
What to do if the child bumps his nose hard on the floor and bleeds

If a child bumps his nose, the main thing is not to get confused, to provide first aid correctly. Usually, such bruises are harmless enough and disappear without a trace. However, in case of prolonged bleeding (more than 20 minutes), severe headache or deterioration in general condition, an ambulance should be called urgently.

A bruised nose in a preschool boy

Causes of a bruised nose in children

There are many reasons for children's nose injuries: active games, fights, sports exercises. Negative consequences are caused by domestic injuries, car accidents, blows with a heavy object.

Note! More often, a bruise of the nose or bridge of the nose occurs when falling, hitting a corner of solid objects.

Signs of how to identify a bruised nose

Major changes in the ENT organ that indicate that the baby has hit the nose include:

  1. Pain. Localization of pain appears immediately after injury. The unpleasant sensations are aggravated by palpation.
  2. In some cases, damage to the mucous membrane is observed, accompanied by a pronounced and prolonged bleeding.
  3. It's difficult to breathe. The cause is swelling of the mucous membrane.
  4. The blow provokes a violation of blood vessels, hemorrhage under the skin. Hematoma can go from the site of injury under the eyes.
  5. The edges of the nose are swollen.

Note! If you hit your nose, signs of bruising appear for two to three days, then the symptoms gradually subside.

Symptoms of a broken nose in a child

The characteristic manifestations of a fracture of a child's nose correspond to the type of injury:

  1. Closed injuries without displacement are manifested by extensive bruising and swelling of the upper face region. Impression of the nose is visually present, the exact location of the fracture helps to determine the palpation.
  2. Open fractures without displacement allow us to conclude that there is damage from protruding bone fragments. A bruised nose is often accompanied by wounds of various shapes and sizes.
  3. Displacement injury. Depending on the degree of damage, the child has shortness of breath, purulent tissue damage, impaired water-electrolyte balance, periodic pain in the trigeminal nerve.

Girl hit her nose on a brick

To accurately establish the site of injury, the doctor prescribes an x-ray of the bones of the skull and nose, conducts a visual examination, evaluates the reaction and probes the area of ​​damage. The combination of symptoms allows you to correctly establish a diagnosis, choose a treatment tactics. For example, the slow spreading of a hematoma, swelling and headache help to understand that the baby could break the skull. The patient needs immediate hospitalization and extensive trauma diagnostics.

Difference from bruise

A bruise is considered to be a closed injury to organs or tissues caused by mechanical stress (for example, hitting a table). Damage to the nose is manifested by swelling and blue skin, an increase in body temperature, and limitation of organ functions. The site of the injury begins to hurt when exposed to external influences.

Fracture is a compromised bone integrity. The causes of injury can be mechanical impact, pathological processes in the body. Possible signs of fractures include pain, swelling, hemorrhage, hematomas, and an unnatural position of the nasal septum.

Important! Dr. Komarovsky reports: "In most cases, a fracture from a bruise is characterized by a characteristic crunch when pressed."

First aid for bruises and injuries of the nose

In case of damage to the nose, it is necessary to find out the features of emergency care for open, closed injuries of varying severity.


If a child breaks his nose when struck or falls on hard objects, the bruise is accompanied by hemorrhage, hematomas of the ENT organ septum. The victim needs rest, a cold compress, and the retention of bleeding. X-ray of the nasal bones is mandatory for bruising.

Epistaxis (epistaxis)


Minor skin lesions, accompanied by bleeding and pain, doctors recommend anointment with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, apply a sterile bandage.

If you cut your nose deeply, you will need surgical treatment of the skin, suturing. The procedures are carried out in a clinic or emergency room. The first steps for deep wounds are similar to those for superficial skin damage.


The fracture occurs from a blow to the nose in front or from the side. In the first case, both bones are damaged, the back of the ENT organ is bent, in the second - the back of the nose is displaced to the side or pressed from the side of the impact.

When providing first aid, a cold compress should be prepared, the swelling will disappear a little. In the fight against hemorrhage, it is necessary to fill the nasal canals with cotton swabs (2 cm long and 0.5 cm thick) moistened with hydrogen peroxide or naphthyzine 0.1%.

Further actions

If the child slightly bumps his nose and bleeds, the doctor will prescribe physiotherapy within a few days. The measure helps to relieve puffiness and pain, normalize blood circulation and stimulate healing processes.

Fractures are treated in an ENT hospital. The doctor sets the bone to its original place, if necessary, prescribes surgical treatment of wounds and stops bleeding. It is recommended to perform the reposition within 3-6 days after the impact.

Important! It is customary to perform operations to establish a sunken bone in two ways: old and new.

An old technique for treating a fracture

Under local anesthesia, a long, narrow instrument resembling a scapula is raised and the bone is lifted and fixed with a swab. After one or two days, the gauze is removed.

Fracture diagnosis

An improved way

The doctor uses a rubberized swab filled with gauze under general anesthesia to absorb moisture. The smooth covering of the tampon allows less bruising of the mucous membrane, the nose will heal faster. For a month, a callus is formed at the site of the bone retraction, which firmly strengthens the bridge of the nose.

Aligning a curved septum

Curvature of the septum is less common than fractures and requires less traumatic surgery. The doctor inserts a thin fiber-optic tube containing a built-in light guide and a video camera into the nasal passage. Images are transferred to the monitor screen. The skin is cut at the entrance to the nostril. The tissues are pushed apart, the deformed cartilage is pulled out and straightened, returned to its original place. The nasal septum is clamped on both sides with silicone plates, sutures are applied. Foreign bodies are removed after a week. The septum remains flat, the mucous membrane is not allowed to swell, the nose breathes freely.

Which doctor to contact

If the child falls on the floor with his nose, it is necessary to seek help from a traumatologist or surgeon. The doctor carefully examines the nose, slightly presses on the ENT organ from different sides, when making a diagnosis, he will take into account the complaints and feelings of the patient, his own experience. Diagnosis of a bruised nose usually does not require CT. If you suspect more significant damage (many children manage to hit, forming a fracture of the bone part of the head), computed tomography is mandatory.

Types of nasal fractures

Fractures are closed, open, traumatic, pathological (caused by a lesion or disease), with or without displacement.

Nasal fracture options


Complications of bruises threaten with cosmetic deformity and functional blockage of the pathways (the nose may swell). The accumulation of blood in the nasal septum provokes avascular or septic necrosis of the cartilage, further deformation (the nose takes a saddle shape). Fracture of the ethmoid plates is accompanied by the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, and the risk of meningitis or brain abscess increases. The latter complication is rare.

Prevention of bruises and other injuries

To prevent injury, excessive physical exertion and injury should be excluded. When playing sports, it is recommended to use appropriate equipment.

Parents will be able to prevent falls by prohibiting movement in dangerous places. It is important to take care of the presence of fences on steps, windows and balconies. In order to avoid open wounds, children's games should be excluded in places containing broken glass, stones, protruding pieces of metal.

General preventive measures include a complete diet enriched with vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, regular physical activity (exercise, swimming), wearing comfortable shoes, and parental care.

Prevention of injuries in children

Boys with broken noses are twice as likely to go to the clinic as girls. The most active, restless children of preschool age. Older guys are more accurate, teenagers have stronger bones. During school years, injuries are the result of fights or poor training. The older the child becomes, the less he will fall and hurt his nose.

Watch the video: Bumped with my nose on his head hard bleeding (July 2024).