
Character traits of newborn children

Such a question as the nature of the newborn causes a lot of controversy. Some experts say that a month-old baby simply cannot have it, while others claim that a person's character is formed from the moment of his birth. And yet, most mothers will probably agree that each baby is individual, and this very individuality manifests itself from the first minutes of a child's life.

At the stage of development from birth to one year, it is very important to highlight in the character those traits that describe him to the greatest extent. This will help parents learn how to influence them in order to avoid most of the unpleasant problems in the future. Indeed, at this age, the baby is completely dependent on mom and dad. It is at this stage that such significant character traits as friendliness, openness and the ability to build trusting relationships are formed.

The nature of newborns

We have identified 5 types of infant character, having become acquainted with which you can understand what traits are most pronounced in your child and influence them.

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1. Little rebel

Such a kid certainly cannot be called flexible. He quickly gets tired of everything and is capricious, often for no apparent reason. Such a baby gives a lot of trouble to his parents, who do not know what kind of surprise to expect from him.

The first piece of advice to the parents of the "little rebel": do not be upset. Encouraging good behavior plays a huge role in shaping the character of a capricious child. Become aware of and focus on positive personality traits.

2. Active kid

Such children strive to break the daily routine that they are supposed to! And with respect to such children, any persistence is contraindicated. The actions to be taken should be gentle and non-coercive. Only such measures can give the desired result! If you manage to gently teach an active child to order, this will also help develop his independence in adulthood.

3. Sad kid

If your child reacts very sharply to every slightest change in his environment, and any changes in life make him cry, then you have a representative of the "Sad baby" type. Here it is simply necessary to add smoothness and regularity to the behavior of parents. This means that each change should take place as imperceptibly as possible with partial preservation of the old conditions. The main thing is to make it clear to the baby that there are still a lot of new things waiting for him in his life, and this should not be afraid!

4. Delicate baby

This type includes babies with a very sensitive perception of the environment. They react sharply to loud, harsh sounds, bright lights, etc. Parents of such children are advised to protect their child from external stimuli and from communication with people who are alien to your child and cause his negative reaction.

5. Small adult

This character is easy to discern. If your baby often frowns and rarely smiles, then he can be attributed to this type. Here, your observation can play a major role. Watch your child carefully: if he frowns, but does not show that he is uncomfortable, then there is nothing to worry about. If the frown on the face of the baby is accompanied by crying, this can serve as a signal of health problems and the need to see a doctor.

Of course, among the readers of this article there may be those who have not seen a description of the character of the newborn that suits them. And this is completely natural! After all, loving parents will always consider their child unique! Therefore, the most practical advice is this: love and give warmth to your child every minute. Then all the problems that will be encountered on this difficult path of raising a child will seem not so serious.

By the way, if you work as a class teacher at a school, head teacher, teacher-psychologist or social teacher, then you quite often need to write characteristics of your students (psychological, pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical), describe personal qualities, character traits of the student, and this is young teachers are sometimes difficult. So, now writing a characteristic of any kind is not a problem, we found a selection of 70 (!) Templates with samples and recommendations for writing a characteristic - 70 characteristics templates + forms, templates and recommendations for writing them - http://5psy.ru/raznoe /psixologicheskaya-xarakteristika-uchenika.html.

Good luck to you!

Watch the video: Child Development: Your Baby at 6 Months (July 2024).