
How to handle diaper rash in newborns correctly

Diaper rash in newborn babies and children under one year old appears quite often, since it is very difficult to keep the skin dry and clean even with proper care. Parents need to know why various skin problems occur and what to do if a baby has diaper rash.

The baby of the 3rd month of life lies

What it is

It is customary to call diaper rash local localized inflammation of the skin, which occurs due to prolonged contact of the skin with feces, urine, sweat, sebum, as well as due to irritation caused by contact of the body with wet surfaces.

What does diaper rash look like in a newborn

Pediatricians distinguish three degrees of diaper rash in a child:

  • First. The initial stage is characterized by slight redness. Most often occurs in the folds of the skin. Getting rid of diaper rash at the first stage is quite simple. If you miss the moment, it will be more difficult further.
  • Second. The baby has severe diaper rash, their color becomes more intense, damage to the upper layer of the skin (erosion) appears, the baby begins to comb them. At this stage, special means for treatment will already be needed, first you need to consult a doctor.
  • Third. Bright redness, intense erosion, wet cracks in the skin, abscesses and small sores - this is what diaper rash looks like in a newborn at its most serious stage.

Important! The third degree of diaper rash in a newborn requires immediate medical attention and treatment.

Common localization locations

Diaper rash more often appears in the following places:

  • Buttocks and the area between them;
  • Armpits;
  • Groin;
  • Toes;
  • Crotch;
  • Femoral folds;
  • Neck area.


Even the observance of all preventive measures cannot protect the baby from the harmful effects of reddening of the skin. Under the armpits, this phenomenon occurs due to constant friction of the skin.

Armpit in a child

Baby booty

Diaper rash on the bottom of a baby occurs quite often, since it is here that there is a large accumulation of moisture. The constant wearing of a diaper leads to an unpleasant phenomenon.

Important! If the baby has diaper rash in the priest, it is necessary to arrange air baths for the baby more often. Ideally - after changing the diaper for at least 15-20 minutes. If this does not help, you should think about changing the brand of diaper.

Baby booty

Behind the ear

Dust, dirt and moisture collect behind the ear. The skin in this area is tender and prone to irritation, so red areas appear that begin to get wet. When diaper rash appears behind the ear of a newborn, it is necessary to rinse the skin with water, dry it and apply a special cream.

On the neck

Spitting up food, the baby stains the neck, moisture enters the fold and is clamped. Lack of hygiene can cause redness and diaper rash.

Reddened baby's neck

In the groin

Diaper rash in the groin of a child appears very often, since this is the most suitable place for the infection to spread. This area contains a large amount of fatty deposits. Because of them, the skin rubs against each other, as a result, areas of redness appear.

Note! Diaper rash in boys is treated much easier than in girls due to the structural features of the genitals.

Redness in the groin of a child

Why diaper rash appears

Diaper rash appears due to excess moisture, it destroys the protective barrier, which with great difficulty creates a developing child's body (natural lubrication of the skin). High humidity very often appears due to oversight of adults.

Factors that cause diaper rash:

  • In the groin area - long-term contact of the baby's skin with urine and feces (there is acid in the urine, which is an irritant, in the feces - harmful bacteria);
  • Violation of skin care procedures;
  • Insufficient drying of the baby's body after taking a bath and washing;
  • High room temperature;
  • Excessive wrapping of the child, too warm clothes;
  • Friction of the skin against the seams and folds of linen, diapers;
  • Features of the material from which the diaper is made;
  • Changes in the child's diet, provoking frequent and loose stools;
  • An infection in the baby's body.

The outer layer of the skin (epidermis) in newborns is much thinner than in adults. It is very loose, any infection can penetrate through it into the deeper layers of the skin.

Note! The skin of a newborn is easy to injure, even during routine hygiene procedures. Any impact can provoke the formation of such a problem.

Than dangerous

Deep diaper rash can lead to pyoderma, a bacterial inflammation of the skin. Due to the impaired integrity of the skin, a bacterial infection can become generalized and provoke sepsis.

Baby skin care

Care instructions:

  • Daily hygiene procedures are required: wiping, washing with each diaper change, daily bathing before going to bed;
  • Bathing in a bath with the addition of a decoction of herbs;
  • After each urination, washing the baby with just water, without using soap;
  • You should treat the skin with baby oil after each bath;
  • 20 minute air baths;
  • Do not use wet wipes while at home;
  • Application of baby cream for skin care.

Rubbing the child's priests with a napkin

Rules for proper child care:

  • After washing and air baths, you need to treat the folds on the skin with baby oil or a special baby water-repellent cream;
  • The baby may have an allergic reaction to the diaper. This is individual, may be associated with the materials that make up it;
  • To maintain dry skin, diapers should be changed promptly. It is better to use disposable or cloth-based oilcloth;
  • It is very important to wash baby clothes with a special baby powder from birth, then rinse thoroughly and iron on both sides.

Baby diaper change


At the first degree of diaper rash, it is enough to change the approach to hygiene and the baby's lifestyle, namely, to comply with the following conditions:

  • Set a suitable air temperature in the room (about 18-20 degrees Celsius);
  • Change the diaper every 3-4 hours;
  • After changing the diaper, wash the baby with warm water without soap;
  • Change the diaper immediately after each bowel movement;
  • Arrange air baths for the child.

How to treat diaper rash in the groin of an infant? It is possible to remove diaper rash of the second degree by using panthenol-based products, baby powder, drying preparations in a composition with zinc oxide.

Additional Information. When treating diaper rash of the third degree, you will need the use of special medications. Which one to choose, only the doctor who examined the child can decide. Perhaps he will prescribe the use of medicinal lotions with tannin and silver nitrate.

Folk remedies for the treatment of diaper rash

How to treat diaper rash in newborn babies? Home remedies of traditional medicine will help to deal with this problem:

  • Baths with oak bark. You will need to prepare a decoction by brewing 1 tbsp. oak bark with two liters of boiling water and infusing for about 15 minutes. Then pour it into a bath of warm water and bathe the child in it for half an hour.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Several times a day, lubricate the skin with it, when it is absorbed, immediately put on a diaper.
  • Eucalyptus broth. You need to prepare 2 tbsp. tablespoons of eucalyptus, pour them 1 cup boiling water, place in a water bath and keep for 5 minutes. The resulting product is smeared on the skin.
  • Broth of the train. Take 1 tbsp. succession herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for about half an hour, apply for bathing.

Important! It is forbidden to use the grandmother's method: use starch and tooth powder instead of dusting. It is strictly forbidden to take any recipes with alcoholic tinctures.

Decoction of oak bark for bathing

What not to do


  • Use iodine - this can lead to burns and an overdose of this agent, it can accumulate in the body;
  • Lubricating the affected skin areas with honey is a powerful allergen, which not only will not cure the skin, but can also harm the child;
  • Use petroleum jelly and sunflower oils - they create a strong waterproof film on the skin, which complicates the healing process.

Possible complications

Frequent complications of an advanced form of diaper rash are purulent skin diseases:

  • Streptoderma;
  • Mycosis;
  • Inflammation of the genitals and urinary tract;
  • Microbial eczema, which is difficult to treat and quickly becomes chronic;
  • The penetration of microbes deep into the tissues leads to severe purulent diseases, the use of an antibiotic may be required;
  • Generalized blood poisoning.

Important! At the first signs of diaper rash, it is important to prevent further development of bacteria through hygiene measures.

Tips from Dr. Komarovsky

The most famous children's doctor Komarovsky believes that diaper rash is an inflammatory process caused by poor skin care of the baby, the use of inappropriate diapers, powders, creams and ointments.

The doctor is of the opinion that diaper rash at the first stage does not need special treatment, they appear in almost every baby due to biological processes taking place inside the body. If the redness becomes much brighter and begins to spread throughout the body, then treatment is necessary.

Komarovsky's tips for the treatment and prevention of diaper rash:

  • Identify the nature and cause of diaper rash, then eradicate it;
  • Air baths and temporary rejection of diapers and tight swaddling will be an excellent helper;
  • If diaper rash appears on the neck of a baby, how to treat it? You can use modern creams and ointments for diaper rash;
  • If a child has a bacterial infection or an allergic reaction that caused diaper rash, it is necessary to use special ointments and medications prescribed by a specialist.

Do not ignore the appearance of diaper rash. It is necessary to provide the baby's skin with proper care, otherwise minor damage can turn into a more serious stage. When an infection is added to the redness, cracks and pustules appear on the skin. Then the usual means in treatment will no longer be enough.

Watch the video: 8 Best Simple u0026 Extremely Effective Home Remedies for Diaper Rash in Babies (July 2024).