
How to get an eyelash out of a baby's eye - possible ways

It is useful for young parents to know not only how to care for an infant, but also how to provide first aid in a dangerous situation. For example, it will be useful information on what to do if the baby has an eyelash in the eye.


Is a foreign body in a baby's eye dangerous?

No one is immune from getting various small debris in the eyes. The baby is no exception. The danger can be from the ingress of coarse and sharp substances or insects:

  • sand;
  • metal dust or sawdust;
  • mosquitoes, midges, midges and other stinging insects.

Attention! The ingress of solid particles or insects on the cornea that can disrupt the integrity of the tissues of the eyeball requires immediate contact with an ophthalmologist to remove the litter and check the vision.

How to remove a speck

Some methods of removing foreign bodies from the eye are popular among mothers. However, from a medical point of view, not all of them are acceptable for use.

Instillation of eye drops

The most civilized and safest method is the instillation of eye drops. If an eyelash gets under the eyelid of the child, you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Make sure that the eyelash changes its position, that is, it is not embedded in the tissue of the eyeball.
  3. Pull the lower eyelid and drip the product into the resulting bag.

Attention! Eye drops should not be vasoconstrictor. It is permissible to independently prepare a solution for instillation (1 teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water) or use instead of drops of saline.

Rinsing with water

A safe and effective solution that helps in the question of how to remove the eyelash or villus from the eye in a baby is rinsing with water. You can use the sink or shower. The child is held in his arms, turned on his side so that the injured eye is lower than the healthy one, and rinsing is started with a calm, gentle pressure of warm water to remove the debris.

With a cotton swab or napkin

You can think about how to get the eyelash out of the baby's eye, armed with a cotton swab or the corner of a napkin, if the methods with instillation or rinsing with water have not helped. Water treatments may be ineffective if the foreign body is firmly attached to the tissues of the eyeball. In this case, you need to act consistently:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Swaddle the baby so that with his sudden and sudden movement he does not push his mother's hand, because this can lead to injury.
  3. Moisten a cotton swab or a corner of a napkin in salted water or an eye antiseptic solution, carefully remove the debris.

Important! In the case of fixing an eyelash or hair on a child's eye, you should consult an ophthalmologist to exclude microtrauma of the cornea.

Only with clean hands

Using language

Mom's tongue in the question of how to remove hair from the eye of a newborn should be considered as a solution only if it is not possible to rinse the eye or drip eye drops into it. The danger of this method lies in the fact that the microflora of the oral cavity is rich in various bacteria. By licking the baby's organ of vision, the mother runs the risk of getting an infection, which will inevitably lead to infection. If there is no other way to remove the speck, you can run your tongue over the baby's eyeball in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.

Eyelid massage

Massaging the eyelid, which does not imply intense pressure on the apple, can help if the movements are carried out in the right direction: from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. This is the natural direction of movement of the tear fluid through the lacrimal canal, this is how the speck will move more easily.

What not to do

If the parents notice a foreign body in the eye of the baby, they should remember what to do:

  • rub the eyelid;
  • press on the eye;
  • warm the organ of vision with various heating pads;
  • to lay eye ointments under the eyelid.

Particular attention should be paid to breast milk. Many women believe that it is the best for instillation in the eyes. This is a terrible misconception, because this procedure will give nothing but infection with a bacterial infection.

If you do not remove the eyelash

If adults have not figured out how to get a hair or speck from a baby's eye, the child will cope with this task on his own. Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that the discomfort that the eyelash gives the baby will sooner or later lead to the baby crying. The tear will naturally wash the eyeball like a drop of saline, allowing the debris to clear away.

Difficulty can arise if the question of how to remove a hair or other debris from a newborn's eye remains unanswered. The fact is that children of the first month of life cry without tears, so the eye itself will not get rid of a foreign object.

If you can't get an eyelash

For any difficulties that parents themselves cannot overcome, you need to consult a doctor - he knows exactly how to pull out an eyelash or a fly from an eye in a baby.

There are situations in which it is unacceptable to independently remove a foreign body:

  • there is a penetrating injury;
  • there is a pronounced swelling of the eyelid;
  • a wound on the eyelid or damage to the cornea is visible;
  • the pupil of a clean eye differs in shape or size from that in which the speck fell;
  • the child was diagnosed with any diseases of the organ of vision before the speck got in.

Parents should understand that they will repeatedly pull out cilia and other debris from the inside of the eyelid. Therefore, you do not need to be afraid, but following the instructions, carefully remove everything that interferes, if it has not penetrated into the tissues. If a foreign body nevertheless damaged the scleral tissue, apply a bandage on both eyes and urgently go to the nearest ophthalmologist, who will safely and professionally remove the litter.

Clear sight

In order to minimize unpleasant situations associated with the organ of vision, you need to teach children not to throw sand in the sandpit. In dusty and windy weather, protect yourself with goggles or transparent covers. Then you don't have to remove anything from under the eyelids and from the cornea.

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