
How to use a newborn aspirator

The task of parents is to provide their baby with not only a happy, but also a healthy childhood. They have a lot to learn and learn to do. In the home medicine cabinet of most young parents, you will definitely find a variety of devices designed to make their life easier. This includes a nasal applicator for newborns.

A nasal aspirator should be in the medicine cabinet of every family with a small child.

Accessory Description

In the first months of life, any baby has certain breathing problems. Mucus often collects in his nasal passages, causing some discomfort. In this situation, the applicator comes to the rescue. It works as a nozzle suction device and effectively cleans the nasal passages.

According to the principle of operation, the device most of all resembles a pump. The simplest applicator by its design is a rubber bulb with a special tip. When using the accessory, a discharged pressure is created inside, thanks to which it is possible to quickly and accurately remove mucus from the nose.

The simplest aspirator can be bought inexpensively in a pharmacy

Important! The applicator must be used in accordance with the rules and recommendations of the manufacturer. Only in this case it is possible to remove all excess from the nasal passages of the baby quickly, effectively and painlessly.

Types of aspirators

A wide variety of newborn aspirators can be found on the market.


The syringe device is very primitive and incredibly easy to use. It includes a small rubber bulb and a silicone tip. The main disadvantage of this design is the absence of a limiter on the tip, which would reliably protect the child from accidental damage to the tissues of the mucous membrane. In addition, the device is made of a completely opaque material, which does not allow you to easily see how effectively the mucus suction process is carried out.

Mechanical aspirator

A mechanical nasal aspirator is a tube equipped with a mucus collection reservoir. The product has a replaceable filter that prevents liquid from the child's nose from entering the parent's mouth. The risk that the baby will be injured during the procedure is also extremely small - the tips are made of soft silicone. Such an aspirator is easy to use, its cost is very budgetary.

Electronic aspirator

An aspirator is the most expensive, but also the most effective equipment by which the baby can effectively remove excess mucus in the nose. The device is equipped with a soft tip and has a limiter. The mucus removal process is carried out automatically. In this case, the child will experience minimal discomfort.

The liquid in the electronic aspirator is collected in a transparent container. The device is powered by batteries, which allows you to carry it with you. Parents usually do not have questions about how to use an electronic aspirator for newborns with a cold - everything is very clear and understandable.

Vacuum aspirator

An interesting type of device is a vacuum aspirator. Its principle of operation is similar to the algorithm of the devices described earlier. The fundamental difference is that a vacuum cleaner is used in the mucus removal process. The product is connected to it through a special mouthpiece. Removable tips must be sterilized after use.

Most parents do not dare to purchase such an aspirator precisely because of the need to connect to a vacuum cleaner. In practice, there is nothing wrong with this, especially since the device has a lot of undoubted advantages, including durability, safety and a high efficiency rate.

Advantages and disadvantages of a nozzle suction

The undoubted advantages of nasal aspirators include:

  • ease of use;
  • the possibility of use for newborns;
  • efficiency;
  • the possibility of carrying out preventive and therapeutic cleaning of the nasal cavity;
  • no risk of mucus getting into the respiratory tract;
  • low rate of injury or its complete absence.

It should be noted some shortcomings of the devices:

  • it is not always possible to completely clear the airways;
  • electronic and vacuum devices are quite expensive;
  • syringe aspirator is ineffective;
  • a vacuum device powered by a vacuum cleaner can greatly scare a child.

A vacuum aspirator is a serious device that often scares parents

What to use for

The most common reason for using a nasal aspirator is a child's runny nose. The device is used for both treatment and prophylactic purposes. In addition, the device will be effective for hygienic cleaning of the nasal cavity, if the baby spends a long time in a room with dry air. The aspirator can remove the crusts formed on the mucous membrane.

Precautionary measures

To avoid harm to the child, the nasal aspirator should be used with simple precautions. These are the following points:

  1. Use the device only in extreme cases, frequent use of an aspirator will lead to malfunction of the nasal mucosa.
  2. It is recommended that you consult your pediatrician before purchasing an accessory.
  3. Do not use an aspirator if a child's runny nose has an allergic etymology.

Terms of use

To effectively relieve the crumb of nasal congestion, you should understand how to use an aspirator for newborns correctly. The principle of operation of different types of device may vary. There are general rules to take into account.

An electric aspirator can significantly simplify the process of cleaning the nasal cavities

Step-by-step nose cleaning:

  1. Preparation for the procedure. As part of preparing the baby for the procedure, you should first clean the baby's nose with saline solution or decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is enough to drop a drop into each nostril, trying to prevent liquid from entering the throat. If there are crusts in the nasal cavities, they can be easily removed with a cotton turunda.
  2. Carrying out the procedure. When using a syringe, it should be squeezed, releasing air, then insert the tip into the nasal passage and gently unclench. Under the pressure of air, mucus will be removed.
  3. If a mechanical aspirator is used, it will need to be assembled first. Next, place the tip into the child's nostril. The mucus will be removed when the baby inhales.
  4. The easiest thing is with an electronic device. Its tip is inserted into the nasal passage and a button is pressed. After a few seconds, the nose is completely cleared.

Common mistakes

The most common mistake is incorrect insertion of a respirator. The tip of the device should be held straight, preventing it from sucking to the walls of the nasal cavities. Otherwise, mucous membrane injury will occur.

Contraindications for use

It is strongly not recommended to use any type of nozzle suction in the following cases:

  • if there is damage to the mucous membrane;
  • if the child often has nosebleeds;
  • in the presence of various neoplasms in the nasal cavity.

Even if the aspirator is very expensive and of high quality, it is not recommended to use it too often.

A child's health is the most precious thing that can be. It should be monitored with the utmost care. Do not forget that excessive effort can be harmful. This also applies to the use of nasal aspirators.

Watch the video: FridaBaby Nose Frida: How To The Snot Sucker (July 2024).