
Why does a baby's mole grow on the body, face - what to do

There is nothing wrong with moles on the human body. Many of them appear in childhood, they can grow and shrink, and their color often changes. Parents should be aware of alarming symptoms, if any, they should contact a dermatologist.

Birthmark in a baby

When babies have moles

Sometimes moles are visible on the baby's body from birth. In most cases, they form later. In some babies, they become noticeable as early as 6 months, in others closer to 2 years. Perhaps they are present at an earlier age, but due to the light shade, they are difficult to distinguish on the skin. Many moles in a child may appear between 5 and 7 years of age. The next outbreak is puberty, characterized by a restructuring of the body in connection with a hormonal surge.

Council. Doctors recommend observing moles, assessing their size and appearance. If it seems that they are growing, or there are too many of them on the body, it is better to see a dermatologist.

The reasons for the development of neoplasms on the skin

Moles are formed from pigment cells concentrated between the inner and outer layers of the skin. They can be flat or raised above the surface. Skin lesions also differ in color. The main thing is that the color is uniform.

The appearance of moles, or nevi, occurs for the following reasons:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun. Large amounts of ultraviolet radiation have a detrimental effect on the skin;
  • Hormonal changes that can occur against the background of infectious diseases, stress, during puberty;
  • Permanent skin injuries.

In addition to ordinary moles, vascular formations are often visible on the child's body. They do not threaten the life of the crumbs, but they must be monitored, be sure to show the doctor. With the accumulation of blood vessels, a stain appears at the surface of the epidermis. It can be convex or give out only by a change in skin color. The shade of such formations varies from pink to dark red.


Is the growth of a mole dangerous

If your baby's birthmark grows, don't worry. This is a natural process, because the baby is changing, which means that the nevus increases in size with him. It is dangerous if it suddenly grows several times. The reduction of the mole should also be alerted. In this case, you will need to visit a dermatologist who will explain whether such changes are normal.

Birthmarks in a baby

In addition to hemangiomas (or vascular formations) and common light brown to black moles, babies may have Mongolian spots. They are greenish in color and are concentrated in the sacrum, thighs and buttocks. They are not dangerous for the child. To recognize them, an experienced doctor does not need additional research, it is enough just to examine the baby.

Coffee stains may be visible on your baby's skin from birth. They are round or oval in shape, ranging in size from 1 to 4 centimeters. If there are less than 6 of them, then you shouldn't worry. The spots do not regenerate and only carry a cosmetic defect.

Coffee stains

A large number of spots usually indicate the development of neurofibromatosis, in which coffee-colored nodules form above the skin surface, their number gradually increases.

Safe symptoms and sizes of moles

Moles can be found on any part of the child's body: face, back, buttocks, even mucous membranes and the head under the hair. Nevi with the following features are not considered dangerous:

  • Dimensions do not exceed 6 millimeters. It happens that moles reach a diameter of 1.5 centimeters, while they do not threaten the life and health of the baby. You can only be sure of this after a doctor's examination and examination, if the doctor has doubts;
  • They have a uniform color. There are no lighter areas or, conversely, dark blotches;
  • The surface is homogeneous, smooth, does not flake off, is not characterized as rough;
  • They differ in the correct shape - lack of symmetry, torn edges should alert.

When to see a doctor

It is imperative to go to a dermatologist if a mole begins to bleed, redness appears around it. It is dangerous when it starts to itch, or when you feel pain when you touch it. This can be easily seen if the mole is on the arm or back. Nevi in ​​other places that are not constantly in sight should be examined periodically.

Moles that are in the active stage of development, that is, when there is a rapid increase or decrease in size, require a mandatory visit to a doctor. Also alarming symptoms are a change in the shade of a nevus, especially if it touches a separate area, and the appearance of uneven edges. To exclude degeneration into a malignant neoplasm, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

What nevi should be removed

If the mole is recognized as harmless, there is no need to get rid of it. When it spoils the appearance, you can remove it when the baby grows up. Doctors do not recommend doing this before 12 years of age. At an earlier age, children find it difficult to tolerate local anesthesia and the procedure itself, which is why it is postponed until the patient behaves calmly during removal, deliberately choosing an operation.

Note. When moles appear on a child's face, they can gradually grow and, according to children, spoil their appearance. Therefore, having matured, boys and girls want to get rid of them.

Moles on the face

The nevus must be removed if it is in an uncomfortable place, is constantly injured, which is why it begins to bleed. For example, it is located on the stomach and is often touched by a belt or leg when it is impossible to put on a sock without touching it.

If a birthmark grows in a child, or its color changes, then it is better to get rid of it, even when it is recognized as benign. The decision must be made in conjunction with a dermatologist. You can not self-medicate and cauterize or cut out nevi at home.

Diagnostics of the growing nevus

Moles can only be removed after being examined by a dermatologist. Be sure to inform the doctor about the changes noticed, in particular, there was an increase or decrease in the nevus, for how long it happened.

Mandatory analyzes

Moles are examined with a dermatoscope, then the child is sent for laboratory tests. They take blood from him to do general and biochemical tests. If a malignant neoplasm is suspected, local lymph nodes are felt.

The doctor will determine whether a mole is dangerous by its appearance. In any case, after removal, it is necessary to send it for histological analysis. This will ensure that it does not contain abnormal cells.

Doctor's advice

Moles appear in any person, usually they are not dangerous. It is important to watch them, but not to panic when they grow, darken, or their number increases. If you have any doubts, you need to visit a dermatologist, he will tell you whether it is worth worrying, or is it normal age-related changes.

Important! Protect your baby's skin from sun damage. Care must be taken that the baby does not burn. Before going to the beach, lubricate the skin with a protective cream.


If the baby accidentally knocks off a mole, you do not need to touch it, tear it off, burn it. I have to go to the doctor. Wrong actions can trigger a pathological process. Although damage to a mole often does not lead to dangerous consequences.

Parents, worried about the health of the baby, do not know what to do if the baby has a mole. When this happens gradually, as the crumbs grow up, you should not be afraid. A doctor should be consulted when the changes are obvious, this applies not only to the size, but also to the color and shape of the nevus.

Watch the video: शरर क अग क तल, कय दरशत ह? Moles On Body Reveal About your behaviour and Personality (July 2024).