
Do I need to add water to the baby when breastfeeding

Water is an integral part of the human body. Young parents often have a question whether it is necessary to supplement the baby with water while breastfeeding. Opinions differ on this score. Modern pediatricians do not recommend that the baby be given additional regular water on the gv. The experience of doctors in the past indicates the need for supplementation. In order not to make mistakes, you need to carefully study all the recommendations.

The liquid is beneficial but should be used as indicated

Do I need to add water to the baby

The additional use of foods and liquids, except for breast milk, is a controversial issue. There are pros and cons, official recommendations from doctors, WHO. Personal experience or recommendations of older relatives are not always objective, so you need to carefully study the topic.

All pros and cons

Based on the results of research and observation of babies, it was possible to identify a number of positive and negative aspects. The advantages of supplementation are:

  • problems with bilirubin in the blood are excluded;
  • thirst is eliminated in the hot season;
  • excess iron is removed from the body.

The negative effect of water on babies:

  • there is a feeling of satiety, but the body does not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients;
  • the risk of intoxication in babies up to 6 months increases;
  • in some cases, there is a problem with the lack of weight by age.

If there is a need for the baby to drink water in addition to the main food, you need to consult a doctor.

Attention! If an artificial type of food is used, boiled water is present in the diluted mixture.

WHO recommendations

Proper feeding involves introducing new foods at a certain age. With regard to water, WHO gives the following recommendations: when the baby is breastfed and lactation is not disturbed, boiled water should be given no earlier than the child reaches the age of 6 months.

Child's water intoxication

In rare cases, a child may become intoxicated after drinking water. This happens if he was given insufficiently pure or not boiled liquid.

When to start giving

It is recommended that you start giving water to your baby at the age of 6 months. If there is a mixed type of food or artificial feeding, then the terms are shifted to 4-5 months. In each case, prior consultation with a pediatrician is required before introducing liquid into the diet.

Important! The amount of liquid is 3-4 drops.

You need to start giving water in minimal quantities. Use a regular pipette, as the child may not drink liquid from the spoon.

What water can you give

It is recommended to give more than just water. Dill or fennel should be added to it to get rid of colic. Also used are raisin water (to improve hemoglobin and get rid of gastrointestinal problems) and the addition of vitamin D.

When to give water

There are cases when water is a necessity for a child under 6 months. Medical indications affect the inclusion of liquid:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • high temperature (fever);
  • dehydration (identified by a medical examination).

It will be necessary to supplement with boiled water while breastfeeding a newborn in the absence of a comfortable microclimate in the room. A minimum or insufficient amount of milk can serve as a factor in introducing water into the diet at an early age. You can identify the problem while expressing or during a medical consultation. It is recommended to start the infusion of liquid in small portions.

Dill infusion relieves pain and gas problems

Important! Only a doctor can determine the lack of milk. It is very difficult to independently understand the problem by certain signs (how the breast looks like, whether there is leakage between feedings).

It is required to know in advance whether it is necessary to supplement the baby with water, and what options exist. You can find out about the problem by the following signs:

  • the occurrence of constipation;
  • signs of hypotension;
  • summer period.

It is best to consult with a qualified pediatrician before starting supplementation. As for the options, you can only give warm boiled water. Dill or fennel should be added to prevent colic.

For a nursing mother

A nursing woman needs to drink the required minimum of fluids. You will need about 2 liters per day. This number includes:

  • directly water;
  • fruit juices;
  • fruit drinks;
  • mineral water (still, in small quantities, dining room);
  • tea.

It is recommended to dilute concentrated fruit juices in a 1: 1 ratio.

Juices are beneficial and saturated with vitamins

When water benefits the newborn

There are a number of reasons why the inclusion of water in the diet is a must in childcare. It is used in the following cases:

  • the room is too hot or stuffy;
  • constipation appeared;
  • jaundice arose (it is diagnosed even in the first month of a baby's life).

In the summer, supplementation is also indicated if it is too hot outside, but the child is not on the guard. It is believed that breast milk completely replaces the need for water.

Too warm and dry

The baby should get extra fluids when the room is too hot and stuffy. You can identify the problem by the dry lips or lethargy of the child. It is recommended to additionally humidify the air and ventilate the room.

Constipation water

It is given in small quantities. Helps normalize bowel movements. If gw is used, then the amount of liquid should be minimal. The term is 1-2 days.

Jaundice of newborns

A problem like jaundice is common among newborns. Drinking water is one of the treatments. There is a regulation of the bilirubin content in the blood, which contributes to the acceleration of the healing process. After a course of treatment, jaundice disappears.

Hot weather and water

A baby under 6 months old does not need extra fluids, even in hot weather. After reaching the age of six months, he should normally drink up to 50 ml per day.

How much water should be given

If in doubt, and parents begin to think that it is time to give water, it is recommended to consult a specialist for advice. The pediatrician will tell you if the newborn can be supplemented with water, or if the incoming liquid with milk or mixtures is enough for him.

Water has the desired beneficial effect when it is included in the diet correctly. There is no need to rush without good reason. Recommendations are given by the pediatrician during the examination of the newborn, since all cases are individual.

Watch the video: Feeding Your 0-3 Month Old Baby (June 2024).