
A lump on a child's neck - causes of a seal

Lumps on a child's neck can appear due to many factors. This does not always indicate the development of pathology. If a neoplasm is found that does not go away for a long time, you need to show the child to a doctor. The diagnosis can only be made by a specialist after a thorough examination.

Lumps on a child's neck are a common occurrence that requires parental attention.

Causes of appearance and accompanying symptoms

Seals in the neck on the side of children can occur due to various factors, ranging from injury, blow, ending with inflammation of the lymph node.


A lump on a child's neck may be the accumulation of excess adipose tissue. Such a neoplasm is called a lipoma. She does not pose a danger to the child, does not bother him, does not hurt.


The lump may consist of fatty and fibrous tissue, if it begins to become inflamed, suppuration forms. Such a neoplasm is called atheroma. It looks a lot like a lipoma. The only difference is that when probing an atheroma, it is motionless; with a lipoma, the ball will roll.

Cervical cysts and fistulas

Babies under three years old may develop fistulas or cysts, due to which bumps appear on the side of the child's neck. They look like small balls no larger than 20 mm. Their growth in diameter begins if an inflammatory process develops.


Bumps behind the ears occur in children if they have "mumps". This is a viral disease in which intoxication of the body and damage to the salivary glands occur. The child's temperature rises, chills worried. This condition requires urgent medical attention and the appointment of a treatment regimen.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

Most often, seals in children appear due to inflammation of the lymph nodes. Formations can be both left and right, and in the middle under the jaw. The inflammatory process develops due to the ingress of a virus into the body, while metabolic processes are disrupted. The lymph nodes also become inflamed if a child is diagnosed with chickenpox. With complications, the areas of the seals turn red, they are painful to the touch.

A lump in the neck may be due to inflammation of the lymph nodes

Malignant tumors

If a lump appears due to the development of a malignant tumor, it will be accompanied by sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and heavy breathing. Cancer neoplasms are very dense to the touch, painful. Treatment consists of surgical intervention.

Other reasons

Lumps on the neck can be boils that occur due to hypothermia, improper hygiene, and decreased immunity. After a certain time, a purulent core becomes visible on them. Doctors will open these seals and clean out the pus. To prevent the recurrence of furunculosis, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Difference in seal arrangement

Neoplasms can appear from any of four sides. Most often, a specialist can determine the cause of the occurrence, depending on the location.

If the ball appears to the left, this may indicate:

  • the appearance of an allergy to taking any medication;
  • cyst formation;
  • violation of hormonal levels in the body.

The bumps on the right are due to:

  • injuries;
  • decreased immunity;
  • poor hygiene.

Often, children have a cervical cyst. This is the seal that sits in front or behind the ear. If it does not go away after a year or two, it is surgically removed.

Depending on the location of the neoplasm, a preliminary diagnosis can be made.

Diagnosis of pathology

The formation of seals in the neck can be infectious. To avoid possible complications, you need to be examined. Only after an accurate diagnosis can a complex of treatment be prescribed.

At the initial appointment, the pediatrician makes a preliminary diagnosis and prescribes further examinations. Diagnostic methods include:

  1. X-ray is a visual examination that is necessary to assess the condition of the internal structure of the neck. If there is a tumor, it will look like a ball on the picture.
  2. Complete blood count to determine if inflammation is present. If there is an infection in the body, then the test results will contain a large number of leukocytes.
  3. Ultrasound - this diagnostic method is most often used if it is necessary to assess the condition of the tissues.
  4. CT and MRI are used when doctors suspect that a tumor is growing.

Important! Timely examination of a sick child will help to represent the picture of the development of inflammation as accurately as possible, to prevent possible complications.

A complete blood count will make it clear if there is inflammation in the body.

Parents' actions

If a small subcutaneous ball is found on the baby's neck, it is not recommended for parents to start treatment on their own, use folk methods, compresses.

Important! If any neoplasm occurs on the neck, it is forbidden to use alcohol and iodine. Warming the seal can lead to the development of an inflammatory process.

To prevent the formation of bumps, it is recommended to pay attention to increasing the child's immunity. In the winter and spring periods, you need to give him vitamin complexes, hardening. Every day, the child should walk outside for at least an hour.

Which doctor to contact

In order to undergo a full examination, the child must be shown to the pediatrician. Based on the results of the tests, he can send for a consultation to a narrow specialist or prescribe treatment on his own.

If the following symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance:

  1. The child has a very high temperature, which cannot be reduced on its own with drugs, signs of fever appear, the site of the neoplasm is reddened and inflamed.
  2. The lump was formed in a newborn baby up to a month. At this age, any seal can be dangerous.
  3. The neoplasm is located next to the larynx. This can lead to difficulty breathing.

Urgent medical attention may be required if a lump has arisen suddenly, while the baby has not been bitten by an insect, he has not fallen. The neoplasm has arisen and is growing very rapidly.

If the child has a ball on the back of the neck or in any other place under the skin, you need to carefully monitor its development. If the lump begins to bulge out strongly, hurt, you need to immediately take action. Neoplasms on the neck can be a signal of an inflammatory process in the body, due to which the child will feel not only discomfort, but also pain.


Watch the video: Neck Nodes in Children (July 2024).