
7 things that annoy a baby

Babies cannot speak, but they can already express their attitude with loud cries. Sometimes kids scream and resent in completely incomprehensible situations. What reasons can make a child angry?

When he is forced to sleep

The kids do not understand why they are put to bed when they do not want to, and are very indignant about this. Their brains are not yet mature enough to understand that they need to sleep when everyone is sleeping, that their parents are tired and they need to rest. Therefore, it is quite understandable why babies cry and scream when they are left alone in a dark bed and go somewhere.

When they climb into his mouth to count his teeth

Each tooth is a whole achievement, obtained by sleepless nights and thousands of nerve cells. Therefore, many parents forget about personal space and climb into the child's mouth to count the teeth. Such an intrusion may be unpleasant for a kid, and his gums also hurt, so he hates his parents at such moments.

When dangerous toys are taken from him

There is no greater happiness for a child than to find a terribly beautiful and dangerous thing on the floor or get it from somewhere and put it in his mouth. For example, a bead, battery, or other trifle. Naturally, the responsible parent rushes at full steam to take away the prey and shake his finger. What a shock for a child! After all, happiness was so close.

When he is taken to the doctor for an examination

At first, he may even wonder where they took him and why they look at him like that. Until the doctor begins to touch him with cold instruments and carry out other unpleasant manipulations. Then the siren turns on and irritation appears on the parents, who for some reason are in no hurry to rescue him from the cold paws of the doctor.

When they eat something in front of him, but they don't give him

The diet of babies is not very diverse, so it can be very unpleasant for him to sit at the same table with his parents and watch them eat something tasty, but they do not give him. Of course, this is not done out of spite, but because the baby is not yet allowed such food, but he does not understand this and naturally gets angry and thinks that he is being bullied.

When they try to force him to get up, but he still does not have the strength to do it

Babies of the first year of life have a hard time and can only envy their masculinity and stamina, because they are tested by colic, teeth and doctors. And then the parents want feats from them, put them on their legs until they get stronger. Here parents should understand that everything has its time and the baby will definitely go when he gains strength.

When they wipe his mouth after feeding

Small children do not know how to eat neatly, and even when they are fed ready-made, they manage to sit all in porridge. They don't know that they look like piglets. Of course, they protest when they are trying to bring them into a divine form, because they do not understand why this is necessary, if they are already beautiful.

Watch the video: FUNNY Baby Fails Videos - Sneaky Babies doing wrong things caught by their parents (July 2024).