
Humana tea for nursing mothers (improve lactation)

You are a nursing mommy, but your milk is poorly arriving, your baby does not gorge itself, cries and demands more and more? Try Humana instant granulated tea (this is a tea to increase lactation - stimulates the production of breast milk, helps to prolong the lactation period).

Why Humana tea is good

  • The tea contains only natural seeds and herbs;
  • Their composition helps to improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver, intestines, stimulates digestion;
  • The extracts of fennel, rooibos and fenugreek contained in it help to increase the flow of breast milk, increase its production by the mammary glands;
  • Tea helps a woman to recover faster in the postpartum period, strengthens her immunity;
  • It improves the well-being of a nursing mother;
  • Restores the body after childbirth;
  • Enriched with vitamin C;
  • Tea contains no dyes, flavors, preservatives;
  • Excellent thirst quencher;
  • Has a calming effect, which also enhances lactation;
  • Differs in excellent taste, it is pleasant to drink;
  • Dissolves quickly in boiling water;
  • Sugarless.

[sc: rsa]

How often do nursing mothers drink Human tea?

Manufacturers advise drinking 200 ml of tea three times a day.

Making tea:

1 jar is designed to prepare 45 portions of 100 ml.

Pour 200 ml of boiling water into a glass, add 3 teaspoons of granules, stir well, cool to body temperature. Drink warm. No sugar needed.

How much does 1 jar cost?

It is best to buy tea in pharmacies. For the price, it is much cheaper than other instant teas for improving lactation. In different pharmacies, the cost may vary slightly, on average it is 250 rubles for a 200 - gram can.

Drink Humana tea and let your baby be full and you calm and happy!

We read further:

  1. Other teas for lactation
  2. How to increase lactation in folk ways

Watch the video: Can Moringa Help Naturally Increase Breast Milk Supply? (June 2024).