
What does a biochemical blood test show in a child under one year old

To check if the child is healthy, the first step is to prescribe a general blood test. Not always, if the white blood cell count is normal, then the patient is healthy. Sometimes additional examinations are required. If a general blood test is taken from all small children, then a biochemical one is done exclusively according to indications. When such a study is assigned to a child, the parents are quite logically interested in what it is for, and what exactly can be determined with its help.

Blood for biochemistry in newborns is taken only in extreme cases

Purpose of the study

Important! A biochemical blood test in a child allows you to determine the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, electrolytes and a number of other indicators responsible for certain processes in the child's body.

The list of biochemical parameters that can be assessed by deciphering the result of a baby's blood test is quite extensive. Research of most of them is carried out exclusively with certain objective indications. When it comes to standard research, it usually checks the following indicators:

  • total protein;
  • albumin;
  • globulins;
  • C-reactive protein;
  • total, bound and free bilirubin;
  • ALT;
  • AST;
  • alkaline phosphatase;
  • glucose;
  • creatinine;
  • urea;
  • lipids;
  • cholesterol;
  • triglycerides;
  • beta lipoproteins;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

In what cases is prescribed

Having found the answer to the question, the blood for biochemistry, which shows in the child, it is worthwhile to figure out in which cases the examination is necessary, and in which not the biological, but the general analysis is suitable.

The analysis is usually prescribed in the following cases:

  1. If you suspect the presence of hereditary diseases.
  2. To determine the degree of damage to the internal organs of the baby due to various diseases.
  3. If a newborn is sick with jaundice, and it is required to determine the cause of the development of the disease.
  4. If you suspect intrauterine infection.
  5. In order to check the effectiveness of the treatment.
  6. To clarify the preliminary diagnosis.

Blood from a vein can tell a lot about a baby's health.

How long to wait for the result

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of how long to wait for the result of the analysis for biochemistry. The specific time period depends primarily on what kind of result you want to get. The number of determined components is of great importance. It affects the speed with which a specialist can decipher the result, and the equipment used by the laboratory - the more modern and high-quality it is, the sooner ready-made indicators can be expected.

Do not forget that not every clinic has its own laboratory. Often, after collection, analyzes are sent to another organization for decryption, which quite naturally increases the time spent. If we talk on average, it takes at least 4-5 days to decipher the results of biochemistry.

The results of biochemical analysis have to wait for a relatively long time

How to take blood for biochemistry

Since a vein is required for a blood test for biochemistry, and it is quite problematic to find it in infants who are not yet a year old, doctors have to find alternative options. It is best to draw blood from where it is easier:

  • from the veins of the forearm;
  • from the veins on the head;
  • from the back of the hand;
  • from the veins in the calves, etc.

The procedure itself is the same as for adults. If possible, the area from where the blood is taken is tightly pulled with a tourniquet, the injection site is treated with alcohol, the vein is punctured, and blood is collected into a test tube. After the procedure, a cotton wool soaked in alcohol is applied to the place of sampling of material for research.

Any newborn baby perceives medical procedures as a stressful situation, therefore, the task of parents is to reduce possible negativity to a minimum. For example, to distract a child, you can take a rattle with you - it will distract the baby from an unpleasant procedure.

Biochemical analysis: norm and decoding

The list of indicators that biochemistry can reveal is very long. More often than not, a more concise list is sufficient for diagnosis.

Table, what this or that indicator means, and how to find out what its norm is

IndexIndicator valueThe norm is from 0 to 2 months.The norm is from 2 months. up to a year
Total proteinDetermines the content of protein in the blood45 to 79 g / l51 to 73 g / l
AlbuminProtein fraction, which is responsible for the transport of substances in the blood and maintaining pressure at the desired level30 to 45 g / l35 to 50 g / l
GlobulinsProtein fraction responsible for the transfer of hormones and enzymes in the blood and stimulating immunity25 to 35 g / l25 to 35 g / l
C-reactive proteinShows the presence in the body of foci of inflammationAbsentAbsent
Total bilirubinPigment showing an indicator of the breakdown of heme in hemoglobin17 to 68 μmol / LFrom 8.5 to 21, μmol / l
Associated bilirubinPigment showing the level of hepatic cells with glucuronic acid4.3 to 12.8 μmol / L0.83 to 3.4 μmol / L
Free bilirubinAllows to diagnose jaundice12.8 to 55.2 μmol / L2.56 to 17 μmol / L
ALT, ASTIdentify liver diseaseUp to 40 units / lUp to 40 units / l
Alkaline phosphataseReveals acute forms of leukemiaUp to 150 units / lUp to 644 units / l
GlucoseEnergy source for cells1.4 to 4.73.3 to 6.1 mmol / L
CreatinineDetermines the condition of the kidneys35 to 110 mmol / L35 to 110 mmol / L
UreaDetermines the condition of the kidneys2.5 to 4.5 mmol / L3.3 to 5.8 mmol / L
LipidsShows the amount of fat in the blood4 to 5 g / l5 to 7 g / l
CholesterolParticipates in the synthesis of hormones1.6 to 3 mmol / L1.8 to 4.9 mmol / L
CalciumParticipates in many processes in the body2.2 to 2.5 mmol / g2.3 to 2.8 mmol / g
SodiumForms an alkaline balance in the blood, necessary for the functioning of the kidneys135 to 155 mmol / L133 to 142 mmol / L
PhosphorusResponsible for biochemical reactions1.8 to 2.71.3 to 2.3

When taking a biochemical blood test from a child, according to the decoding in the table, you can understand whether everything is normal, or there are deviations.

Taking blood for analysis from a baby is more difficult than from an adult

Who to entrust decryption

Since the child's body reaction to many diseases is much more pronounced than in adults, it is recommended to take tests and, accordingly, get a transcript of the results in reliable laboratories where experienced specialists work. The analysis should show what problems the child has, and an experienced doctor should identify abnormalities and prescribe adequate treatment.

Increasing and decreasing indicators

Deviations from the norm towards a decrease or increase in individual indicators indicate a violation of the functions of the internal organs of the baby, hormonal failure, an autoimmune process, a lack or an excess of vitamins and trace elements in the body.

The parent is strongly discouraged from ignoring the pediatrician's referral for a biochemical test. Yes, this is not the most pleasant procedure for a child, but it is with its help that you can timely identify a serious disease and successfully cure it.


Watch the video: What is the normal range of hba1c (July 2024).