
A large fontanelle in a child - causes and consequences

Parents often worry about the condition of the baby's fontanelle. The timing of its overgrowth is individual, there is no strict time frame. If the child develops normally, grows well and gains weight, the fontanelle closure occurs in a timely manner and does not affect the further development of the baby. If you have any doubts, you should consult a pediatrician or a neurologist.

Doctors and parents should monitor the condition of the large fontanel

A large fontanelle in a child is a non-ossified, rounded area on the skull. In a newborn, the shape of the large fontanelle is square.

Not all parents know why such a zone appears on the baby's head. This part of the skull has an important function - it protects the baby from injury.

It is known that at an early age, the toddler often hits his head, the reasons for this can be different, for example:

  • falling off the couch;
  • careless treatment of the baby by parents;
  • active movements in a confined space (for example, in an arena);
  • standing and walking attempts in babies over nine months old.

If the infant hits its head, the brain is pressed against the soft, stretchable surface of the fontanelle, so there will be no concussion.

Note. A lot can be said about the health and well-being of a child by the condition of the fontanelle. If this area of ​​the skin is swollen, it means that the baby is very excited. This often happens during loud crying or when the baby is in great discomfort. If this area of ​​the skin, on the contrary, is fused and, as it were, sucked inward, this may indicate that the baby does not have enough water or food, that the child is sick or weak.

Dates of fontanelle closure

Overgrowth time can vary from three months (very rare) to a year (the most common option). If the fontanelle closes at two years old, this is also the norm. It all depends on the child.

Sizes by month

At 1 month, the child's large fontanel is measured at a routine examination. It is known that boys close faster than girls, but there are exceptions.

The size of the fontanel by months

From birth to 1 month27 to 29 mm
From a month to two23 to 26 mm
From 2 to 3 months24 to 25 mm
3-4 month of life21 to 22 mm
4-5 month of life17 to 19 mm
5 months-six months17 to 19 mm
6-7 months17 to 19 mm
7 to 8 months15 to 17 mm
8 to 9 months15 to 16 mm
9 to 10 months13 to 15 mm
10 to 11 months10 to 13 mm
From 11 months to one and a half years6 to 9 mm

The fontanelle is measured by a pediatrician during a monthly routine check-up. Also, measurements are performed by a neurologist when he examines the baby at 1, 3 months and six months. Any deviations from the norm may require additional examinations.

The fontanel size changes monthly

How to determine full closure

When completely closed, the child's head does not have soft areas. This can be determined visually as well as by touch. Hardness and absence of pulsation are sure signs that the fontanelle has already closed.

Violation of the norms of closing the fontanelle

If the large fontanelle does not close for a long time in a newborn, the causes and consequences may be different. Children have the following deviations from the norm:

  • closing too early;
  • too late to close;
  • the size of the fontanel is larger than it should be by age;
  • fontanelle size is less than age standards.

Any deviation from the norm requires consultation with a specialist, especially in the presence of other pathologies in development.

Early closing

Early closure is often caused by excess vitamins. For example, this often happens if a bottle-fed baby receives additional doses of vitamin D. However, there is another, more serious, reason for this deviation from the norm - the trauma of the central nervous system that the baby received at the time of birth.

Late closure

In a child, a year the large fontanelle usually already closes. If the closure is delayed, the cause is often a lack of vitamins. This can be easily corrected with vitamin complexes.

There can be many reasons for late closing

Attention! Late closure is common in premature babies. This is considered normal and should not bother parents. For example, in a baby who was born 2 months earlier than the expected date of birth, the fontanelle will also close 2 months later.

Reasons for violations

Lack of vitamins

If the baby does not have enough vitamins, the fontanelle may be smaller than the intended size and will not close for a long time, remaining open even at two years old. In order for the bones of the skull to develop normally, it is necessary to revise the child's nutrition and include multivitamin complexes in the infant's diet.

Development of rickets

The main cause of rickets is a lack of vitamin D. In rickets, the final hardening of the skull bones is also delayed. The main symptoms of rickets, which should immediately alert parents, are sweating, hyperexcitability, sleep disturbances, and poor weight gain.

Attention! For the prevention of rickets, children who are breastfeeding should be given vitamin D preparations in winter and autumn. Artists do not need this, since modern adapted milk formulas are additionally enriched with vitamin D.

Lack of calcium

Due to the lack of calcium, the bones of the skull become fragile, and the fontanelle often closes after two years. To prevent a deficiency of this important trace element, it is necessary to introduce cottage cheese into the baby's diet in a timely manner. From 6 months, babies should eat baby curds every day. Additionally, you can take calcium preparations orally.

Protruding and sunken fontanelle

If the fontanelle protrudes or, conversely, the fuse, this is a cause for concern. In the first case, in the presence of pulsation, this condition may indicate an increased intracranial pressure. In the second case, the causes of pathology can be:

  • dehydration;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • post-term pregnancy;
  • violation of thermoregulation due to overheating.

A sunken fontanelle is due to dehydration


It happens that the fontanelle looks swollen and protrudes strongly against the background of the bones of the skull. This is especially easy to notice in those moments when the baby is restless, the soft area pulsates strongly. If this condition appears periodically, and then passes, there is no reason for concern, this is the norm. If this is a persistent occurrence, you should consult your doctor. With a sunken fontanel, the baby usually feels weak and lethargic, and the soft part of the skull seems to deepen inward.


Normally, the fontanelle should be at the same level with the bones of the skull, without standing out in any way. If it protrudes or fuses, illness or a functional disorder of the nervous system may be the cause. In this case, only a neurologist can make a diagnosis.


For any problems with the fontanel, self-medication is strictly prohibited, because you can only harm the baby. The diagnosis is made by a doctor based on:

  • visual inspection;
  • complaints of the parents of the baby;
  • test results;
  • the results of ultrasound of the brain.

Parents must follow all doctor's orders and properly care for the baby during treatment.

For any problems with the fontanelle, a pediatric neurologist will help

Which doctor to contact

First of all, you need to contact the pediatrician at your place of residence. If you suspect a disease of the central nervous system, he will refer the baby to a neurologist. Also, if the fontanelle in the baby closes too quickly or slowly, an endocrinologist's consultation may be needed.


The diagnosis is made based on the results of general urine and blood tests. The endocrinologist may prescribe additional tests for hormones. Most often this happens if the baby is poorly gaining weight and height and with a small fontanel.

Healing activities

It is not the fontanelle that is treated, but the disease associated with too early or late closure. Treatment tactics in each case are different, depending on the specific disorder, as well as the age of the baby. You should not resort to folk remedies, it can be dangerous to the health and life of the child.

As a rule, with a timely visit to a doctor and the beginning of treatment, the prognosis is favorable. If the child is prescribed any medication, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage in accordance with age and not interrupt the treatment, even if there is noticeable improvement after the first days. In the presence of neurological diseases, the infant is registered by a neurologist. Parents must fulfill all appointments, as well as properly care for the unclosed fontanelle, treat it carefully so as not to damage the soft tissue.

You should not neglect routine preventive examinations by a pediatrician. During the consultation, the attending physician at the place of residence will not only measure and weigh the baby, but also examine the fontanelle. In case of any deviation from the norm, treatment or further examination will be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

Watch the video: Raising a child with Microcephaly. Suzanas Story (July 2024).