
Is it possible for a banana at 5 months for a child - how to enter

Banana contains a large number of substances beneficial to the child. Parents often ask the question whether a banana is possible for a child at 5 months. Subject to the rules of complementary feeding, this fruit will not be harmful to the baby.

Is it possible to banana for a child at 5 months

The benefits of banana for baby food

Among the substances valuable for the baby, the banana contains:

  • macronutrients: potassium, magnesium, sodium;
  • trace elements, the most important of which are iron, fluorine;
  • fiber;
  • vitamins: B, K, C, PP;
  • pectin substances;
  • amino acids;
  • tannins;
  • inulin.

The presence of these ingredients makes the banana very valuable when added to complementary foods. The beneficial properties of the fruit are as follows:

  • rarely causes allergies;
  • contributes to the normal development of bones and muscle tissue;
  • normalizes the work of the brain and heart;
  • regulates digestive processes;
  • strengthens the immune defense;
  • raises immunity and reduces the severity of whims;
  • normalizes mental processes.

Nutritional value

The calorie content of 100 g of banana is 96 kilocalories. This serving contains:

  • 21 g of carbohydrates;
  • 1.5 g of proteins;
  • 0.5 g of fat;
  • 1.7 g of dietary fiber.

When to give a banana while feeding

Note! It is not recommended to give a banana before the child has tried other fruits.

This fruit can be given to babies if allergic reactions do not appear. If the child is prone to them, then feeding with an exotic fruit should be postponed for several weeks.

Banana feed

The rules for introducing an exotic fruit into complementary foods are as follows:

  1. Puree should only be made from ripe fruit. During cooking, it is necessary to achieve a puree state.
  2. When buying a factory puree, you should pay attention to the expiration date.
  3. The fruits are ground in a blender.
  4. Homemade puree should be very runny. If necessary, it is diluted with a small amount of breast milk.
  5. The fruit is used only as a morning food. For the first time, you can only give half a teaspoon of homemade puree.

Dangerously! Some mothers do not consult a pediatrician and introduce an exotic fruit from the age of three months. It is absolutely impossible to do this.

How to know if a child is ready

Usually, by the time the banana is introduced into complementary foods, the baby is consuming more than 900 ml of breast milk, and his weight has doubled. The mother needs to keep track of whether the infant is showing interest in new foods. The baby also shows whether he is hungry or not. If he wants to eat, he will reach with an open mouth for a spoon. At this time, it is worth introducing an exotic fruit.

When is it allowed to introduce a banana

When adding a banana to complementary foods, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby and his age. If parents do not know at what age to do this, it is recommended to contact a pediatrician.

It is forbidden to give a banana in complementary foods every dayotherwise such problems may arise:

  • disorder of the digestive system;
  • allergy;
  • the child may gain weight.


Exotics should be completely excluded from the children's diet in the case of:

  • vomiting;
  • increasing diarrhea;
  • bloating.

4 month old baby

In response to the question "is it possible to give a banana to a child at 4 months," doctors most often forbid parents to do this. At four months, there is a high likelihood of developing an adverse reaction.

The answer to the question "is it possible to give a 4-month-old baby a bottle-fed banana (IV)" is most often negative. If a sweet fruit is given at the age of four months, the child will not want to try other vegetables and fruits that do not taste as strong.

5 month old baby

The question "is it possible for a 5 month old baby to have a banana?" Pediatricians say that if parents decided to take such an important step at the age of five months, then they need to monitor the reaction of the body. The volume of mashed banana is gradually increased (starting with half a teaspoon).

6 month old baby

At six months, it is advisable to give a banana to newborns on IV. The answer to the question "is it possible to feed this fruit to a breastfed baby" is ambiguous. It all depends on the condition of the baby and his tendency to allergic reactions by the sixth month of life.

Parents are interested in how to give a banana to a baby 6 months old. If the crumbs have already cut their teeth, then you can give him a small part of the fruit (or cut it into pieces).

7 month old baby

A banana can be given to a baby whole from 12 months. By this time, you can already replace them with a snack. By the age of one year, the child's digestive system is already adapted to new products, mothers need not be afraid of the possible development of allergic reactions.

Sometimes mothers can give a banana to a baby with diarrhea. The fruit contains essential nutrients that prevent dehydration.

How to give a banana at an early age

For the first time, the child is given the so-called squeezed banana. For this, a small amount of fruit is placed in a clean gauze or bandage and squeezed out. This is how delicious and healthy homemade puree is obtained.

Banana puree

For a baby at the age of six months, the fruit is crushed (for this, a crush is used). Some doctors advise to boil a banana for a child. This is necessary for better absorption of the fruit. Banana dried fruits, exotic canned food cannot be given to a child.

Important! The toddler should only be given ripe fruit. Eating unripe fruits may choke him.

When can you give pieces

A banana can be chopped into pieces by a child by one year. At this time, he has already formed a digestive system. From a year, it is allowed to give a whole fruit.

How to pick a good fruit

To choose quality bananas, you need to pay attention to their appearance. The skin should be smooth and bright yellow.

Fresh banana

Important! Black dots on the skin indicate that the fruit is ripe. However, large black spots indicate the onset of decay processes.

It is forbidden to buy bananas with damaged peels. If it is gray in color, this indicates that the fruits have been exposed to hypothermia. In winter, you need to buy exotics in shops or supermarkets, and not in street vendors.

Dr. Komarovsky's recommendations for complementary foods

Dr. Komarovsky believes that a child can be fed exotic at 7-8 months. This is the best age when you can introduce a banana into your baby's solid foods. When starting to feed the so-called finger food, you should prepare it with a reserve - it is likely that parents first need to eat the fruit themselves in order to encourage the baby to eat new food. According to the doctor, with age, you need to increase the pieces of fruit, and from year to year switch to whole bananas.

Whole banana baby

Banana is loved by babies, is invaluable for him. Its introduction into complementary foods enriches the body with vitamins and useful microelements.

Watch the video: 5 month cute baby eating banana (July 2024).