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Mobile (carousel) on the crib

Since ancient times, hanging toys have decorated the cradles of babies. Rag and straw dolls, wooden birds appeared over the baby's cradle for a reason. This was the deep meaning of protecting the little man from the evil eye and evil spirits.

Modern man looks at the world with completely different eyes, attaches a different meaning to his actions, but the tradition itself has actually survived to our days. Modern parents buy a mobile and, instead of ancient amulets, attach it to a crib for newborns, but why they do it, read on ...

How the mobile is useful for the kid

Our ancestors had their own intuitive knowledge, but now we can explain the need for a mobile for a kid from the point of view of science. Psychologists who study the characteristics of a child's development explain why a mobile is needed for newborns: this device helps in the development of visual concentration.

For a newborn baby, the world is blurry colored spots. A mobile suspended at the correct distance helps the kid learn to concentrate on an object, follow it, distinguish the shape and colors of the object. By the age of three months, children are already making attempts to reach for the toy - this also has an element of developing vision, because the child estimates the distance to the object by eye and correlates his actions with this information.

Pros of a mobile (an example of a regular cheap mobile):

An example of an expensive mobile (video)

How to choose a mobile

To understand how to choose the right mobile for a crib, you need to figure out what their characteristics and main differences are, what are the advantages in each of the options for mom and baby. A good mobile must first of all meet the general requirements of a quality toy.

The main requirement concerns its safety for the baby. The attachment of the mobile to the crib must be strong, all other attachments should also not cause concern. All materials present in the parts of the mobile must be of high quality, do not exude any smell. The elements of the toy themselves must be free from external and functional defects.

The rest of the recommendations relate to specific options. Since it is not easy to find comrades in taste and color, everyone decides for himself which mobile he chooses.

Electrical or mechanical?

Mobile has such a name for a reason. Many moms call this a “carousel” because the toys that hang from the structure rotate like a carousel. This movement is provided either by a mechanical winding or by energy from batteries. In other words, mobiles are mechanical and electrical.

  • Plant mechanical mobile usually lasts no longer than 5 minutes, and the range of reproduced sounds is limited: one melody sounds like a barrel organ.
  • Electric mobile able to rotate and delight the ear with a melody for up to 25 minutes. In this regard, an electric mobile is much more convenient for a mother: there is no need to repeat the plant every 5 minutes, while on duty at the bedside.

Some of the electric mobiles have a remote control. This also adds convenience: you can adjust the operation of the device without even going to the bed. True, it is hardly possible to call this parameter important in choosing a mobile.

Toys on mobiles

Toys on a mobile may or may not be removable. If the toys are removed, the baby will be able to play with them when he is a little older. They can be interchanged, or, showing ingenuity and ingenuity, replaced with other toys.

The toys themselves can be plastic or soft. Soft ones are pleasant to the touch, but they collect a lot of unnecessary debris and dust, which can only be removed by washing. For a small child, plastic toys are more hygienic.

Toys should be made of large parts. It is better if the primary colors are present in the toys. Bloody, variegated colors are not very suitable for babies. This is due to the peculiarities of visual perception: it will simply be very difficult for a child to perceive color and shape. It is also better not to allow acid colors in the baby's field of vision until they grow up.


  • With the melody of a mechanical mobile, everything is more or less clear. It is very reminiscent of a melody from a music box or barrel organ, as a rule, always calm and pleasant to the ear.
  • An electric mobile can play several different recorded melodies, so when choosing such a device, be sure to take the time and listen to them.

The melody should be pleasing to the ear and the recording should be of good quality. You may not always want to listen to a looped piece of music, so pay attention to whether your mobile has a mute function.

Another point worth paying attention to is the volume control. If the music cannot be turned off and the volume is not adjustable, consider whether you are ready for the fact that a loud persistent sound will accompany each cycle of the mobile. Especially when you consider that many children try to fall asleep under the spin and sounds of the mobile.


Whose mobiles are better?

The most popular manufacturers of high-quality children's toys must have mobiles for newborns in their catalogs. Someone gravitates towards a specific brand, while someone chooses solely for functionality. Here are the most famous and proven mobiles:

  1. Tiny Love. Its peculiarity is that in addition to the standard functions, the mobile is equipped with a night light.
  2. Tomy. Nice toys in the form of characters from Disney cartoons and a function of night illumination.
  3. Chicco. Very high quality mobile with a control panel.
  4. Fisher Price. A mobile with a control panel, lighting and additional table mounts.
  5. Tiny Princess. Electric mobile exclusively for girls. Has the function of a night light and control bullets.

Whatever mobile you like, the most important thing is that it is safe and used correctly. Then this toy will radiate only benefits for the development of the baby and give you joy and moments of relaxation.

You can see prices, full descriptions, features, characteristics, pros and cons, read reviews and buy a mobile on the website babadu.rumobiles and carousels

We read further: All about the first rattles

Watch the video: The Best Crib Mobile! Review of Fisher Price Rainforest Musical Mobile (June 2024).