Things for baby

How to choose a potty for a child

Most mothers start thinking about potty training early enough. Often the pot appears in the house when the baby is barely six months old, and he is mastering the "sitting" position. In fact, the age when the baby can comprehend all the wisdom of going to the potty is 1.5 - 3 years. It is at this age that the nervous system matures so much that the child becomes able to control the excretory processes and understands that it is inconvenient to do his "toilet" things in his pants. The pot itself plays a significant role in training. The baby should be comfortable, comfortable and safe on it, nothing should distract the baby from the main task. Taking this into account, parents need to know how and which one is best to choose a pot for the baby, so that it helps and does not hinder the training.

Types of pots

Depending on the shape, presence or absence of various additional functions, pots are of different types.

  1. Classic pot. This is the most ordinary round-shaped pot, like those that were in Soviet times.
  2. Anatomical pot. Such a pot has the shape of a saddle, a back in the back and a ledge in the front. The child sits on a pot of this type with divorced legs.
  3. A pot with a "skirt". This pot has a comfortable step in front. Convenience lies in the fact that sitting down or getting up, the kid cannot overturn the pot, since his legs stand on the "skirt" and fix the position of the pot.
  4. Potty chair. This pot resembles a real highchair with a backrest and legs. However, instead of sitting in this chair, there is a fence that can be easily pulled out to pour out the contents.
  5. Pot toy. A pot in the shape of an animal, a car or any other toy.
  6. Musical pot. Such a pot is equipped with special sensors that react to the ingress of liquid: the baby pisses - the melody turns on.
  7. Collapsible pot. This is a trekking option for travel and guests. The pot has a hard plastic seat and a soft foldable liner that is thrown away after filling.

Photo of pots:

Almost all modern pots are made of plastic, but you can also find an enamel pot if you wish. Some pots have a lid.

Pots for boy and girl

The physiological characteristics of boys and girls impose some requirements on the shape of the pot, although they are not at all rigid.

  • It is believed that a round pot is better for girls, since you can sit on it with the legs drawn together.
  • A boy's pot should ideally have a ledge in the front. The kid sits on such a pot as in a saddle, and the protrusion protects the surrounding space from splashes.

Choosing a pot correctly

The variety of pots on store shelves confuses all parents. Tips and tricks for choosing this important accessory will help you understand which models deserve attention, and which are good only on display.

  1. When choosing a pot, you need to keep in mind its main purpose and not be distracted by additional functions. So, experts call a musical pot or a pot in the form of a toy more harmful. Music, luminous elements, muzzles make the child associate the pot with a toy and "take away" from understanding what this object is for. In addition, playing on the potty forces the baby to sit there longer than necessary, and this is dangerous and not good for the muscles of the perineum.
  2. The presence of a lid is, of course, a plus, but you can only appreciate it if you don't immediately empty and wash the pot. If there are no such plans, you can close your eyes for the presence or absence of a cover.
  3. The opening of the pot should be wide enough so that the sides do not dig into the legs and bottom.
  4. It is very important that the pot is stable. In this sense, models with footrests or, as an option, with rubber anti-slip prevention are good.
  5. Plastic pots are definitely more practical and convenient than enameled ones. Plastic can also be disinfected, while the pot itself is much lighter. Kids don't like enamel pots because of the cold sitting, with a plastic pot there is no such problem.
  6. The plastic itself, from which the pot is made, must be of high quality, hard and smooth. Burrs or cracks are unacceptable, such a pot is already unsafe for the baby.
  7. It is good if the pot has a comfortable handle. Almost all toddlers love to pour the contents of the pot into the toilet themselves, so the handle should be comfortable mainly for the child, so that he does not overturn the pot on himself when trying to lift it.
  8. If the pot consists of several parts or has a complex shape, make sure that it is easy to disassemble and that all its parts are accessible for washing. Otherwise, inaccessible areas will become a breeding ground for germs.

An alternative to the potty is a padded toilet seat. It so happens that the kid stubbornly ignores the pot, and starts going to the toilet without any problems. In this case, parents should take care of finding a fit so that the baby can sit on the toilet himself.

Sometimes parents, in order to quickly teach the child to potty, strive to put pots in every room. In fact, learning problems are not related to pot availability, but rather a matter of urination and bowel control skills. The pots in every room, on the contrary, mislead the child. It will be better if the pot is in the nursery or in the toilet. The kid must understand that for "these affairs" if there is one specially designated place.

We have already written an article on how to start teaching a child to go to the potty - check out.

Even if you follow all the recommendations voiced, you choose a pot for a particular child, which means that his opinion also means something. It is better to take your baby with you and invite him to sit on different models of pots. In the process of such testing, you will immediately see all the disadvantages and advantages and will be able to make the right choice in accordance with your requests and the desires of the baby itself.

If your child is afraid to go to the potty, see the article -

Here's some useful information about special panties for potty training.

P.S. You can choose a pot without leaving home, read reviews and order in any children's online store - heading children's online stores

Video on the topic of choosing pots

Watch the video: 10 Best Potties 2019 (June 2024).