
Newborn feeding positions

There are no right or wrong positions for breastfeeding newborns - in any case, both mom and baby always find a suitable option for themselves. The main thing is that all participants in the process feel as comfortable as possible. One way or another, mastering several poses will be quite appropriate - the child is growing, life circumstances change, so a woman has to be flexible, be able to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Breastfeeding is a very important period in the life of every mother.

Newborn feeding positions

The options for feeding positions that exist today are very diverse. Thanks to this, each nursing mother will be able to choose the most suitable option for herself. It is important that mom and baby feel comfortable during GW. In all cases, the baby should be positioned so that his face is turned towards the mother, and his head, shoulders and hips are in line. The most popular feeding positions are:

  • "Lying on its side";
  • "Cradle";
  • cross "cradle";
  • "Capture".

Basic principles of attachment

Regardless of which position was chosen, in each individual case, the feeding process must meet the following requirements:

  1. Correct positioning of the baby's body;
  2. The baby should be able to pick up the breast with a full mouth. To achieve this will help the location of the baby's body close to the mother (belly to belly). The movements of the baby's head should be free, the baby's face is turned to the chest;
  3. It is important for the woman to feel relaxed;
  4. Compliance with the nuances of location, depending on the specific position. For example, if feeding takes place in a seated position, the chair should be low enough so that the woman's legs touch the floor with her entire feet, and her knees are slightly raised. Mom should sit upright, leaning slightly on the back of the chair;
  5. The most important rule of latching is to bring the baby to the breast, not the breast to the baby. It is necessary to give up trying to insert the nipple into the baby's mouth as if it were a bottle;
  6. During attachment, the baby's nose should be in line with the nipple;
  7. It is not necessary to remove the breast from the baby's nostrils. If the position is correct, the child will be able to breathe through the side slits of the nostrils;
  8. You can gently touch your baby's cheek or mouth with your nipple or finger to induce the baby's latching reflex. The child will begin to look for the breast, opening his mouth wide and sticking his tongue forward;
  9. If the mother wants to support her breast during the GW process, she can place her palm under it or put her hand on the chest;
  10. Painful sensations are a sign of improper placement of the baby at the breast. In this case, you need to interrupt the feeding process and try again;
  11. If the nipples are flat or elongated, the baby will gradually adapt to it;
  12. During the application, most of the areola should be above the baby's upper lip, respectively, the smaller part - under the lower one;
  13. The baby's lower lip should be turned outward during sucking.
  14. A sign of correct attachment, regardless of position, is touching the baby's chin to the mother's chest.

Baby latching rules

Rules for a comfortable feeding position

Regardless of the position chosen, each feeding procedure must comply with the following rules:

  1. Before starting the GW, you should prepare all the necessary items that may be useful for creating convenience: a magazine or book, a telephone, a TV remote control, drinks. It is also recommended to go to the toilet, since the "session" can drag on for an hour or more;
  2. Provide the child with maximum comfort. It does not matter which position was chosen for feeding - in all cases, the baby must be held firmly, straight, the baby's head, neck and back must feel securely supported;
  3. It is important that the woman is not stressed. For more comfort and better relaxation, you can use special pillows for nursing mothers. Regular pillows in different sizes will also work. These products serve as an excellent support for the back and arms;
  4. Care must be taken to ensure that the infant is correctly latching on to the breast. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the baby will swallow air, which will lead to regurgitation of milk.

To find the most comfortable position for the GV, the mother and child will have to try different attachment options.

On a note. The process of breastfeeding is not only a way to make the baby full, but also one of the options for communication between the mother and the newborn, as a result of which a strong emotional connection is established between them. This is why it is so important that nothing interferes with the normal feeding process, including an uncomfortable posture that makes your mother's arms or back numb.

As the baby grows and develops, the position chosen at the beginning can gradually be replaced by a new method of attachment. For example, when the child was still very young, the mother fed him lying on her back or on her side; after the infant acquired mobility, another option of attachment (sitting or standing) became more convenient. In addition, the periodic change of position allows the mammary glands to develop evenly. In some cases, the choice of a different position is dictated by medical indications, for example, with lactostasis.

In the first weeks after the birth of the baby, it is recommended to feed while lying down, especially if the woman had a cesarean section or stitches in the perineum. In addition, the lying position simplifies the process of night feeding - being in this position, the mother will get better sleep.

Mom pillow

The process of breastfeeding involves the constant presence of the baby with the mother. So that a woman can feel comfortable and relaxed, modern baby stores offer special pillows for feeding babies. This device performs several important functions at once:

  1. Allows muscles to relax;
  2. Fixes the child in the correct and comfortable position;
  3. Relieves the load on the spine, preventing its curvature (not every woman can hold a child in her arms every day, especially since the weight and equipment of babies can vary significantly);
  4. Provides the necessary conditions for the correct application of the crumbs;
  5. Allows a woman and a child to feel comfortable while traveling (there are pillow models specially designed for this);
  6. Frees hands during GW. Having placed the baby comfortably, mom can do other things, for example, read a book or drink tea.

Breastfeeding pillow

The pillow can be used not only for feeding. The accessory is very useful in the following cases:

  • Such a thing will improve the quality of sleep of a pregnant woman;
  • Helps the baby to develop faster after the completion of GV (the child learns to roll over, lie on his stomach, sit);
  • You can place the child on the roller during hygiene procedures (in such conditions, the baby is less capricious, and it becomes easier for parents to take care of him).

How to feed a newborn baby while lying down

This position is most often used in the early stages of breastfeeding, when no more than 2 months have passed since the birth of the baby. There are several common variations:

  • Feeding while lying on your side;
  • Supine feeding.

Lying on its side

This method is ideal for night feeding in bed, and if the woman has had a cesarean section, tears during childbirth. Obviously, in such cases, a sitting position is absolutely inappropriate and can even harm the woman's health. Feeding lying on the side of a newborn is as follows: a woman and a child lie next to each other on their side, while the mother's belly touches the belly of the baby. In this position, the mother can feed the newborn and at the same time rest (which is very appropriate at first, when the woman's body is still recovering after childbirth).

Good to know. Before feeding a newborn baby lying on its side, it should be understood that this position is recommended for cases when the baby cannot capture the breast due to the shortened frenum of the tongue. Lying on its side makes it easier for the infant to hold the nipple in the mouth. As the child grows up, he will be able to attach to the breast in normal positions.

Side-lying feeding

Lying on your back

In this case, the mother is lying or reclining on her back, leaning on a pillow. The child sits on it - belly to belly. This option is suitable for those women who prefer to relax on their back. The force of gravity helps the baby to grab the chest and not lose balance. With this method of laying, the mother's hands are almost always free (except for the need to support the newborn's head), so she can read a book or leaf through a magazine.

This position is not popular as the baby has to pull the milk from the bottom up. The force of gravity in this situation works against the baby. Therefore, the “lying on the back” method of application is suitable for mothers with a strong milk pressure, when, with other feeding options, the baby begins to choke.

Recommendation. It is better to feed in a reclining position, leaning on pillows - this way the woman will have support and will be able to observe the baby while latching.

How to feed a newborn while sitting

There are many sedentary ways to feed babies. The most common are the following:

  • "Cradle";
  • cross "cradle";
  • "Out of hand";
  • the baby is standing;
  • baby sits on mom.

Features of the "cradle" pose

This is the classic and most common position for GW. The woman sits upright and the baby lies on her side in her arm. The baby's belly touches the mother’s belly. It is not recommended to use this method in relation to newborn babies, since the “cradle” does not give the child enough support. It will be appropriate for mom to put a regular pillow under her back, and place a special nursing pillow on her knees so that she can lean on her hands. Such conditions will allow you to more reliably hold the baby, without straining the back and shoulders.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the baby is not lying too high on the pillow, otherwise it will be difficult for him to grasp the breast.

Cradle pose

Cross or reverse "cradle"

This option is very similar to the previous one, but in this case the child lies on the other hand. This position provides the baby with reliable support in the shoulder and neck area. The reverse "cradle" is recommended for feeding newborns, as well as those babies who do not grasp the breast well. Since the baby is located on the other hand, the mother has the opportunity to control the process of attachment and correct the breast with the other hand.

On a note. At first, the baby's head must be held, otherwise there is a possibility of accidentally pressing the baby's chin against his chest. As a result, the baby will not be able to properly capture the breast, and for the mother it is fraught with inflammation of the nipples.

Feeding from under the arm

With this method of attachment, the mother sits, and the baby is placed along her arm on the side, his legs are directed towards the back of the seat. This position allows the woman to hold the baby firmly and freely observe the feeding process. This method is recommended for women:

  • Having given birth by caesarean section;
  • Have a premature birth;
  • Have given birth to twins;
  • Having large breasts.

Hand feeding

Baby stands

This option is suitable for older children who often apply on the go in between games and other activities.

Baby sitting on mom

In this case, the baby sits on the mother's hip. This method is especially relevant for feeding grown children. The upright position is also suitable for those babies who have a tendency to regurgitate food - they feel better in a sitting position. The position is recommended for feeding babies with a shortened frenum of the tongue or weak muscle tone.

On a note. This option allows you to discreetly feed babies in public places.

Therapeutic and prophylactic postures with lactostasis

With lactostasis, it is recommended to resort to such positions that help free the breast from stagnant milk. The best option for this is hand feeding.

There are many different poses for GW. The choice of one or another depends on a number of factors, the main of which is the comfort of the mother and child during lactation. The chosen method should also be as safe as possible for all participants in the process.

Watch the video: How to get a baby to latch: breastfeeding help. Baby care (July 2024).