
Rating of baby cereals for the first feeding

Today, parents strive to choose only the best household items, food, toys for their child. Buyers often order products and vitamins from Ayherb, and can also study the information on the Roskachestvo portal - a list of goods from manufacturers and companies that have passed inspection by regulatory authorities. For some mums, preparing meals for their baby is preferable at home. The best cereals for complementary feeding in the modern world are offered by various brands, companies, you should know how to choose them correctly.

Oatmeal in the children's menu

The benefits of baby cereals

Porridge is a healthy nutritious product that must be included in the baby's menu. They are slow carbohydrates, their digestion and absorption are carried out over a long time, due to which the amount of sugar in the blood does not rise so sharply, and the child feels full and energized for a long time. Also, cereals are a source of vitamins B, A and E, rutin, iron and folic acid.

Important! Dr. Komarovsky recommends introducing cereals into the baby's diet after the baby has tried fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits.


What kind of porridge is best for the first feeding of a baby? As practice shows, gluten-free, not containing cereal protein is a likely allergen. This component is rather difficult for the child's body to absorb, therefore it can cause gas and pain in the tummy. Parents can choose different types of cereals for their child, since there are so many options.

Gluten Free

Gluten-free includes rice, buckwheat, corn grits. Gluten-free options (rolled oats, wheat, and semolina) are good for a second or even third meal.

Fleur Alpine Organic Gluten Free Milk Groats Buckwheat with Fruit

With and without milk

Dairy-free cereals are the best for the first acquaintance with cereals, they do not contain sugar, fructose and other additives.

Groats "Fleur Alpin Organic" wheat (spelled)

Note! Milk-free porridge is chosen by mothers for children with lactase deficiency and infectious bowel diseases.

Mono-component and prefabricated

In the first complementary foods, only one-component simple cereal cereals are introduced. After the child's body has taken each cereal well individually, you can proceed to the combinations.

Dairy-free porridge Heinz wheat-oat with fruit

Additional Information. There are also options with additives (fruit, honey, vanilla) and without. Porridge for babies from 4 months which is better to take - these are "clean", without impurities. At this age, complementary foods are introduced only for bottle-fed babies. To avoid a reaction, the dish must be gluten-free, mono-composition and hypoallergenic.

Conditionally, porridge also includes:

  • cereal and milk mixtures;
  • milk-soluble cookies;
  • porridge-muesli.

Criterias of choice

The rating of baby cereals for the first complementary foods, as a rule, includes those products that have a good composition and high quality ingredients. Therefore, you should not rely only on the reviews of other mothers, but focus on the most important critic - your own baby.

How to choose porridge

Pediatricians and baby food specialists suggest choosing porridge according to the following parameters as part of the product:

  • Does it contain gluten?
  • the base is dairy or dairy-free;
  • single-component or multi-component cereals;
  • is there any additives in the product: enzymes, vitamins and minerals;
  • the presence of GMOs, flavor enhancers, preservatives;
  • age limit for use.

It's also a good idea to study the convenience of preparation and look at the volume of the package.

The composition of baby porridge from the manufacturer Heinz

What species are considered hypoallergenic

These include buckwheat, corn grits and rice. With them, it is worth starting the first feeding of the baby.

Manufacturer rating

Experts shared their opinions based on the analysis of the pros and cons of each product, took into account consumer feedback and summed up the following results:

  • The highest quality porridge is possessed by Fleur Alpine;
  • Nestlé is considered one of the most popular brands;
  • In terms of the quality of the composition and digestibility, the best one is Vevi;
  • For convenience of preparation and packaging - "Agusha";
  • The lowest price is at "Malyutka";
  • In terms of price and quality, Hipp wins.

Variety of baby food

Best options

To choose the first porridge was simple and quick, pediatricians have compiled a list of the highest quality products from reputable manufacturers.

Top 10 best cereals

Manufacturer, type of porridgeSpecifications
1) Dairy-free buckwheat "Nutrilon". Manufacturer - NetherlandsThe most correct complementary feeding option. The composition contains only buckwheat flour, no salt, sugar, substitutes and dyes. Package weight - 180 g. Marking - from 4 months. Cost - from 145 rubles.
2) Rice dairy-free "Semper". Manufacturer - SwedenSimilar to the first option, only flour is present in the composition. Weight - 180 gr. Information on the package - from 4 months. Price - from 230 rubles.
3) Buckwheat dairy-free "Fleur Alpine". Manufacturer - ItalyIn addition to flour, the composition contains vitamin B1. There are no other ingredients, so it can be added to complementary foods for children with lactase deficiency, food allergies and milk protein intolerance. Marking - from 4 months Price - from 250 rubles.
4) Corn grain dairy-free "Нipp". Country: GermanyIt contains 2 gluten-free ingredients: flour of two options, vitamin B1. Packing - 200 gr. Labeling - from 4-5 months. Cost - from 200 rubles.
5) Corn low-allergenic dairy-free "Heinz". Manufacturer - RussiaThe composition contains flour and a large assortment of vitamins, which may be the result of a subsequent allergic reaction. Weight - 200 gr. Price - from 100 rubles.
6) Instant dairy-free rice "FrutoNyanya". Manufacturer - RussiaFrom this line, only buckwheat and rice porridge are recommended for the first acquaintance with cereals. The composition includes flour and vitamins. Information - from 4 months. Price - 85 rubles.
7) Oatmeal dairy-free "Baby Sitter". Manufacturer - IsraelYou should not start the first feeding with it, but the composition is good: cereals and vitamins. Labeling - from 4 months (should start no earlier than 7-8 months). Price - 300 rubles.
8) The first prebiotic oatmeal from Heinz. Manufacturer - RussiaFlour, vitamins and prebiotics. Marking - from 4.5 months. Cost - 100 rubles.
9) Three "Fleur Alpine" cereals. Manufacturer - ItalyMulticomponent. Not the first feeding. Packing - 175 gr. Marking - 6 months. Price - 240 rubles.
10) Multigrain dairy-free "Нipp". Manufacturer - GermanyIngredients: cereals (including whole grain oatmeal, wheat) and vitamin B1. Marking - from 6 months. Price - from 200 rubles.

Great option for complementary foods from 4 months

Note! When choosing porridge, be sure to familiarize yourself with the expiration date of the product and make sure that the packaging is tight in order to prevent the presence of microorganisms in it.

Among the best cereals for first feeding in the modern industry, there is a large selection of dairy-free and dairy-free, gluten-free and hypoallergenic options.

[1] Prices are valid for March 2020, Moscow