
Rough, dry, hard cough in a child under one year old

A hard cough in a child indicates the initial stage of a respiratory illness. It manifests itself quickly, the number of attacks increases over time. A distinctive feature of the symptom is the absence of sputum. It is better to consult a doctor right away to avoid complications in the future.

The doctor is listening to the baby

Causes of dry cough in children

If a child has a rough cough, this indicates the development of a respiratory illness. The causes of seizures are different:

  1. Acute respiratory diseases. A dry cough is typical for the first 4 days of a cold, then sputum is separated. Viruses invade the lungs, causing swelling, inflammation and irritation.
  2. Laryngitis. It is accompanied by a long period of illness, the cough is dry, the upper respiratory tract is swollen, and a lot of snot is emitted.
  3. Bronchitis. Most often it is a consequence of a prolonged cold. The infection gets into the lungs and clogs up the bronchi. The child has shortness of breath, frequent bouts of hard coughing, the baby seems to bark.
  4. Laryngotracheitis. It often occurs in children under one year old. The baby often coughs, suffocates, the upper respiratory tract and trachea are affected. There is an abundant secretion of mucus, which makes it difficult for the child to breathe.
  5. Allergic cough. It occurs sharply, paroxysmal. The reaction is caused by the ingress of allergens into the lungs. Usually these are chemicals, they are contained in air freshener, hair spray, paints, building materials.
  6. Whooping cough. Children's infectious disease, characterized by high body temperature, lethargy, small-dot red rash, prolonged dry cough.

In some cases, the symptom occurs during the recovery period after long-term treatment of the disease. The child has a dry cough for 30 days. Physiotherapy procedures will help to get rid of it in this case.

Important! Usually, all diseases in children are accompanied by a high body temperature.

Disease symptoms

The symptomatology of a dry cough is almost the same for all diseases. The most characteristic:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • feeling that the child is barking;
  • inspiratory dyspnea;
  • discharge of snot from the nose;
  • increased body temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • drowsiness;
  • capricious behavior;
  • thirst.

In such situations, it is better to call a doctor at home. Any physical activity in a child causes stress and deterioration. Sitting in line at the doctor's office, the baby can become infected with concomitant diseases. Experts do not approve of such risks.

Mom with a thermometer, the baby is crying

Why dry cough is dangerous

A barking cough is dangerous. It can also indicate the initial stage of a severe infectious disease. It is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible so that he can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Important! A dry cough does not go away on its own, the child will need help and medications.

The symptom has some consequences if you do not engage in treatment or neglect the recommendations of doctors. These include:

  • chronic form of bronchitis;
  • pneumonia of the lungs;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • trauma to the tissues of the respiratory tract;
  • difficulty breathing.

A dry cough most often indicates the development of a viral disease. It cannot be cured with antibiotics, the treatment regimen is different. The therapy takes place under the supervision of a doctor. In some cases, you will need to be admitted to the infectious diseases department of the hospital.

Features of the treatment of barking cough in children

Children under one year old need to see a doctor monthly. If signs of dry cough appear in a baby, you should immediately visit a pediatrician, it is better to call him at home. Babies have weak immunity, so they tolerate any diseases more difficult than adults.

Until one year old, babies cannot be treated with many drugs because of the risk of overdose. However, there are drugs in the pharmacy for newborns from two months. Therapy has several features that parents need to know about:

  1. It is forbidden to self-medicate.
  2. The use of herbal teas should be discussed with doctors, as it can trigger allergies.
  3. Do not give medicines for dry and wet coughs at the same time - this forces the body to separate a large amount of sputum, after which it will be difficult for the baby to breathe.
  4. Ointments and rubbing mixtures with a pungent smell are used with caution, because the main stream of aroma is transmitted to the child.
  5. It is forbidden to use mustard plasters for dry cough.
  6. If the symptom persists after a long course of therapy, they seek a second consultation, as this may indicate heart disease or asthma.

Usually, drugs are prescribed based on butamirate, less often - prenoxdiazine. The first composition has a positive effect on the lungs of the child, quickly suppresses coughing attacks, the effect lasts 12 hours. This allows the baby to sleep. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Preparations based on prenoxdiazine are usually prescribed for children under one year old. The action of the drug lasts only 3-4 hours. The baby will still wake up due to seizures, but this substance is safer for babies.

Steam inhalation has a positive effect on the elimination of dry cough. Children recover faster, phlegm begins to drain. The procedure can be carried out by adding a medicine to the liquid of the inhaler. This will speed up its action.

Important! There is a special device for inhalation - a nebulizer. It is easy to use and suitable for multiple treatments.

The baby is coughing


When the baby begins to cough, he needs to be examined by a doctor. The specialist appoints a list of mandatory procedures:

  • general blood analysis;
  • percussion listening to the lungs;
  • conducting a chest x-ray;
  • general urine analysis;
  • biochemical study of blood serum (with suspected heart disease).

These procedures are enough to diagnose the child and prescribe therapy. Studies are carried out on the basis of a polyclinic, the results are known by the end of the work shift or the next day.

So what is the best way to treat a hard cough in a child: pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies? Parents of one year old children often worry about this. Doctors advise combining both methods to improve results.

Warming procedures

It will not be possible to completely cure a cough with warming procedures. This method is effective in combination with the main treatment regimen. It is forbidden to impose mustard plasters on children or to make alcohol compresses - they cause the opposite effect.

For children, the hot tub is the best option. The hot steam will act as an inhaler, the baby will warm up, and the phlegm will begin to drain. The procedure is repeated no more than once a day.

Drinking plenty of fluids

One of the best folk remedies is frequent warm drinks. Water enters the baby's body, softens mucous membranes and helps produce phlegm. For these purposes, suitable:

  • warm compote;
  • raspberry tea;
  • regular tea;
  • warm water;
  • decoctions of herbs;
  • honey drink.

It doesn't matter what exactly the child will like. During the illness, the baby does not want to eat, so you should not deny him a drink.

Important! There is no need to force children to eat during illness, this causes vomiting and nausea. Loss of appetite is normal for this condition.

Baby in bed

Air humidification

In the children's room, doctors advise maintaining a high level of humidity at all times. This affects the baby's sleep, cleanliness of the lungs, and helps to pass phlegm during a dry cough.

To control the humidity in the room, special devices are used. They are sold at medical supply stores. To increase the moisture level, apply:

  • humidifier;
  • wet cleaning;
  • airing the room;
  • spraying water from a spray bottle;
  • hanging wet diapers in the room.

These methods are suitable for the prevention of acute respiratory illness.

Komarovsky's opinion

Doctor Komarovsky advises to pay special attention to the child during dry cough. This symptom often indicates the development of an infectious disease. Careful observation of the baby will help in a timely diagnosis. Also, the doctor advises to monitor the level of humidity in the room and drink plenty of fluids. This will speed up the baby's recovery.

A hard, dry cough in a baby always causes fear. The condition of the crumbs deteriorates sharply. An urgent need to call a doctor at home and start treatment. Prolonged seizures severely injure the baby, prevent him from sleeping and eating normally. If all the recommendations are followed, children quickly recover.

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