Earnings for mothers on maternity leave

Ways to make money over the Internet for mothers on maternity leave (Without pyramids and MLM)

During maternity leave, a woman's every day becomes similar to one another. After the baby is born, the mother devotes most of her time to him. As a result, life is limited to a house, a playground and a store, and the head is filled with songs and fairy tales. During maternity leave, many professional skills are lost, interests and social circle change. How can a woman on maternity leave not feel limited, knocked out of life, financially independent and still have time for everything?

How to make money on maternity leave via the Internet

Attention! For all the links that are posted in this article, you can go to the sites and read detailed information about the work (working conditions, rules). Read instructions and recommendations. Also, if something is not clear, write to those support and ask any question that interests you! Keep this in mind!

Many mothers are engaged in household chores and do not notice a wonderful helper who can diversify their social circle, soothe creative itching and allow them to earn some pocket money.

Only the lazy hasn't got a computer and the Internet at home, so if a woman doesn't belong to them, it won't be difficult for her to earn money while on maternity leave. Of course, we are not talking about the amounts that will provide for the whole family, for this you will have to work full time, which is absolutely impossible when there is a baby next to you that requires attention. But making money for diapers, mashed potatoes and other little things is quite a feasible task.

Pros and cons of making money on the Internet

Today there are a lot of ways to make money on the Internet, but in general, such work has its pros and cons. On the positive side, it can be noted:

  • Working at home is certainly much more comfortable. You don't have to get up at an alarm clock, rush to the other side of the city, jostling in a crowd or standing in traffic.
  • You yourself plan your work schedule. Nobody will tell if you are late or left early. Of course, you will have to adapt to other people, but still the operating mode is more flexible.
  • Earning money on the Internet is available to everyone, there are no age, gender or other restrictions. There are preferences in the choice of a work performer, but there are very few of them.
  • The ability to combine earning money on the Internet with your hobbies.
  • For a woman on maternity leave, the Internet is a good resource for creating automatic additional earnings in the future, when she already goes to work. This includes income from websites or blogs.
  • A lot of people choose to make money on the Internet just because they don't want to work for someone. Here you can choose what interests you, no one will drive you into a rigid framework for fulfilling the plan or monthly reports. Your income directly depends on your hard work, talent and internet speed.

Each business has its negative points:

  • Some people need a kick to get started, which is what their boss gives in their regular jobs. This does not apply to everyone, some work more productively in the absence of pressure from outside. In general, if you are by nature a performer, then when making money on the Internet, you may lack someone's guiding hand. Otherwise, your work risks turning into aimless floating through the vastness of the virtual network.
  • The sums you receive at the start of your internet career will likely not please you as much as your first paycheck. You will not receive a flat salary for sitting at a computer table from call to call. Income will grow gradually, only through patience and everyday work.
  • Physical inactivity and a heavy load on the eyes will not add to health, but this hardly applies to a woman on maternity leave, who is unlikely to be allowed to sit at the computer for more than 2 hours in a row.

Several simple ways to make money on the Internet

1. Writing articles (copywriting, rewriting)

You don't need any special education and skills. Anyone can start. Everyone can write essays or presentations

You can make money by writing articles for websites or blogs to order, or by selling ready-made texts. In order to find a customer or put up an article for sale, you need to register on some copywriting exchange, for example Content Monster.

Links to different content exchanges

  1. Content monster
  2. Etxt
  3. Advego

Before you start working, you need to go through a simple registration procedure as an author (performer).

Different exchanges have rules for accessing the order list. Somewhere you can start working immediately after registration, somewhere you will be offered to answer the questions of the Russian language test or take copywriting courses. Having fulfilled the requirements of the exchange, you can get to work.

Copywriting means writing your own articles or using multiple sources. Such text should have 100% uniqueness, in contrast to rewriting, which allows a lower percentage of uniqueness and is, in fact, a presentation of previously written articles. Almost all exchanges have programs for determining the level of uniqueness of the text, as well as spell checking and semantic analysis.

There are also article stores on the stock exchanges where you can post your works for sale. You can earn money sitting on maternity leave simply by rummaging through your old essays, term papers that have remained from the institute. Surely, among them there are good and informative texts that someone may need.

Almost every woman has hobbies: sewing, knitting, photography, cooking and much more. You can write interesting articles about all this, attach photos to them. If you become the author of original texts, believe me, buyers will notice you.

The amount of earnings is from 100 rubles per day to several thousand. You can find regular customers on the exchanges and work on an ongoing basis.

I repeat, anyone can make money. That's where everyone starts. In more detail we will write about each way of making money, so as not to miss the release of new articles, join our groups on VKontakte, on Odnoklassniki.

READ IN DETAIL: Earning money by writing and rewriting articles - https://razvitie-krohi.ru/zarabotok-dlya-mam-v-dekrete/zarabotok-dlya-mam-v-dekrete-napisaniem-ili-perepisyivaniem-statey.html

2. Writing comments and reviews

Surely, before you buy something in a store, you read reviews about this product - most of them were written for money. Yes Yes! Exactly!

On sites and forums, you need to maintain communication, write comments.

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In a word - a lot of work!

There are special exchanges where performers work (write comments / reviews) and there are customers who order these comments / reviews.

Who but a woman on maternity leave can better describe products for children and for pregnant women? Or are you well versed in diapers, baby food, toys or products for pregnant or breastfeeding women? In general, it doesn't matter what you understand, the main thing is to write a comment or a review such as the customer asks for.

So, why not make money sitting at home on this?

For example, a comment exchangeqcomments. ru

3. Freelance

Freelance (free movement from English freelance) is a type of fickle working relationship that does not provide for the conclusion of long-term contracts, but implies the implementation of certain one-time tasks chosen to your taste.

The essence of making money is that if you know how to do at least something (write texts, work in Photoshop, translate texts from foreign languages, sell products - in general, at least something), then you can make money on freelancing. Even if your knowledge in one or another area is not enough, then you can learn everything.

The profitability of such a job varies greatly and depends on your skills. For example, website designers earn from $ 1,000 in freelancing. It is more convenient to search for an employer on freelance exchanges.

Freelance exchanges

  1. work-zilla.com
  2. Freelance.ru
  3. Free-lance.ru
  4. Weblancer.net

4. Creation of your blog (site)

Creating a website or blog, running it on the Internet is one of the newfangled ways to make money on the Internet.

A blog is a web page where you can "show yourself". Here you write about your activities, offer your services, express your opinion about something. If you are a professional in your field, then a blog will be your good resume.

If you are now a mother on maternity leave, write about raising your child)

To earn money, advertisements are placed on the pages of the blog (or site). This is a passive way of earning money.

If the subject of your blog is close to the advertiser, then you can post reviews of his products on your blog and get paid for it.

In general, earnings on the site are reduced to earnings from advertising, and to earnings on the provision of their own services. Here is an article on 26 Ways to Make Money Online. there are also described ways to make money on the site - link to article

Here is a useful site about creating blogs and making money from blogging on the internet - link

5. Infobusiness

This is the sale of relevant or popular information using the Internet. Information can be sold in different forms: books, articles, programs, audio or video.

Infobusiness implies such types of activities on the Internet as: organizing blogs or sites (i.e. how to make a blog / site), implementing useful mailing lists (not spam), linking affiliate programs and much more. All this together is a tool for making money on the Internet.

Here you need to be a professional in something. And your professionalism to pack and sell. You can make millions. Make products once, and sell it thousands, hundreds of thousands of times.

6. Affiliate programs

This is a certain type of cooperation in which projects / online stores / various services promoted on the Internet offer you an income from attracting customers to them.

How it works? If you are the owner of a site with high traffic (several hundred visitors), then you can implement affiliate programs (place affiliate links, banners) in it, recommend something to people, and the person who came on your recommendation and made a purchase / ordered a service, you get your percentage of the amount that the person you refer has spent.

7. Earnings on clicks in social networks and comments on forums:

Every woman, while on maternity leave, makes up for the lack of communication in social networks. Some sit there for a long time. If you are too lazy to write articles, reviews, understand the intricacies of creating a website, then there is something for you to do. The world is not without kind people, and even more so social networks.

There are sites, such as Forumok, that offer an advertising service that allows you to make money on social networks by simply clicking the left mouse button, hovering over links and banners. Click and like articles / pages ordered by the advertiser.

There you can also make money just by talking. If you like to chat on forums, you can use this hobby to make money on maternity leave.

Placing advertising information on social networks (i.e. you will simply post links in your accounts that will be in tasks from advertisers) and on forums can have a payment from 0.3 to 1 $ per message.

Link to Forumok

I would like to advise women on maternity leave not to bury their talents in the routine of household chores. Make good use of your free time. Make sure that your work is appreciated. Try to make money on the Internet, perhaps this job will turn out to be your second profession. Who knows, you may be the one who can make a fortune on this.

I repeat, there will be large and detailed descriptions of all the ways of earning money. Step by step instructions. Stay with us. See you.

ADDITIONAL WAYS OF EARNING: https://razvitie-krohi.ru/zarabotok-dlya-mam-v-dekrete/sposobyi-zarabotka-v-dekrete.html

WORK AT HOME FOR MOMS IN DECRET WITHOUT CHEAT AND INVESTMENT - 8 BEST VACANCIES FOR 2018:https://razvitie-krohi.ru/zarabotok-dlya-mam-v-dekrete/rabota-na-domu-dlya-mam-v-dekrete-bez-obmana-i-vlozheniy-8-luchshih-vakansiy-na- 2018-god.html

How to make money on Instagram for mom on maternity leave -https://razvitie-krohi.ru/zarabotok-dlya-mam-v-dekrete/kak-zarabotat-v-instagrame-mame-v-dekrete.html

Watch the video: ANTI-MLM: Arbonne rep LIES about how she earns money! (July 2024).