
What can a nursing mother eat at 2-3 months for a baby

The main source of nutrition for babies in the first 6 months of life is breast milk. Its composition should be fully saturated with proteins, fats, vitamins, and mineral salts. Therefore, it is so important to know what a nursing mother can eat at 3 months old. A correctly composed menu will allow a woman to maintain lactation, keep fit and fill the baby's body with the energy necessary for development.

Mom's food

Nursing products for 2-3 months

Immediately after giving birth, a woman is limited in the amount of food. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the newborn. When the baby goes through the adaptation period, the mother's diet is gradually expanded, introducing new dishes that have a positive effect on the composition of milk.

After discussing with the pediatrician what a nursing mother can eat at 2 months, the woman draws up an approximate menu and follows it up to six months. Products are selected taking into account the child's body. At the same time, the mother's diet should be varied, regular and contain only healthy food.

Important products

During the first months of life, children grow up very quickly. The body spends a lot of energy that needs to be replenished with nutrition. For the development of cells and tissues, "building material" is needed, and the baby gets it from milk.

Calcium source

Not only at three months, but also later, the baby's skeleton needs an important element that strengthens the bones. Therefore, the menu should be rich in calcium-rich foods. Otherwise, together with milk, the little one will suck this element out of the mother's body, which will immediately lead to joint problems and provoke tooth decay.

Important! If the amount of calcium salts in breast milk is underestimated, the baby may develop rickets.

On the table of a nursing woman in abundance should be:

  • potatoes;
  • bread (yesterday's baked goods);
  • cabbage;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, cheese, etc.).

To increase lactation, it is recommended to drink at least a liter of warm milk per day, breaking the norm into 2-3 doses.

Source of vitamins

In order for all organs and systems of the baby to develop without pathologies, mucous membranes and skin are in a normal state, vitamins are needed. The woman gets them from the fruit. Berries, fruits, vegetables are now available at any time of the year. Therefore, it is advisable to use these products raw - during heat treatment and conservation, the level of vitamins decreases.

When choosing fruits, first of all pay attention to their color. In this case, Dr. Komarovsky recommends following the "traffic light principle":

  • in two or three months "the road is open" to green products;
  • yellow and orange, although saturated with vitamin A, are introduced into the diet with caution;
  • for the time being, you will have to wait with the red ones - they have a large content of elements that provoke children's allergies.

Traffic light principle

In addition to fresh fruits, the diet should contain juices from them, dried fruit compotes and other fortified drinks. The menu will be diversified with dishes from boiled, baked fruits and vegetables.

Additional recommendations

Other products also affect the quality and quantity of milk:

  • every day a breastfeeding woman should eat at least 200 g of meat;
  • 2 times a week - fish and seafood as sources of iodine and phosphorus;
  • cereal dishes will provide energy to the body;
  • increase lactation mushrooms, nuts, melons, brewer's yeast;
  • vegetable oil is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

As for condiments and spices, here the list is limited to a minimum. To diversify the taste of dishes, it is allowed to use non-irritating spices: celery, parsley, dill, green onion, marjoram, cumin.

What is taboo

Some foods that are recommended for lactation can cause an allergic reaction in a nursing baby. These include honey, some types of fish, strong meat broth, plenty of eggs, a number of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, if the baby has an imperfect immune system, these products are not included in the menu in the third month after childbirth.

Banned products

When a nursing woman does not adhere to the rules of nutrition, her diet negatively affects the health of the baby:

  • bloating in a baby will cause cabbage in large quantities, legumes, yeast dough baked goods, fresh bread, ice cream, sauerkraut;
  • fatty meat (poultry), pickled fish, cakes, cakes, baked goods, semi-finished products, fast foods eaten by a woman can disrupt metabolic processes in the body of a toddler;
  • a cup of strong coffee or a piece of dark chocolate drunk by the mother will excite the child's nervous system;
  • a harmless glass of beer will negatively affect the brain activity of the newborn.

Note! Alcohol in any form has a negative effect on nerve tissues and leads to the development of various pathologies.

The mother's hobby for spices (pepper, garlic, horseradish, etc.) will spoil the taste of milk, so the baby can abruptly refuse to breast.

Healthy meals for lactation and baby

The mother adjusts her diet to the baby. So that the feeding is calm and does not take away strength, the woman takes food before putting the baby to her breast. It is advisable to eat at least 4 times a day, adhering to a certain schedule.

Examples of Mom's Day Menu

PeriodDish options
Breakfast• omelette cooked with cheese
• a slice of bread (grain)
• tea with added milk
• porridge * in water with pieces of fruit
• cocoa
• cottage cheese casserole sweetened with jam
• toasts
• tea diluted with milk
Dinner• the vinaigrette
• lean poultry broth with croutons
• steamed meatballs
• Apple juice
• Vegetable Salad
• cabbage soup without frying
• potato and meat casserole
• bread
• compote
• puree soup with croutons, cooked in the oven
• boiled potatoes with a piece of soaked herring
• green tea
Afternoon snack• cheesecakes with jam
• juice or banana
• fruit salad (pear, apple, peach) with oatmeal and yogurt• a sandwich:
1.Bread toast with bran
2.a slice of tuna
Dinner• "lazy" dumplings with sour cream sauce
• tea with milk
• cod with vegetables, baked in foil
• porridge
• compote
• steamed cutlets
• cauliflower baked with cheese
• green tea with lemon

* Recommended cereals are buckwheat, oat, millet, rice.

The table provides a small list of meals that can be included in the diet of a mother nursing a 3 month old baby. The menu is easy to supplement or modify according to your own preferences, but taking into account the permitted and prohibited products during lactation.

Components of a nursing diet

How to cook healthy meals

When composing a menu for herself, mother, first of all, should be guided by the needs of the child's body and only then take into account her own preferences. Therefore, you should immediately forget about fried foods (with the exception of omelets and cheesecakes). Cutlets, meatballs are best steamed. Meat, fish, vegetables - bake in the oven.

Appetizing dishes for mom

Simple recipes for dishes useful for a nursing mother and her little one are offered. They are a model of how you can diversify your diet, content with a limited list of foods. At the same time, the baby receives good nutrition, and the woman can lose weight without effort.

Vitamin salad

The basis of this dish is young zucchini and carrots. It can be safely supplemented with an apple, celery, turnip and even sunflower seeds. The salad preparation algorithm is simple:

  • carrots and zucchini (in equal quantities) are grated;
  • add finely chopped green onion feathers;
  • sprinkled with lemon juice;
  • seasoned with cream.

You can also use sour cream or yogurt mixed with caraway seeds as a dressing. Salting is recommended with sea salt - it is healthier than table salt.

Assorted salad

A multicomponent dish is a source of not only vitamins, but also calcium - sauce for dressing is made from cottage cheese. The step-by-step recipe is as follows:

  • head lettuce leaves (4 pcs.) are washed under running water;
  • allow to dry and disassemble into small pieces;
  • apples (3 pcs.) are peeled and the testes are removed, then cut into slices;
  • 2 small carrots are cut into cubes;
  • fresh cucumber (1 pc.) chopped into thin rings;
  • the components are mixed in a deep bowl and lightly salted.

It remains to prepare the sauce: 4 tbsp. cottage cheese is diluted with the same amount of boiled cooled water. Mix with chopped parsley and season the salad. Top can be sprinkled with green onions with grated boiled yolk.

Fresh cabbage soup

Some of the housewives prepare such a sorrel soup in combination with young nettles, someone from sauerkraut. This recipe suggests using fresh forks following the guidelines:

  • cabbage (1/2 head of cabbage) is finely chopped;
  • peeled potatoes (3-4 pcs.) cut into small cubes;
  • vegetables are placed in a saucepan and poured with water;
  • put on the stove, bring to a boil, add some salt and boil for 10 minutes;
  • flour (2 tablespoons) is sautéed in a small amount of vegetable oil and added to the soup;
  • keep on low heat for another 5-6 minutes.

Having removed the cabbage soup from the stove, season it with sour milk (4 tablespoons). Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs in a portioned plate.

Cream soup

There are many options for such dishes: in vegetable, mushroom or meat broth, as well as cooked in milk. In this case, it is proposed to boil chicken broth and strain. Further actions are as follows:

  • rice (a small pile) is poured with cold water and left for half an hour;
  • potatoes (3-4 pcs.) cut into cubes and pour broth in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • put on the stove and bring to a boil;
  • the water is drained from the rice and the cereals are put into the soup;
  • add grated carrots (1 pc.) and continue to cook until vegetables are ready;
  • boiled chicken meat (a small piece) is chopped and placed in a saucepan.

Puree soup with HV

After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and let the soup cool slightly. Then puree with a hand blender. It is recommended to add herbs and a little butter to the dish along with the meat.

Vegetables in milk

The proposed dish can be served as a second at lunch or prepared for dinner. If your home has a steamer, it is best to use it by setting it to the extinguishing mode. Those who will cook on the stove follow these recommendations:

  • cut potatoes and carrots (4 pcs.) into cubes;
  • do the same with turnips (2 pcs.);
  • vegetables are placed in a saucepan and poured over with milk so that it only covers the ingredients.

Stew with occasional stirring until the milk has evaporated. If desired, you can add half a cup of green peas to the vegetables.

Meat soufflé

Most often, cutlets, meatballs, meatballs are prepared from minced meat. Mom will love this original dish. In the future, it can be entered in the toddler's menu (when switching to meat complementary foods). There are no special secrets here, it is enough to perform the following actions:

  • lean beef or veal (200 g) is twisted in a meat grinder;
  • white bread (25 g) is soaked in milk (60 ml);
  • combined with minced meat, which is again passed through a meat grinder;
  • then add the yolk and separately whipped white;
  • salt and mix well.

Minced meat is filled with silicone molds, which are placed in a water bath. When the soufflé is ready, pour melted butter over it.

Fish meatballs

A nursing mother in the third month from the birth of her baby is recommended to eat cod. From fish fillets, tender meatballs are obtained if you cook them according to this recipe:

  • cod (600 g) freed from skin and bones;
  • the pulp of wheat bread (100 g) is soaked in cold water;
  • then wring out and pass through a meat grinder together with the fish;
  • add 2-3 egg yolks and 40 g of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste and beat with a mixer until smooth.

Minced meat is formed into balls and placed (loosely) in a baking dish. Pour half of it with water and put in the oven for 20 minutes. If the meatballs are cooked on the stove, then they are placed in a colander, which is put on a pot of water, and covered with a lid.

Steam meatballs

Spicy casserole

The dish on offer is an afternoon dessert that you can also treat yourself to as a snack between meals. A casserole is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • take raisins and nuts (1/3 cup each);
  • mixed in a mixer;
  • add cottage cheese (2 tbsp) and honey (2 tsp);
  • continue to beat until the mass becomes smooth and soft.

Fresh pears are cut into halves, the testes are removed and stuffed with the prepared filling. Put the fruit in a fireproof container, pour over with apple juice (1 glass) and put in the oven for half an hour.

Bananas with cottage cheese

You don't have to use the stove to prepare this dessert. It is enough to mix all the ingredients and serve the dish for breakfast:

  • peeled bananas (4 pcs.) break into pieces and beat in a blender;
  • add cottage cheese (6-8 tablespoons), flaxseed and honey (1 tablespoon each) to the resulting mousse;
  • the dessert is laid out on a plate and sprinkled with sunflower seeds, previously chopped (2 tablespoons).

If desired, mousse can be decorated with multi-colored candied fruits. Chopped hazelnuts will add an original taste to the dish.

Lactation drinks

Milk, cocoa, and hot tea are not the only things that help fill the breast ducts with nourishing fluid. Lactation is enhanced by the following drinks:

  • carrot juice or made from radish with honey;

Lactation drink

  • infusions of nettle, parsley, cumin, anise, chamomile;
  • drinks based on cream or sour cream.

Many moms will love carrots in milk. Rub the root vegetable and take 3 tablespoons, which are poured with an incomplete glass of warm milk. They insist and drink for half an hour. You can use it 2-3 times a day.

Note! At the evening reception, it is recommended to add 1 tsp to the glass. honey. Then a good night will be provided for mom and baby.

The development of the child is entirely dependent on the mother, her balanced diet. Therefore, a woman with all responsibility should approach the preparation of her own diet, taking care of the baby's health. Even with a small amount of products, you can eat tasty and varied, if you approach cooking with imagination.

Watch the video: How to feed a baby: 0-3 months (July 2024).