
4 types of moms by parenting method: find yourself

Every mother strives to give her child all the best. What types of mothers are there and how are they remarkable?

Mother hen

Such a mother will never let a child out into the street without a hat, elastic-band mittens and long instructions. Trying to give the child as much care as possible, such a woman can easily go too far.

Excessive custody can lead to the fact that the child grows up spoiled and capricious, or vice versa, begins to rebel and bring problems. In addition, the mother herself, accustomed to worry about any occasion, does not add health to herself, either physical or mental. And the child needs a healthy calm mother nearby.

Mom friend

Such a mother tries to listen to her child, educate him in justice. In such a family, the child is given as much attention as needed, he grows up in an adequate environment and learns to act according to his conscience. Such women perfectly understand their child, try to listen and hear him, but not indulge his whims.

In a family where mutual understanding reigns, where you can not be afraid to speak openly about your feelings, and the actions of adults lend themselves to logical explanation, confident and adequate children grow up.

Business mom

In an effort to give their child all the best, many mothers disappear at work, leaving their children to nannies or grandparents. This approach is quite justified and takes place, because no one wants his child to live in poverty. In addition, such mothers in the future can give the child a good education, which will be an excellent start in life.

However, the absence of a mother nearby can lead to the fact that she and the child in the future will not have the closest relationship, because she was not there at a time when his psyche was actively developing and he was exploring the world.

Mom is a teacher

This type of mothers scrutinizes all available information about parenting and tries to apply the most effective methods in practice. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity, when the baby is still very much the whole day disappears in all sorts of developmental circles, instead of running around like crazy in the yard.

Of course, such mothers do it with the best of intentions, in order to provide the child with a brilliant future, to reveal his talents. But do not forget that a child has only one childhood and will he be grateful for spending it in stuffy walls, studying Chinese?

Watch the video: How Do Korean Moms Discipline their Kids? (July 2024).