Newborn care

Ingenious trick: how to put a child to sleep in 1 minute

A great way to put your baby to bed in just 1 minute. The wise dad figured out how to easily and quickly calm the baby with a single napkin.

How hard it can be to put a baby to bed. Exhausted by sleepless nights, parents are trying to find dozens of ways to calm the baby's activity: they swing in a stroller, in their arms, turn on music, sing songs or tell fairy tales, but often the process of falling asleep takes a long time.

Some parents teach to fall asleep under the TV, but this has bad consequences: such a dream is incomplete, the baby does not rest well, becomes irritable, and it becomes difficult to go to bed without the usual background.

The father of one family, Nathan Dailo, found an interesting way to euthanize a baby in just one minute, and he even filmed a video of it. It's a miracle! All you need is one soft cloth and gentle strokes. Everything is done very simply: gently and gently run a soft cloth over the baby's face. The reflex to close the peephole is triggered, the brain gives a signal to sleep, and the child falls asleep.

On the topic of sleep:

  • How to put a child to sleep without tears and whims;
  • We teach the child to sleep in his bed separately from his mother (video, real stories);
  • Whether to rock the child before going to bed: how old can you rock the child;
  • The child sleeps only in his arms, and if you put it, he wakes up - a problem or not;
  • At what age a child can sleep on a pillow.

Watch the video: Genius Parenting Hack Nurse Does THIS With A Towel u0026 Babies Fall Asleep Immediately! (July 2024).