundly

How much should children sleep

At nine months, intensive development takes place in all areas:

  • physical (growth, development and strengthening of the body occur);
  • psychological (elements of perception are formed);
  • social (communication skills).

A child spends a lot of energy while awake. The body needs time to recuperate. In most cases, an important skill is mastered during this period - walking. Lack of sleep negatively affects the behavior, condition of the child and his ability to learn new knowledge.

Pediatricians say that the norm for this age is 12-15 hours of sleep a day. The total is divided by 10 hours during the night period, the rest of the hours are in the daytime. In most cases, daytime sleep occurs 2 times and lasts 2.5 hours.

Attention! If a child wakes up at 6 or 7 in the morning, then during the day he should sleep 3 times for 1-2.5 hours. The third time, the duration can be reduced to 30-40 minutes.

A 9-month-old baby should sleep at least 12 hours a day, since during the rest there is an active growth and development of the body. Komarovsky also agrees with this statement. Quality rest allows:

  • recover;
  • accumulate energy for games and communication;
  • improve the process of assimilating new information;
  • get new knowledge and skills faster;
  • reduce stress (physical and emotional).

Doctors have found that during a deep and long sleep, the child's immune system is strengthened.

Full development depends on adherence to sleep and wakefulness

Sleep duration at 9 months

The question of how much a child should sleep at 9 months worries most parents. The general indicator can reach 14-15 hours. The wakefulness period takes up to 10 hours a day. The sleep of babies is an individual indicator. During this period at night, you can not wake up the baby for night feeding. It is recommended to calculate the schedule so that the child is awake between 5 and 6 pm. This will allow him to sleep soundly at night. In the morning, sleep should fall within a period of time 3-4 hours after waking up in the morning. In the afternoon, the child should sleep in the afternoon.

How much to sleep at 9 months

Recommendations for the amount and duration of rest are given by doctors based on the results of an individual examination. It is recommended to exclude the ritual of eating before bedtime (a bottle or breast should not be given to the child if he does not feel hungry, but requires them only in order to fall asleep). You also need to teach your child to fall asleep independently. During the day, he is actively developing, gaining new skills and knowledge. This leads to a waste of energy. Full and high-quality sleep allows you to restore them. Superficial or short rest affects the health negatively. Experts have developed a table of sleep patterns, it can serve as a guideline for parents.

Sleep chart at 9 months

StagesTime (start of sleep)Activities in between
Waking up in the morning (waking up after the night)6.30-7.00Exercising according to age for an energy boost for the whole day, hygiene procedures
First dream9.00-9.30Educational games, communication, walks, lunch
Second dream13.00-13.30Quiet games, dinner, getting ready for a night's sleep

It is recommended to put the child to sleep at night after 3.5-4 hours after waking up from the second daytime sleep. This will allow you to maintain optimal rest performance throughout the time until morning.

How much to sleep during the day

The child's daytime rest is divided into several stages. The pediatrician will recommend how much a child should sleep at 9 months in the daytime. The norm will come from the results of the survey. There are general standards for daytime rest: 2 long naps for 2.5-3 hours and several short ones for 40 minutes. 2 and 3 times sleep is allowed. Here you need to take into account the child's condition and health indicators. For example, if there are psychological or mental disorders, the rest should be long, the periods are frequent.

Playing and interacting with adults consume energy

Pediatric Sleep Standards

The established pediatric norms state that the baby should sleep at least 12-14 hours. At night, it is up to 12 hours, during the day - 2-4 hours. A schedule is drawn up, where there are 2 day rests of 1.5-2 hours. Such recommendations are conditional, since each child develops in an individual direction.

Experts consider it normal to rest 2-3 times during the day. If the second option is chosen, 1 and 3 dreams should be short - 40 minutes each. 2 sleep - up to 3 hours. Dr. Komarovsky points out that the mode and duration of sleep depends on the emotional and physiological state of the child. At 9 months, a child can stay awake for 3-4 hours. With normal development, he already fully sleeps at night. Up to 70% of children do not wake up until 6.30-7.00. You can wake up for feeding at night only once.

How to properly put to bed

When parents know exactly how much a child should sleep at 9 months, it is required to learn how to properly and quickly put it. When the baby is 9 months old, then every waking hour brings him various emotions. Overexcitement leads to a violation of the process of falling asleep.

The following recommendations will help to avoid problems:

  • air the room for 10-15 minutes before going to bed;
  • refuse active games in 30 minutes;
  • use comfortable clothes for sleeping (made of natural materials, free style without strings, without rigid seams, collars, calm colors);
  • humidify the air.

Adjusting the mode to your own is not recommended. It is necessary to develop actions that will indicate to the baby that it is time to rest (stroking, a fairy tale, a pleasant melody). You can play children's songs quietly or sing lullabies yourself so that the child perceives them as a soothing moment that promotes relaxation.

Sleep disorders

More than 50% of parents face violations of the regime and complete rejection of daytime sleep. There are several reasons for a child's “protest”:

  • character traits;
  • nuances of development (existing health disorders lead to disruptions in the processes of sleep and wakefulness);
  • overwork (active, fast games, the presence of a large number of people, a holiday with guests);
  • new impressions (both positive and negative);
  • the presence in the room of various bright elements that arouse interest from the child (these can be light sources, toys, decor items, and even bright wallpaper on the walls);
  • the temperature in the room is above 18-20 degrees.

We must try to get rid of these reasons. Experts recommend going for a walk in the daytime, as children fall asleep easily and quickly in the fresh air. You also don't need to overfeed your baby. Indigestion or pain can lead to sleep disturbances and complete refusal to rest. All changes that arise should be discussed at the appointments with the pediatrician. It is impossible to use sedatives without appointment, since they are not always able to correct the situation.

The age of 9 months is filled with new impressions and discoveries. Children learn a lot of new and useful information, learn to walk. It is during this period that they receive various emotional impressions that become the cause of overexcitation. Parents must observe the sleep schedule, take into account the reasons for its violation. Then there will be no problems with the quality and duration of day and night rest.

Watch the video: Expert secrets on how to get your baby to sleep through the night (September 2024).