Newborn health

Drops and ointments for conjunctivitis for children under one year old

It is unpleasant to have conjunctivitis at any age: unpleasant sensations, discharge from the eyes cause considerable discomfort. Yet children face this problem more often than adults. Including very sick kids who are not even a year old. In most cases, defeating the disease is not difficult. The main task in this case is to choose the “right” drops or ointments for conjunctivitis for the smallest children.

Conjunctivitis can result from a bacterial, viral infection, or allergy. Depending on what caused the problems with the eyes, and you need to choose a medicine. Of course, the doctor should prescribe the treatment, but before his examination, by some signs, you can determine the nature of the disease, and already start treatment.

Allergic conjunctivitis in newborns is very rare. It usually occurs in those over 3-4 years old. However, even if allergic conjunctivitis struck a baby up to one year old, treatment consists in removing the allergen and taking antiallergic drugs. Corticosteroids, which have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects, are not prescribed in the form of eye drops for such small children. But we will talk in more detail about drops for the treatment of bacterial and viral conjunctivitis.

Treating bacterial conjunctivitis

The most common form of conjunctivitis. Both the baby and the parents can bring pathogenic bacteria to the membrane of the eye.

When children are actively exploring their surroundings, it is difficult to keep track of the child's clean hands. Touching everything, the baby collects a lot of bacteria on his fingers, and then can, for example, rub his eyes and "deliver" pathogens to the mucous membrane.

Parents may unknowingly not follow the rules of hygiene and wipe the child with one towel after washing and after washing, spreading bacteria from the excretory organs throughout the body.

Bacterial conjunctivitis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the child's eye. (The child rubs his eyes, there is a sensation of a foreign object in the eye);
  • Yellow crusts appear on the eyelids;
  • Pus / watery eyes (gray or yellow, cloudy and viscous, most often noticeable after sleep);
  • Sticky eyelids.

A newborn child does not yet have tears, therefore, when any discharge from the eyes appears, it can be a sign of the development of conjunctivitis, which means it is necessary to consult a doctor.

1. Drops Futsitalmik

This drug is a topical antibiotic. Futsitalmic is a viscous white suspension. Thanks to this dosage form (viscosity), Futsitalmic is able to stay on the conjunctiva for a long time.

The drug is applied conjunctivally, that is, it is buried in the conjunctival sac of the eye. Method of application: 1 drop twice a day for a week. If it does not help within 7 days, you need to reconsider the treatment.

An open bottle is stored for no longer than a month.

The average price of Futsitalmik drops in pharmacies is 350 rubles.

2. Drops of Albucid (Sulfacil sodium)

Antimicrobial drug, which is an aqueous solution of sulfacetamide. For the treatment of children, only a 20% solution is used (the dosage can be clarified at the pharmacy). After instillation, a burning sensation may be felt.

Albucid drip the conjunctival sac 4-6 times a day, 1-2 drops, after warming the bottle to room temperature.

An open bottle is stored for no longer than 4 weeks.

The average price of Albucid drops in pharmacies is 55 rubles.

3. Drops of Vitabact

Antimicrobial drug with a broad spectrum of action. Vitabact is instilled in 1 drop 2-6 times a day. The course of treatment is designed for 10 days, but can be extended if necessary.

The average price of Vitabact in pharmacies is 250 rubles.

4. Erythromycin ointment

The ointment should be applied to the lower eyelid 3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity and form of the disease, but should not exceed 2 weeks.

The average price in pharmacies is 27 rubles.

Consult a physician prior to use.

5. Tobrex (ointment and drops)

Drops are instilled 5 times a day (every 4 hours), 1 drop under the lower eyelid, the ointment is put under the lower eyelid at night.

Treating viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis usually accompanies viral colds (ARVI, flu). The disease manifests itself in the fact that, along with the symptoms of a cold, severe lacrimation begins, itchy eyes. Unlike bacterial conjunctivitis, with viral conjunctivitis there is no purulent discharge that causes sticking of eyelashes. Conjunctivitis starts in one eye, but soon spreads to the other.

1. Drops of Ophthalmoferon

This drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. It activates local immunity and enhances the regenerative processes in the cornea. Depending on the severity of the symptoms of conjunctivitis, drops are instilled from 2 to 8 times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye. Ophthalmoferon is dripped for an average of 5 days.

The average price of Oftalmoferon in a pharmacy is 300 rubles.

2. Drops Aktipol

An antiviral agent that stimulates the production of its own interferon. Aktipol quickly relieves puffiness and heals the affected cornea of ​​the eye. Drip Aktipol 3-8 times a day, 2 drops in both eyes. Even with the disappearance of the symptoms of conjunctivitis, the drug should be used in a full course from a week to 10 days.

The average price of Aktipol in a pharmacy is 150 rubles.

3. Zovirax ointment

A 10 mm strip of ointment should be placed under the lower eyelid in the lower conjunctival sac. Apply 5 times a day every 4 hours. Treat for another 3 days after healing.

Average price 300 rubles

Treatment advice

Even if only one eye is affected by conjunctivitis, drops should be instilled in both: in a patient - for treatment, in a healthy one - for prevention. Moreover, when instilling, you cannot touch the cornea of ​​the eye with a pipette. If this happens, the pipette must be processed before the next instillation. This measure is necessary in order not to spread the infection with a pipette and not to provoke re-infection.

  1. As soon as you notice signs of conjunctivitis, on the first day, flush the baby's eyes every two hours: if there are crusts on the eyes, then remove them with a cotton pad / cotton swab moistened with furacilin or chamomile decoction. Rinse each eye with a new cotton pad. (See in detail How to care for the eyes of a child);
  2. Next days, wipe your eyes 2 times a day (within a week);
  3. Choose drops or ointments from the list above and apply according to the instructions;
  4. Do not forget that you need to drip or smear both eyes, even if the disease is on one. It is important;
  5. Under no circumstances should you cover your eyes with a bandage if you have conjunctivitis! Under the bandage, conditions are created for the growth of bacteria.

The babies tolerate the instillation of drops into the eyes quite calmly, so if treatment is started on time, conjunctivitis will quickly recede and will not annoy mom and baby.

Reading on the topic

  • The child has a festering eye
  • List of first aid kits for a newborn baby
  • Hygiene of newborns

Watch the video: Conjunctivitis Pink Eye in Babies u0026 Kids (July 2024).