
What can a nursing mother of a newborn eat?

Breast milk is the best food for a newly born baby. It is optimally adapted to the peculiarities of the baby's digestion and metabolic processes in his body. Therefore, it is so important to know what you can eat for a nursing mother of a newborn.

What to eat for mom with GV

What to eat for mom with GV

With HV, a woman spends more energy than in a normal situation. She needs extra calories to produce milk and fill it with valuable substances. Also, the mother should have enough strength for the tedious work of raising the baby (especially if he is restless).

A nursing mother should receive per day:

  • 400 g of carbohydrates;
  • 112 g protein;
  • 100 g of fat;
  • a large amount of mineral salts (especially phosphorus and calcium);
  • the required number of vitamins;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

This should be taken into account when deciding what can be eaten while breastfeeding a newborn. Mom's diet directly affects the health of the baby. Everything that a woman does not eat, after being processed, goes into milk, and then into the body of a newborn.

What shouldn't be on the menu

NameHow do they affect the baby
Canned food, products containing dyes and chemical additivesSide effects ranging from allergies to poisoning
Raw fish, sushi, caviarCause an allergic reaction and are sources of worms
Sweets, chocolateOver-saturate breast milk with sugar and provoke skin rashes
Homemade pickles and marinadesGive stress to the kidneys
Garlic, onions, foods containing bitternessChanges the taste of milk, which can cause the baby to refuse to breast
CoffeeActs excitingly on the baby's nervous system

Mushrooms in any form, fast foods and moldy cheeses should also be excluded from the diet. For a while, mom should give up smoked meats and fried foods, salads with mayonnaise, so as not to load the baby's still unstable digestive system with carcinogens.

Prohibited foods

Important! Drinking alcohol, smoking is not only harmful, but also negatively affects the production of breast milk. As a result, hypolactation develops.

Drinking regime

Even if the mother is not particularly thirsty, she should consume about 2 liters of liquids per day. This includes soups (low-fat broths), dairy products, juices, teas (preferably herbal ones), compotes. The main share falls on clean (preferably mineral-rich artesian) water.

Drinking can help improve breast milk production and prevent dehydration. But you should not get too carried away with drinking - it will be difficult for the kidneys to cope with excess moisture, and the mother will have swelling.

To accelerate the milk flow to the nipples, a woman is recommended to drink a glass of warm tea 10-15 minutes before feeding. The rest of the liquid is evenly distributed throughout the day.

Can you eat watermelon or melon

Melon products are good for lactation. They help mom to improve digestion and remove excess fluid from the body. It is not worth including them in the diet for the first 3 months - the baby's unstable digestive system will react with colic and fermentation in the stomach.

Melon breastfeeding

It is necessary to introduce watermelon and melon into the menu gradually, first eating a small piece of one of the products. If the baby feels good, the rate is brought up to 3 lobules per week in slow portions. Then the child's body is taught to the next product.

Nutrition for a nursing mother by month

In order for mom's daily diet to include 3500-3700 calories, she must not only prepare a list of basic foods, but also correctly determine their rate.

The main components of the daily menu

ProductsFeatures:Quantity, g.
Fruits vegetablesMain source of vitamins:
• Vitamin C is found in berries, fresh cabbage, oranges, tomatoes;
• A - in bright yellow and dark green vegetables;
• a large set is present in potatoes.
Products can be fresh, frozen, dried, or juiced. The ratio looks like this:
• 1 time per day:
1. fresh drink;
2. fruits, berries.
• 2 times:
1. vegetables or salads;
2. potatoes.
In total, 6 visits of eating vitamin-containing foods are obtained.
Meat, poultry, fishA valuable protein product should be present in the daily diet twice. In this case, 1-2 days a week need to be done with fish180-200
Fermented milk drinks (kefir, sour milk, yogurt)Provide Adequate Protein and Calcium2 glasses
Curd and cheeseto 50 g
Milkat least 1 glass
Butter, vegetable oilSource of polyunsaturated fat, provitamin Ato 50 g
Porridge, pastaProvide the body with carbohydrates, contain a complex of B vitamins. Pasta must be made from durum wheat150
Bread (not white)50

It is also recommended for mom to eat 1 boiled egg a day. If the baby is allergic to this product, it is temporarily removed from the mother's diet, trying again a little later.

Balanced diet

At first, the mother determines what she can eat when feeding the newborn with breast milk in the first stages. Then he gradually supplements the menu with new products. How it looks is shown in the diagram below.

Sample menu by month

Baby's age, monthsMom's dietBaby's age, monthsMom's diet
0-1• low-fat broth soups;
• porridge on the water (oatmeal, buckwheat);
• boiled and fresh vegetables;
• apples, bananas;
• white poultry meat;
• kefir, cottage cheese;
• gray bread or with bran;
• crackers;
• weak teas, rosehip broth
3-6Additional products:
• lean pork;
• eggs (quail, chicken);
• beets;
• freshly squeezed juices;
• rye bread (yesterday's);
• nuts (excluding peanuts and pistachios);
• fresh onions;
• spices in small quantities (pepper, thyme, savory, basil, tarragon)
1-3New products are introduced:
• porridge from millet, wheat, rice;
• boiled beef, rabbit, liver;
• boiled or steamed lean fish;
• yoghurts without additives, yogurt, fermented baked milk;
• low fat sour cream;
• unsalted cheese;
• dried fruits;
• watermelons;
• cherries, cherries, pears, apples, gooseberries and juices (compotes, fruit drinks from them)
6-9The menu variety continues:
• red fish in small quantities;
• cucumbers, tomatoes;
• legumes;
• garlic
9-12More are added:
• honey;
• lemon;
• from vegetables - turnips, cabbage, radishes

As soon as the baby turns one year old, and he himself switches to an extended diet, the mother can afford to make the menu at her own discretion. Healthy food will make it possible to maintain a slim figure for a long time.

Balanced diet rules:

  1. The diet of a nursing mother should not be monotonous. The daily menu contains all food groups with nutritional value.
  2. Food intake is fractional and correlates with the baby's regimen. The best option if the mother eats half an hour before feeding.
  3. Each new product is introduced gradually and the reaction of the child's body to it is necessarily checked.
  4. If a woman wants to treat herself to sweetness and is sure that the baby will not have allergies, she can afford it (but not regularly).

Balanced diet

Touching upon the question of what can be eaten while feeding an infant and what is not, a woman is, first of all, interested in products that have a beneficial effect on lactation. These include:

  • buckwheat,
  • rolled oats;
  • feta cheese, Adyghe cheese;
  • carrot;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • walnuts (but in small quantities).

Adhering to the nutritional norms indicated in the table above, the woman will always be in good physical shape and high spirits, and the baby will receive the components necessary for development.

Products in the first month after delivery

The first weeks are the most stringent in mom's diet. The baby is just beginning to adapt to new living conditions and gradually get used to breast milk, the nutrients of which are new to him.

Note! The enzymatic and digestive systems are still in the stage of formation and may not be able to cope with those components that have entered the milk from an unbalanced mother's diet.

The diet of the first month of life after childbirth

To save the baby from allergies, colic and flatulence, at first the mother limits herself in variety. Each new product on the menu is introduced gradually. This will help you understand what is undesirable to eat with HB (taking into account the baby's reaction).

Menu for the first month after childbirth

1-3 daysThe diet includes only vegetarian soups, cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, as well as boiled (or steamed) vegetables. You can have some baked apple and a slice of whole grain bread
From the 4th dayEach new product is introduced in turn:
• fermented milk drinks;
• cottage cheese, cheese;
• seeds (not fried)
From the 2nd weekYou can already eat meat (beef) and lean fish, boiled or steamed
3rd weekMom introduces fresh fruits and juices into the diet. Cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage are still excluded from vegetables
4th weekThe newborn has already formed its own microflora, and the work of the enzymatic system has improved. Therefore, mom boldly expands the diet, introducing:
• baked potato;
• wheat porridge;
• beets;
• fruit drinks from berries;
• boiled yolks;
• biscuit biscuits

To understand what can be eaten for the first month when feeding an infant, and how foods affect the condition of a newborn, a woman should keep a diary and write down her daily menu in it, as well as the baby's reaction to new foods.

Mom's diet and stool in a child

Even if a woman eats a balanced diet and adheres to the recommendations for drawing up her own diet, the baby may still have digestive problems.

Disorder-provoking foods

The baby has a problemWhat foods from mom's diet are to blame
Colic in the stomach• all types of cabbage;
• legumes;
• fresh fruits and vegetables;
• fatty meals;
• rye bread and buns;
• sometimes milk
Loose, frothy stools• apples;
• cucumbers;
• bananas
Constipation• excess in the menu of meat dishes;
• a lot of cheese and cottage cheese;
• lack of stewed fruits and vegetables;
• flour products (pasta, white bread, rolls, pies, cakes, etc.);
• stale fermented milk products

Each child reacts individually to the mother's menu. Therefore, a food diary will allow you to determine the most optimal foods for which your baby has stable stools. But even they can provoke a digestive upset in an infant when the mother eats too much.

Digestive problems

If you have problems, you can solve them as follows:

  • it is easy to get rid of child's constipation if the mother eats a vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil or low-fat sour cream;
  • dried apricot compote will also help;
  • gas formation in an infant is handled by introducing fresh greens into the mother's diet;
  • bran improves intestinal motility not only in a nursing woman, but also in a baby.

If the mother completely abandons harmful and allergenic foods, introduces fractional nutrition, the composition of breast milk will become balanced. Then the baby does not have to suffer from digestive problems.

If the child is allergic

Even if there is no suspicion that the child has a sensitive body in relation to certain foods, the mother is careful to draw up her menu (especially the first months). Introducing new ingredients each time into the diet, the woman observes the reaction of the child's body:

  • if there are signs of skin allergy;
  • what are the nature and frequency of the stool;
  • how calm the little one is.

The absence of negative symptoms is not yet a reason to abuse some products. At first, a woman's diet should have a small amount of protein foods (especially cow's milk).

Cereals (except for corn, buckwheat and rice) fall under the restriction due to the presence of gluten in the composition - this is another type of protein that is undesirable for a small body.

In order not to provoke the development of allergies in an infant when eating vegetables and fruits, the mother adheres to the "traffic light principle". Reds are still banned. Yellow - when used, they require control of the behavior of the baby. Greens, although harmless, can provoke food allergies in some children.

Note! Supplementing the menu with new products, it is advisable to use them in small portions. If for several days there is no reaction from the gastrointestinal tract and the baby's skin, continue to gradually increase the dose to the optimal daily rate.

List of products banned for HS

Trying to prevent the development of allergies in the baby, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a woman should completely abandon such products for the first 3 months:

  • sausages (boiled and smoked);
  • processed cheeses;
  • factory canned food and homemade pickles;
  • fast foods and semi-finished products;
  • mushrooms;
  • White cabbage;
  • sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.);
  • chocolate and honey;
  • coffee and strong teas;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • nuts.

Under strict ban

Having withstood a strict diet for the first month, mom is gradually expanding the range. But the products listed above continue to be banned: some for the entire feeding period, others are introduced at later periods.

A small organism cannot cope with the adaptation period on its own. A parent should help to adapt to new living conditions. Therefore, it is so important to know what a nursing mother can eat a newborn, and what will lead to serious problems for the baby. The incentive for a new diet for a woman on HB will be the opportunity to make her figure better. The lactation period is a chance to get rid of bad food habits and switch to a healthy diet.

Watch the video: Feeding - Advice on how to feed a newborn (July 2024).