
Why did the baby become moody at 3 months old and constantly cry

A newborn in a family is the most important object of observation. His relatives are actively watching him, noting some new skills. In this regard, many mothers notice that with the onset of three months, the baby becomes especially capricious, whiny and restless.

Crying baby

Features of the development of a child at 3 months

By the age of 3 months, children have acquired enough skills, now it has become more interesting to communicate with them. Parents see the emotional response of the baby, which is manifested by the movement of the child's gaze to the source of the sound. The kid already understands who is talking to him, and closely follows the interlocutor.

By this age, the main fear of parents ends - intestinal colic. The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract has matured to a certain state, the amount of enzymes has increased significantly, and therefore the digestion processes began to proceed smoothly and painlessly.

Important! If a child becomes moody at 3 months, the reason must be sought not only among intestinal problems.

What a 3-month-old baby should be able to do

By the age of 3 months, the baby is already much more interesting than the newborn. It holds the head longer and more confidently than a two-month-old baby. If placed on his stomach, he can lift himself up on his forearms, trying to raise his torso. It is convenient to use for demonstrating toys to your kid.

At a planned appointment with a neurologist, which should be held at the age of 3 months, the mother will see that the doctor takes the baby, holding the armpit area, and tries to put him on the changing table. Healthy babies, without neurological abnormalities, put their feet on full feet and try to keep their body upright. Particularly smart children remember this interesting position and loudly demand from their parents to repeat this trick. This is another reason why a child is often naughty at 3 months.

Three-month-olds are already trying to stretch out to reach for the toy. The nerve endings on the fingers have formed enough to grab the toy and hold it. This ability of mothers is noticed when they give the child a drink - the baby can support the bottle with two palms.

Holds a bottle

Important! If a mother notices that her child does not show much interest in her at this age, it is worth telling the neurologist and pediatrician about this at the next scheduled examination, since such a symptom is a sign of a significant developmental delay. The doctor must identify the cause and try to eliminate it.

Causes of constant whims at 3 months

Noting certain features of the development of babies at this age, there are several reasons for increased moodiness in babies:

  1. Knowing how to follow adults and understand where the sound source is coming from, the baby now knows whether his mother has moved away from him or not. This is the main reason for whims - a protest against the fact that his mother left him alone and went about her business. In a month or two, the child did not have this skill. He could only feel her presence, smelling warmth and smell. The baby could be easily deceived by placing a soft roller wrapped in his mother's robe under the barrel. Now the baby knows for sure that he is left alone, which is why he cries so often.

Crying without mom

  1. The child learns to reach for toys. One of the new and important skills, in addition to tracking the sound source, is reaching out for a bright object. The technique requires difficult training. As you know, children of any age are deprived of patience, especially babies. Therefore, when the baby once again reaches for the goal and cannot get it, there is a loud and piercing cry. The disorder can be so bitter that the baby will not be able to calm down for 10-15 minutes.
  2. By three months, the dosage of milk consumed changes. Now the breastfed baby needs more volume. Anyone on the artificial now needs more measuring spoons of dry mix. If the baby does not receive his volume of nutrients, he gets hungry faster, because of this he screams, demanding the next portion.
  3. Failure to comply with the regimen by the mother confuses the needs of the baby, which is why the baby cries a lot at 3 months. First of all, the regime is based on the feeding time. If the baby is fed on demand, and not by the hour, he cannot form a stable regime. Because of what situations happen when the baby wants to eat, sleep and empty the intestines at the same time. Mom, seeing a dirty diaper, carries the baby to wash, a hungry and sleepy child does not want to wash at all, and therefore protests loudly. Then mom, in order to calm the baby, sits down to feed him, but he cannot fully get enough milk, because he falls asleep while sucking. The lack of a routine tires the infant and can make him very moody.
  4. At the age of three months, children are given a DPT vaccine: from whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. This vaccine is manufactured by several pharmaceutical companies. All variants form immunity qualitatively, but some of them are difficult to tolerate. That is why a child vaccinated at 3 months is constantly crying and capricious - his temperature rises, he experiences pain at the injection site for several days in a row.

Attention! If a child is naughty for no apparent reason, when he is taken out of the crib - he calms down, it means that with the help of whims he asks for his arms. To succumb to such tricks is to develop the habit of manipulating parents through crying.

How to get rid of moodiness

If a child cries for 3 months in a row, but doctors do not see obvious deviations in development and health, the reason must be sought in the state of the room and mother's behavior:

  • The kid should not breathe stuffy air. The room must be ventilated, regardless of the season and weather conditions. Children do not have a formed system of thermoregulation, which is why they really need coolness and fresh air.
  • Indoor humidity should not be lower than 55%. Otherwise, the mucous membranes of the nose dry out, the air on inhalation creates a cutting sensation. It is not difficult to fix the situation if you buy an ultrasonic humidifier. When a family does not have the opportunity to purchase such equipment, it is necessary to save themselves with improvised means: humidify the air with a spray bottle, hang wet towels on the batteries, carry out wet cleaning with clean water without adding chemicals.
  • The mother should not succumb to the manipulation of the baby. Children very quickly understand what actions can be used to influence their mother in order to be in her arms. Therefore, when a baby cries, the first thing parents should do is to think about the reasons for crying. If the child is not hungry, the room is fresh and cool, he did not hit, that is, he does not hurt when he is taken in his arms, he becomes silent - this is an attempt at manipulation.

Parents should try to tire the baby out during the day so that he sleeps well at night. If a child has become capricious at three months in the evenings, this may indicate that he has not been active enough, because of which he is not tired and does not want to be put to bed. Therefore, parents should come up with activities that help develop physical skills that will benefit the whole family's nightlife.

Another reason for a baby crying in the evening can be the inability to fall asleep on its own. The third month of life is a period when a child does not sleep as long as a newborn. The periods of wakefulness are much longer and more meaningful, so the baby needs help to fall asleep. Experienced mothers are not advised to accustom a child to motion sickness. To save your arms and back, it is wiser to stroke the lying baby on the back and hum a lullaby.

Night sleep

Baby crying can throw parents off balance. It is necessary to try to maintain composure and understand the true reasons in order to understand why the child is drawing attention. So that the baby's sleep is not interrupted all night, it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for his respiratory system. You should not get carried away with socks and caps either - children do not like them. The strings press, the knots chafe, the socks make the feet sweat. All this greatly interferes with healthy sleep.

The main task of parents is not to panic over crying children and not to close the baby's mouth with milk in any incomprehensible situation. Only common sense will allow you to identify and eliminate the cause of children's discontent, put your nerves in order and save the family from insomnia.

Watch the video: Baby Crying after Feeding Reasons and Ways to Stop (July 2024).