Good to know

What does the child's drawing say

When a child begins to hold a writing object in his hand, he always strives to leave a mark after himself. Any surface can become a canvas for a young artist: new wallpaper, furniture, and floor. The desire to paint everything and everyone is a normal stage in the development of a child, so parents will have to be patient and watch how the images and plots of children's drawings change. At a certain moment, the child begins not only to dirty paper, but to depict all kinds of unknown creatures. Such drawings reflect the inner world of a little man, and today we will figure out how to "read" a child's drawing.

How the drawing is positioned on the sheet

The entire paper space can be represented as a coordinate system known from school with two axes. The point of their intersection is the center of the sheet. The most favorable option is when the drawing is exactly in the center.

The vertical axis is the child's self-esteem and his sense of his position in the team.

  • The drawing is shifted vertically upwards - high self-esteem, the desire to win a high position in the team (sometimes such children suffer precisely from the fact that their own high opinion of themselves is not shared by others).
  • The drawing is shifted vertically downwards - low self-esteem, timidity, low self-confidence, a precarious position in the team (the child is not recognized in the team.

The horizontal axis is the time axis. The left side of the axis is associated with the past, and the right side with the future.

  • The drawing is located to the left of the center - the child is more focused on the past. Such children are more "in themselves", make few plans and dream a little, show little activity.
  • The drawing is located to the right of the center - the child is looking into the future, he is often on a positive wave, very active and active.

We analyze the elements of the image


The position of the head and face matters.

  • If the head is turned to the right, the child is focused on the implementation of his ideas and plans. If he conceived something, he tries to realize it, even though he gives up some ventures halfway through.
  • If the head is turned to the left, plans and ideas mostly remain in the head, the child does not attempt to implement his ideas due to indecision.
  • If the head is straight, the child is self-centered, selfish, and has high self-esteem.


If ears are attached to the head, this means that the child is ready to listen. This can manifest itself as a cognitive interest (listens to information), or maybe as an interest in the opinion of other people (listens to others in everything).


In the drawing, the eyes are a symbol of fear, especially if they are large, clearly traced, many times outlined. Noticeable and large eyes are a symbol of intense fear. Drawn eyelashes speak of some coquetry, attention to their own appearance, a desire to please.


The mouth can be drawn in different ways: open, closed, just a line, or real lips.

  • Clearly drawn lips speak of a child's sensuality.
  • If the emphasis is on language, the child is very talkative.
  • Sometimes both lips and tongue are drawn. This indicates the severity of both qualities.
  • If the mouth is open, but there is no tongue or lips, especially if there is shading, the child is very fearful, can easily get scared, constantly doubts and does not trust. This is especially true for adolescents.
  • Traced teeth indicate verbal aggression. This aggression is usually defensive in nature, that is, the child can respond if something happens.


A large and high forehead is a sign of the predominance of the rational principle, erudition.

Unusual details on the head

Sometimes children draw different details on their heads, which can also be deciphered.

  • Horns - aggressiveness or desire to defend, the ability to "wrestle" when needed.
  • Feathers - the desire to attract attention, stand out, the desire to decorate oneself.
  • Hairstyle, mane or wool - the child seeks to indicate what gender he is, to emphasize this.


The drawn creature can stand on its feet or legs. Their appearance also speaks of the inner state of the child.

  • Massive, strong limbs indicate that the child is on his feet in life. He has something to rely on, he makes a balanced decision, ponders his actions.
  • Weak, thin legs or their absence indicate the fragility of internal positions, beliefs. The child makes decisions rather impulsively, his judgments are not deep.

Special attention should be paid to how the limbs connect to the trunk.

  • If the connections are well drawn, the child carefully controls his reasoning, thinks logically and consistently.
  • If the connections are drawn carelessly or absent altogether, the child seems to be slightly detached from reality, his thoughts are chaotic.

In addition to legs or paws, the child can draw other limbs. They can serve as decoration, or they can carry some function.

  • Wings, shell, additional limbs indicate that the child is attracted by a variety of areas of activity, he is comprehensively developed, is interested in many, and easily makes acquaintances. Such children are confident in themselves and easily take their place in life.
  • The drawn tentacles indicate that the child is almost always acting boldly.
  • Various bows, decorations in the picture reveal in the child the desire to attract attention, demonstrativeness and mannerisms.

An interesting element in the image is the tail:

  • If the tail is drawn on the right, the child has high self-esteem, he positively perceives himself and his actions. If on the left - the child is prone to self-criticism.
  • If the tail looks up - the child is active and confident in himself, if down - the child is depressed, dissatisfied with himself.

"Three trees"

Studying children's drawings, one can not only analyze what the child draws spontaneously, but also give an assignment. The drawing test "Three Trees" is very simple and informative.

Invite your child to draw three trees on a sheet, and then name which of the trees is dad, who is mom, and who is the baby himself (there may be more trees, according to the number of family members). In this illustration, we will be interested in the size of the trees. The clue lies in the fact that the child correlates trees with family members not by physical height / size, but by the share of influence that this family member has. So, for example, if a child associates himself with the smallest tree, there is nothing to be happy about, because this suggests that the child's opinion in the family is not significant. Parents should give their child more independence in decision making and listen to his desires. The picture will be the most harmonious when all trees are equal. Yes, of course, a child can compare himself with a small tree because itself is small, but the meaning is deeper. Here it is written a little more about this -

The secret of color

Decoding color is one of the most difficult. Each color has an ambiguous psychological meaning, and besides this, the meaning of the color may be different for each child. That is why it is necessary to decipher the meaning of color based on the information already obtained from the picture: the color can emphasize the severity of the revealed qualities or give them a special psychological meaning.

Psychologically, colors are usually interpreted as follows:

  • Red is a symbol of passion, love, but in some cases it symbolizes anxiety, aggression, strong negativity and a sense of danger.
  • Blue is the color of reason, logic, order. Its other pole is fantasy, insanity.
  • Yellow is the color of love of life, a symbol of openness and freedom. Sometimes it personifies jealousy, deceit, envy.
  • Orange is a very energetic color, a sign of strength and personal maturity. Its downside is belligerence and striving to fight.
  • Green is the color of growth, maturation, hope for the best. Sometimes denotes immaturity or soreness.
  • Purple is a mysterious color, a symbol of harmony and secret knowledge. It can mean anxiety, depression, withdrawal.
  • Black can be solid and solemn, or it can be mourning.
  • White is the color of purity, but sometimes it is a sign of inner emptiness and mourning.
  • The gray color is generally neutral, its negative interpretation is confusion, melancholy.

Comparing the results of all the methods of working with children's drawing, you can learn about the child that which is hidden deeply and cannot be seen with the naked eye. Any identified experiences and problems must be worked through. The first medicine is mother's love, care and attention. Deeper problems are best dealt with with a specialist. Spend as much time as possible with your baby, play and draw together - this will help you better see problems and give you an understanding of how you can help your child.

The psychology of children's drawing

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Secrets of children's drawing

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Watch the video: WORKSHOP PART ONE- The basic skills I should know to be my childs teacher (July 2024).