
Milk noodles - recipe for a 1 year old baby

Most kids love pasta. Not surprisingly, they have a neutral taste, are easy to chew, and come in a variety of shapes. In combination with milk, you can get a very nutritious and tasty dish for babies - milk soup. Most mothers are interested in how you can cook milk noodles for your baby so that it will bring maximum benefits, and the baby will eat it with pleasure.

Baby eating milk soup

Benefits of milk noodles for children

Despite the fact that the soup is based on only two ingredients (pasta and milk), it has a lot of useful substances.

The milk soup contains:

  1. Milk protein and amino acids;
  2. Vitamins - B1, B2, A, D, E, K;
  3. Macronutrients - phosphorus, magnesium, potassium;
  4. The structural element calcium, which is necessary for strengthening bone tissue;
  5. Trace elements - iron, copper, zinc, fluorine, etc.;
  6. Complex carbohydrates that normalize digestion and energize vital organs.

The nutritional value of milk soup is 120 kcal in one 180-gram serving for children. Of these, proteins - 4% of the daily value, fats - 12%, carbohydrates - 7%.

Selection of pasta

Additional benefits for moms include the quick and easy preparation of milk noodles. For it to have maximum nutritional value, you need to choose good pasta and milk.

Which pasta is suitable

Important! The best pasta for children is made from durum wheat.

If pasta is made from soft varieties, the glycemic index of such products is higher, they will not saturate for a long time, but they contribute to the deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Gluten-free pasta made from rice and corn flour is also suitable for babies. Some children are likely to be gluten intolerant.

Gluten Free Pasta

Milk selection

Important! Whole milk a child's body at the age of one year or less is not yet ready to assimilate, it must be diluted.

In addition, the taste of milk soup with diluted milk is softer, and the milk does not burn. If the child has never consumed cow's milk before, then the whole product should be diluted first in the ratio of 2 parts of boiled water to 1 part of milk, after several weeks it can be diluted 1: 1, and even later - 1: 2. Pediatricians also recommend using adapted mixtures for preparing milk cereals and soups.

Age of introduction of milk noodles into the diet

You can start giving noodles to 9-month-old babies, but you should not introduce it into a regular diet until the child is 10 months or one year old.

Cooking recipes

For the baby, you can cook soup with ready-made pasta or make homemade noodles with your own hands. The second option is preferable, but more laborious.

Milk noodles

Before you cook milk noodles for a child, you first need to make it yourself from the dough.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Important! If you cook milk noodles according to a recipe for a 1 year old baby, then it is better not to put eggs in the dough.

Step-by-step instructions for making noodles:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix the flour and salt;
  2. Add water gradually, kneading the tough dough;
  3. Put a lump of dough in a bag and place in the refrigerator for about 0.5 hours;
  4. Pull out the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin into a rectangular plate 0.5-1 mm thick;
  5. Cut the plate lengthwise into 2 or 4 strips, sprinkle them well with flour;
  6. Cut each strip thinly across;
  7. The resulting noodles can be dried on a flat, wide surface and then used as needed.

Cooking homemade noodles

To make soup from this noodles, you need to take:

  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • homemade noodles - 100 g;
  • sugar -1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and boil;
  2. Add salt and sugar;
  3. Add noodles and cook for 5-7 minutes.

You can put a small piece of butter on the plate if you like.

Ready milk noodles

A multicooker-cooked baby milk noodle recipe contains the same ingredients, but tastes slightly different. The proportions of the constituent parts are similar.


  1. Pour in milk;
  2. Add salt and sugar;
  3. Select the "Steam cooking" program, turn on the multicooker;

Important! It is best to leave the lid open to control the rise of milk.

  1. After boiling milk, put the noodles and wait for the boil again.
  2. Set the "Heating" mode, close the lid of the multicooker and wait 10 minutes.

Vermicelli milk soup

The recipe for milk soup with ready-made noodles for a child excludes the preparation of noodles, therefore, it is simpler.


  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vermicelli;
  • 1 tbsp. sugar (you can put less or not at all);
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and heat it almost to a boil, then add milk, wait until it boils;
  2. Add salt and sugar;
  3. Add vermicelli and cook for about 7 minutes, stirring occasionally so that it does not stick together;
  4. Remove from heat and cover, let stand for 10 minutes. Put butter on a plate if desired.

Milk noodle soup

Rules for feeding milk noodles

If the baby is healthy and physically active, then gradually it is necessary to introduce milk noodles into his diet, observing the rules of feeding:

  1. For the first time this product is given in the morning or at lunchtime (but not in the evening).
  2. The portion should be small, it is advisable not to feed the child several new foods at one meal;
  3. When the child has no problems (allergic rashes, gastrointestinal disorders), the amount of noodles can be increased.

How often to give

Pediatricians are of the opinion that pasta can be given to a one-year-old baby twice a week, but not more often.


One serving of soup with the regular introduction of complementary foods should be 180-200 ml, but if the child does not want to eat this amount completely, then he should not be offered to finish.

What can be combined with

You can make a milk noodle soup for your baby with various additives to enhance the flavor. At the same time, sugar and salt should not be abused, they are added in a minimum amount. Canned fruits are also unacceptable. Compatible are:

  • butter;
  • honey (in the absence of allergic reactions);
  • natural fruits (for example, in a bowl, you can have one tablespoon of raspberry juice and a few fresh raspberries).

Milk soup with fruit additives

Possible problems

Important! Since pasta contains a large amount of carbohydrates, they are not recommended as complementary foods for overweight babies, as well as those suffering from diabetes and gluten intolerance. In the latter case, you can give your child gluten-free pasta.

Signs of allergies

If all of the ingredients in the milk noodles are brand new foods for your baby, they may have an allergic reaction. Her signs:

  • skin rash;
  • upset stool (usually diarrhea, but there may be constipation);
  • restlessness after eating;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • swelling of the mouth;
  • poor sleep;
  • itching that will make the baby irritable.

Allergies can be to cow's milk protein, as well as gluten found in pasta. In the presence of the first signs of an allergic reaction, these products should be immediately excluded from the diet and seek the advice of a specialist.

A tasty and healthy dish, milk noodles, is recommended to be given to healthy children, observing the rules of preparation and feeding norms. However, it is necessary to abandon it and not risk the health of the child in case of negative reactions of the baby's body or the presence of diseases.

Watch the video: Healthy Fried Egg noodles for kids (July 2024).