
Why is one testicle larger than the other in a child - the norm and deviations

When young mothers notice that a newborn has testicles of different sizes, they panic, believing that the baby is sick. Often, such a condition is not a sign of a pathology that threatens the health of the baby. The testicles become the same as the infant matures. However, the doctor needs to report the noticed asymmetry. In any case, a specialist should monitor the child, if the condition does not normalize on its own, treatment will be required.


If a newborn has one testicle slightly larger than the other, don't worry. The main thing is that the child does not feel discomfort, and he does not hurt anything. If the baby is feeling well, this is most likely a variant of the norm.

Note! All paired organs are not completely symmetrical. They differ slightly in size, shape, and can be located at different heights.

Young parents need to know about the pathological reasons leading to the fact that one testicle is larger than the other in a child. If the differences are striking, and one testicle is at least two times smaller than the other, an urgent consultation with a surgeon is needed.

What the testicles look like in a newborn

What testicles should be normal in babies:

  • After the baby is born, the testicles descend into the scrotum. It happens that this does not happen, and they remain in the inguinal canal in the abdominal cavity. This is usually typical of premature babies;
  • The size can be different, on average it ranges from 5 to 11 millimeters;
  • One testicle is slightly larger than the other. Usually larger than the right one. Visually, it is almost imperceptible, but if you look closely, you can see the difference. When the size differences are minor, don't worry.

Reasons for size differences

If the baby has testicles of different sizes, it is necessary to exclude the development of diseases:

  • Dropsy of the testicles. Pathology is otherwise called hydrocele and leads to an increase in the scrotum. Sometimes there is swelling in the groin area. Fluid accumulates between the membranes of the testicle and along the spermatic cord. It usually stays in place, but it happens that it flows into the abdominal cavity. Most often, the fluid dissolves on its own, and the swelling subsides. If this does not happen, surgery will be required. Until complete recovery, the baby should be observed by a surgeon;
  • Inguinal-scrotal hernia. The problem can only be solved by surgery. The operation is performed at the age of 6 months to a year. If a hernia is pinched, in which the baby feels pain, becomes restless, the doctor tries to correct it. When this does not help, surgery is required.

Restless kid

The testicle is not in the scrotum

The testicles in newborns should be in the scrotum. It happens that they do not have time to go down, then cryptorchidism is diagnosed in children. Both testicles and one of them may not be in the scrotum, usually it is not in the place of the right one. A similar pathology occurs quite often and is more common among children born a little earlier than the due date. It also develops in babies born on time if they are of low weight.

The transfer of testicles to the groin from the abdominal cavity occurs at the end of pregnancy. The fact that the baby did not wait for him in the womb will not affect his health. The eggs will be in the scrotum after birth during the first year of life. If this does not happen, you will need to move during the operation. In rare cases, hormone-based medication is prescribed. This therapy has a lot of side effects, so it is rarely used.

Note! Children have false cryptorchidism. With it, the testicle periodically finds itself in place, then moves back into the abdominal cavity. It seems to wander, but does not get stuck in the inguinal canal, which is observed with true pathology.

In rare cases, the testicle does not end up in the scrotum because it has not formed. This happens during the difficult course of pregnancy, when the mother does not give up bad habits or suffers from dangerous infectious diseases. Because of this, the young guy will experience a lack of testosterone, and in adolescence he will need to take hormones so that pathology does not affect health.

Large testicles in a newborn

In children, on average, a week after birth, a hormonal crisis may occur. It applies to both boys and girls. Before the baby is born, he receives a large dose of estrogen from the mother. In the first weeks of life, they will be excreted from the body. In response to changes in hormonal levels in infants, the scrotum may slightly increase. This explains why a newborn baby has large testicles.

A slight swelling should not cause concern, there is no need to treat the child, parents are required to inform the doctor about their worries and monitor the baby's condition. Usually everything will return to normal within 2-3 weeks. Such a manifestation is not considered pathological, it is explained by the adaptation of the crumbs to the environment. Also, doctors believe that the hormonal crisis confirms that the baby is successfully adapting to a new world for him.

Note! The testicles may swell a little after the baby is born. However, if the swelling is significantly pronounced, or there is strong asymmetry, you should inform your doctor about it. The doctor will determine whether this is a variant of the norm or a sign of a pathology that requires close attention, possibly treatment.

Medical examination

Hygiene of newborn boys

When caring for a little boy, you need to adhere to the recommendations:

  • Use clothing and diapers that are the right size. The child should not press anything, rub, hinder movement;
  • Buy only linen made from natural materials. The skin of the baby must breathe. Overheating for him, along with hypothermia, is a danger. Irritation may begin in the folds of the skin, which will bring severe discomfort to the baby;
  • Wash with running water and only with products intended for newborns. They should be ph neutral. It is better to purchase foams and gels without dyes and fragrances;
  • The water temperature should be around 36-38 degrees;
  • When bathing, first wash the perineum and buttocks, then go to the genitals. The foreskin does not need to be pushed back. If there is a noticeable discharge that could not be washed off, it can be carefully removed with a cotton swab dipped in water;
  • After bathing, gently dry all folds with a soft towel. You do not need to rub the baby's skin, it is better to gently blot it;
  • Before dressing the baby, lubricate the area under the diaper with a special cream, oil for babies or use baby powder. This will avoid inflammation and the formation of diaper rash.

Babies need to be carefully looked after, bathed daily, and constantly washed. Many believe that boys need less time hygiene than girls. This is a wrong attitude. You can really wash guys in any way: from top to bottom, and in the opposite direction. This should be done not only before bedtime. It is advisable to go with the baby to the bath every 2-3 hours, plus after the baby poops. After the shower, it is better to arrange an air bath for the child, while protecting him from drafts.

Air bath

In order not to panic, it is useful for young parents to know which testicles should be normal in a newborn. Their slight increase is allowed, in particular, relative to each other. It happens that the testicles do not descend into the scrotum, this can be corrected if over time they do not fall into place. If you have any worries and doubts about whether everything is in order with the newborn, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will examine the child and determine if it is developing normally or if treatment is required.

Watch the video: Approach to a child with Short Stature - Prof. Abdulmoein Al-Agha (June 2024).