
How to feed twins at the same time

Having a baby is both a joyful and exciting event. If the appearance of twins is planned for young parents, then the expectation becomes twofold. Very often, the expectant mother thinks that there is not enough breast milk for two babies, and begins to plan what formula she will use after giving birth. Fortunately, such thoughts are erroneous, with the right approach and the mood of breastfeeding will be the key to the good health of both babies and the peace of the mother.

Feeding twins is not an easy test for a woman

Doubts of twin moms regarding breastfeeding

All young mothers immediately after the appearance of twins are worried whether it is worth breastfeeding, and whether there is enough milk for two babies. Many people think it is easier to stop breastfeeding right away and start feeding babies with formula. It is necessary to understand that breastfeeding is a natural process, artificial feeding is not very convenient and quite costly.

Will there be enough milk

Immediately after childbirth, the process of producing colostrum occurs, it will be enough to feed two babies for 2-4 days. Further, the more often the babies are fed, the more milk will be produced. At first, children need to be fed only on demand so that the mother's body understands how much milk is needed for children and can produce the necessary portions. If the children are not with their mother all the time, she will need to express milk all the time in order to establish the correct lactation process and not lose it at all.

Organization of the feeding process

How to feed twins at the same time? Since it is very difficult to feed twins with breast milk, it puts a heavy load on the entire body, the mother should get enough sleep and eat a balanced meal, and also be in a good mood. It is very important that someone help mom with household issues, as heavy workload and fatigue reduce milk production.

To stimulate milk production, twins should breastfeed as often as possible. At first, you need to feed the babies on demand. Then it is better to switch to breastfeeding twins according to a certain regimen - this will help organize the regimen of the day and it will be much easier for mom.

Attention! When breastfeeding, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, preferably before feeding. You can drink warm water, tea, milk.

Twins with mom

Maternity hospital and the beginning of feeding

If the childbirth took place naturally, the children were born on time and feel good, then they will be attached to the breast immediately after giving birth in the delivery room. Mom will be with the babies from the very beginning, she will feed them on demand.

It will not be easy, it is better to immediately ask the medical staff to help with the start of feeding, to show how to properly attach the baby to the breast, how to feed two children at once. In a private maternity hospital or a paid ward, you can contact a breastfeeding consultant.

If the twins are born with low weight or prematurely, then they are taken to the premature room. In this case, if the mother is also in the hospital, she is allowed to come, take the babies out of the incubator and feed them. If a mother and children are separated, then they need to express milk at least eight times a day and pass it on to newborns.

Breastfeeding twins, good tips for expressing milk:

  • To make pumping easier, especially for an inexperienced mother, you can take a warm shower, massage your breasts and drink a glass of warm tea or milk.
  • It is necessary to express each breast for about 15-20 minutes.
  • It is best to express your breasts one at a time, for example, for three minutes, or buy a special breast pump that will express both breasts at the same time.

At first, breast milk may not be enough for two babies. It may be necessary to introduce supplementary feeding. It should always be remembered that any amount of milk is very beneficial for the health of the child.

Note! Colostrum is a very important food for newborns, even if it is very small.

Newborn twins in the hospital

Features of feeding twins in the first postpartum month

Feeding two babies is not easy at the same time. The mother should give the breast as soon as she notices the signs of a search (the child begins to smack his lips, turns his head from side to side, sucks his finger). In this case, it is necessary to adjust and offer the breast to the second child as well. The child is applied to the breast every 1.5-2 hours, if you feed the children alternately, you will have to do this every hour, and the whole day will turn into a full day of feeding.

Feeding twins on demand

Many pediatricians recommend that young mothers feed their newborn babies on demand. The baby needs to be breastfed as soon as he begins to demand it. Moreover, it does not matter at all how much he wants to eat per day, and whether enough time has passed after the next meal.

During the first 2-3 months after giving birth, you will have to get used to feeding on demand, then the children will begin to develop a kind of regimen, it will be more or less clear when they need to be fed.

Feeding twins at the same time

Twins night feeding

Children under one year old very often confuse day and night. This is due to the fact that their regime changes several times during the first year of life. Every month the amount of sleep decreases. If the kids sleep well during the day, they will not want to sleep at night, they will be active and ask for food. To remedy the situation, the mother needs to form such a daily routine so that the twins get tired well during the day. It is very important to adhere to the rules: the active part of wakefulness should end half an hour before the last daytime sleep.

The time before bedtime should be held in a relaxed atmosphere, as children need to tune in to rest. Bathing is a great pre-bedtime routine that will soothe children and provide them with deep and long sleep.

Even if children do not want to sleep at night, they do not need to talk to them, play and turn on the light, they should understand that night is the time for sleep, nothing else. If you adhere to these rules, then in the future the night feeding of the twins will stop. If no changes are made to the regime, then children can grow up, and their regime will remain so.

It is also very important that the children get up not very late in the morning, play actively during the day, and engage in calm games in the evening, then the night's sleep will be calm and long.

Positions for simultaneous feeding of twins

How can twins be breastfed at the same time? In the first months after giving birth, a young mother will very often have to put babies to her breast, so it is important to choose the most comfortable position for feeding. You can try to apply children at the same time and separately, then choose the best way. There are no ideal positions, every mother must use the trial method to choose the most suitable options for herself.

Positioning is important for feeding

Frequent latching on to the chest takes a lot of energy, so you need to choose the most comfortable position so that not only the children, but also the mother are comfortable.


Breastfeeding twins in this position implies that the babies need to be positioned opposite each other so that their legs touch or cross. In this case, it is better to lay the babies on a special pillow for feeding or support them with your hands, if necessary, helping to grab and hold the nipple.

Lying on your back

In this position, the mother should lie on her back with a pillow under her head and shoulders. Babies should be laid on their sides and supported by their hands.


Mom should sit down and put pillows on either side of her. Children should be laid on these pillows on each side. The legs of the babies should be located towards the mother's back.

Parallel pose

In this position, the mother should sit down as comfortably as possible, put one child on her arm so that his head fits into the elbow bend. The second twin should be attached to the breast in the same position as the first, while his legs should be placed on an additional pillow parallel to the legs of the first baby.

Cross cradle

Feeding in this position is also called "cradle". The twins are laid with a "jack": the mother's heads should be on the hands of each breast, and the legs should be crossed. It is very convenient to feed the children in this position, as the mother's hands will remain free, and she will be able to help the babies if the need arises. For more comfort, you can put pillows under the mother's back and elbows, as well as under each of the children.

Combination of the "cradle" and the position "from under the arm"

In such a feeding position, one child should be placed in the classic position on the mother's hand, in the "cradle" position, the second baby should be placed on the side of the mother's second breast: legs behind her back, head at the breast, while the mother should sit.

Mixed feeding for twins

It often happens that, for some reason, a mother cannot establish full breastfeeding, or she does not have enough milk for two children. In such cases, babies need to be supplemented with formula or donor milk. It is best to give supplements not from a regular bottle, but from a special bottle, which has a spoon at the end instead of a nipple. You can also use a needleless syringe or a cup. Breastfeeding experts recommend putting babies on the breast at least several times a day. This will help the babies experience the advantage of breastfeeding over bottle feeding.

Even if there is not enough milk to fully feed two babies, mixed feeding is still better than artificial feeding. The mother's milk contains live antibodies that increase the child's immunity, and no formula can replace them. Also, when the time comes to give the baby complementary foods, then part of the feedings with the mixture can be replaced with complementary foods, while maintaining attachment to the breast. Thus, it will turn out to switch to breastfeeding plus complementary foods, there will be no need to use the mixture.

Breastfeeding two babies at once is hard work for a mother, but this does not mean that you need to deprive babies of such nutritious breast milk. First of all, a young mother should ask her husband and other relatives to take on some of the household chores. This is the only way to establish simultaneous feeding and enjoy communication with babies, as well as find time for yourself and your family.

Watch the video: How to pump and feed twins at same time. (June 2024).