Newborn health

Smecta to a newborn: (for bowel disorder)

Smecta for newborns is one of the best remedies for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in a child. You can give it to children without fear, because this drug is a completely natural absorbent made from purified clay.

At what age can you give

Almost from birth. After all, this medicine does not penetrate the walls of blood vessels into the blood, but passes through the digestive tract and is completely removed from the child's body. It protects the mucous membrane of the intestinal and stomach walls, relieves spasms, eliminates pain and discomfort, and removes manifestations of diarrhea. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, Smecta absorbs toxins and pathogenic bacteria and removes them from the body. The absorption properties of this drug are quite strong. The useful microflora remains and continues to work. Therefore, Smecta is also used as a prophylactic agent against dysbiosis.

Indications for use:

  • The child has loose stools (diarrhea);
  • The baby often spits up;
  • With manifestations of allergies;
  • With bloating, intestinal colic, flatulence;
  • If you have problems with the intestines when introducing new products;
  • With dysbiosis (about dysbiosis);
  • In case of poisoning.


The instructions for use say that it is enough for children from birth until they reach one year of age to give 1 sachet per day. Its contents for a child up to three months can be diluted with milk or a mixture, for older babies - boiled water (100 ml per sachet). The resulting suspension is taken in equal portions (approximately 20 - 25 ml) in several steps (3 - 4 times). If the baby has severe poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, you can increase the dose to 2 sachets for the first day after the disease. In total, the drug is taken in a course of at least three, maximum - seven days. Longer use of absorbent contraindicated!

How to give

  • If the child is prescribed other medicines, they should be given either 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking Smecta. This is due to the absorbing properties of the drug, due to which the effect of other drugs will be greatly weakened;
  • Do not exceed the prescribed dose of the medicine, otherwise the baby may become constipated;
  • The drug can be given to a baby by pouring it into a bottle. If he does not want to suck an unusual suspension, you can use a syringe to administer the medicine, having previously removed the needle from it. An older baby is given medicine from a spoon;
  • How to dilute - so that the resulting suspension is homogeneous, pour the powder into a warm liquid in a thin stream, stirring constantly;
  • During treatment, it is necessary to give the baby to drink warm boiled water as much as possible.


You can not use the specified medicine with severe constipation, intestinal obstruction, with manifestations of allergy to this drug, if it is intolerant to the child's body.

When starting treatment for your baby, remember that a pediatrician must prescribe the medicine. Indeed, even such an ideal absorbent as Smecta is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, self-treatment is not worth it.

More about medicines for the little ones:

Complete list of first aid kit (composition of a first aid kit for a newborn baby)

List of popular constipation medicines;

Colic medicine for babies.

Watch the video: Babys Digestive Disorders. Digestive Problems in Babies (September 2024).