
Helping your husband while breastfeeding

While breastfeeding is a very intimate process involving only mom and baby, other family members can do their bit too. A nursing woman is very important, and sometimes just necessary, help and support, especially at first. Since all the responsibilities for caring for a baby fall mainly on young parents, the most reliable assistant for a nursing mother will be her own husband. Let's try to understand how a newly-made father can help a young mother in “feeding” matters.

  • For a start, it will be great if dad is still a supporter of breastfeeding at the level of an idea. Many modern fathers, along with young mothers, are actively interested in childcare and upbringing issues. There are a million opinions and approaches to the “childish” topic, and while studying the information, fathers also strive to delve into, understand and choose the best. If a young mother is determined to breastfeed her baby, it is very important that her husband understands the value of breast milk for the baby, considers hepatitis B the natural and best option for feeding a newborn;
  • Breastfeeding on demand assumes that the baby is breastfed for every squeak and is at the breast for as long as it needs. At first, when lactation is just establishing, children can spend several hours at the breast, sleeping with the breast in their mouth. This means that the mother cannot do any other business throughout the entire feeding time. As a result, the wife may simply not have time to cook dinner, tidy up the house, wash the dishes, put herself in order. Dads need to be understanding about this, because for a young mother, a child and everything connected with it is a priority. As a help, dad can take on some household chores himself, or at least just not grumble that he has to have dinner with semi-finished products;
  • Although breastfeeding is not hard physical work, young mothers get tired from sitting or lying in one position for a long time. And after feeding, as a rule, you need to vilify the baby in a column so that accidentally trapped air comes out, put it on the tummy, cover with a warm diaper. Dad can take over the responsibility for these procedures, allowing Mom to finally relax and get some rest. A nursing mother will definitely appreciate such help;
  • Most of all, young moms suffer from lack of sleep. A nursing mother has to wake up several times a night to feed the baby. Sometimes at night you still need to change the diaper or just wear the baby on the arms. Without a full night's sleep, of course, it is hard for fathers, but it is very difficult for an exhausted mother to get enough sleep to maintain lactation at a normal level, therefore, during the period of establishing HB, all night cares for the baby that are not related to feeding can be performed by the father;
  • Stress and negative experiences are serious enemies of lactation, in addition, women who have given birth are always emotionally unstable, sensitive and vulnerable due to hormonal changes. Concerning, First of all, it is important for the youngest father to understand what is happening with his wife, and to be more tolerant and loyal to her. Secondly, he needs to become a real protector of his wife and in every possible way protect her from hassle. Often, the appearance of a child exacerbates relations with relatives: some obsessively climb with advice, others literally try to push back the young mother and take all the care of the baby on themselves. If problems of this kind appear, dad needs to make efforts to prevent open conflicts and clarification of the relationship. During this period, the husband himself can contact all his relatives, "conduct peace negotiations" and in every possible way support the young mother. We read on the topic: About postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis in women;
  • Breastfeeding is not always smooth. In addition to natural lactation crises, a nursing mother can overtake lastostasis or a disease, the treatment of which limits the ability to feed the baby with her milk. Any of these problems requires a solution, and therefore time. Helping the husband at such moments may consist in giving the mother the opportunity to gradually and without fuss to solve health problems: to go to the shower to massage the breast under a warm stream, to express a portion of milk for feeding before taking the medicine, to lie down at a high temperature. At the same time, dad can play with the baby himself, go for a walk with a stroller (We recommend that you familiarize yourself with: breast problems during hepatitis B);
  • The moral support of a husband in moments of problems with lactation is simply invaluable. Sometimes young mothers simply give up, and it seems that it is better to take a bottle and mix it up. Words of encouragement from loved ones always give an incentive to keep feeding. In addition to words, the husband can help in deed: search the Internet for information, find the contacts of a GW consultant;
  • Completion of breastfeeding, that is, weaning, is also impossible without the participation of the dad. It is important not only to support the decision to end breastfeeding, but also to help throughout the entire weaning process. Dads usually have to put the babies to bed themselves, to distract from the breast during the day. Related material: how to wean from breastfeeding;
  • After giving birth, women are always worried about changing the outlines of their own bodies. Some people deliberately refuse hepatitis B so as not to spoil the shape of the breast. Sometimes during the feeding period, the breast becomes covered with stretch marks and really changes shape. However, no body changes are worth depriving the crumbs of the irreplaceable mother's milk. A husband can cheer up his wife well by showing love and concern even after changes in appearance and body. We recommend to nursing mothers: breast care after childbirth.

Men are deprived of the opportunity to breastfeed, but, as we can see, they can also take part in this process. Breastfeeding is beneficial even for men for many reasons: no need to spend money on formula and bottles; baby's food is always with you - so you can safely travel to different distances. There is no need to talk about the benefits for the baby and the convenience for the mother. It turns out that helping a husband during breastfeeding is an important contribution to the common good.

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Watch the video: Pregnancy and breastfeeding nutrition (July 2024).