
16 week of pregnancy

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the most severe and addictive toxicosis should stop, as if someone turned it off. The baby under the mother's heart continues to grow at a rapid pace.

Weeks and months

The period of 16 obstetric weeks is equal to four lunar months. For more information on calculating the term, see here.

Confidence and stability

The second trimester is a time of peace and confidence. The threat of losing a baby arises only in the most acute and difficult situations: a serious illness, a traffic accident. A fulfilling figure does not annoy, but pleases. The main thing is that the weight gain is normal, that is, up to 400 g per week. Mood swings are now remembered with a smile and thoughts like "Was it really me?"


They can still be very individual for every woman. In addition to toxicosis and emotional instability, the painful sensitivity of the breast and / or nipples can now completely disappear.

  1. Appetite is noticeably better. Food whims may persist, but they are not so acute. For example, you might want to eat a serving of ice cream. But this desire will not bring you to tears. You will calmly wait until you can go and buy what you want.
  2. The uterus presses lightly on the diaphragm. Sometimes it makes it difficult to breathe. Just make sure that when you suffocate, your hands do not get cold, your fingertips do not turn blue, and there is no feeling that you are about to faint.
  3. The physiological runny nose of pregnant women may not go away until the very birth. Do not use vasoconstrictors. Carry a small spray can of seawater with you.
  4. Tunnel syndrome, which is pain and numbness in the wrist, may appear.
  5. Another specific sensation is itching in the palms and feet.
  6. Hands, feet and face may swell slightly. It is safe if it happens only occasionally and passes quickly.
  7. Constipation almost always occurs, it is only necessary to slightly weaken the regime of proper nutrition.

And the most important thing! Skinny moms, especially those who have not had their first pregnancy, can feel the first movements of the baby! Be sure to check your feelings, because light, barely noticeable tremors of your crumbs can be confused with manifestations of flatulence. In any case, the doctor of the antenatal clinic will certainly ask if you are mistaken. Are you sure the baby is moving? Write down the date, it is important.

It happens in another way. The mothers worry and complain to the doctors: "It's been almost four months now, but I don't feel any movement." This is just fine. The practice of obstetricians and gynecologists shows: most often the first fetal movements are felt at 20 weeks in women who are expecting a baby for the first time and at 18 weeks - during subsequent pregnancies.

What can hurt

Just a little, without interfering, almost everything hurts from time to time:

  • lower back - due to restructuring of the body;
  • ribs - if you have been sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • legs - after a long walk or long standing;
  • belly below or on the sides - with a sharp change in position;
  • head - in case of overwork, any experience.

If pain, even mild ones, almost never stops, tell your doctor. Do the same for severe pain.

What does your body look like?

You are beautiful! Do not look for flaws in yourself and do not think that you have become unattractive. Yes, the body changes noticeably, but this is the norm.


She looks fuller. You feel its heaviness. The skin around the nipples has probably darkened, and you can see yellowish-white bumps on it. Dark veins may appear clearly under the skin of each breast. Make sure there are no stretch marks. To prevent them, use any special cream or good olive oil.


Your waist is rounded and your tummy is visible in any tight-fitting clothing. You should already have some comfortable maternity pants and possibly special blouses and sweaters. Special tights may be required depending on the season and climate in your area. And in the heat, choose beautiful and comfortable sundresses.

During pregnancy with twins, the belly grows up faster and becomes noticeable earlier.


The thin line between the pubic hair line and the navel is still clearly visible. Age spots may appear. But often, you can simply be amazed at how amazingly soft skin becomes all over your body. Due to the increase in blood volume, it may acquire a special pink tint (instead of the initial light).

Photos of tummies:

What's going on inside you

Your body, if you are healthy, copes well with the load. The heart pumps the increased blood volume, the muscles and spine adjust to the weight gain.

The uterus has grown so that it weighs a quarter of a kilogram. Interestingly, the amniotic fluid has about the same weight.


To correctly judge your vaginal discharge, wash yourself every morning and then check the condition of your underwear. If you feel moisture, the discharge is more abundant than it should be. If this produces an unpleasant odor, yellow color, or curdled discharge, see your doctor.

Does it feel like water is coming out of your vagina? This could be amniotic fluid leakage. Have the doctor do an additional check. In pharmacies, there are special pads that change color depending on the nature and composition of vaginal discharge. They can be quite expensive.

The most annoying thing is brown smears, blood stains, or real bleeding. See a doctor urgently.

Expectant mothers often ask the question - do I need a special product for intimate hygiene? Decide for yourself. If you are accustomed to something specific, there is no point in changing your hygiene skills. Trying something new is hardly worth it - during pregnancy, unusual hygiene products can be poorly tolerated by the skin, especially sensitive skin.

Colostrum may be secreted from your nipples - a clear, whitish or yellowish liquid, the future nutrition of the baby. Do not express droplets and use bra pads.

Should you wear a bandage?

On the Internet, you can find this advice: wear a bandage for lower back pain, but only if the child is positioned correctly. There is some truth and misconception here.

True: the bandage will really help support your growing tummy. Especially with multiple pregnancies. Due to this support, the load on the back is also reduced.

Misconception: at the 16th week it is still impossible to talk about the correct or incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus. The baby inside you is not yet cramped at all, and he may even turn around more than once during the day. The problem of the incorrect position of the child arises after 32-36 weeks of pregnancy.

What doctors prescribe

Your doctor will order laboratory and other medical tests based on your general condition. For example, if there is reason to suspect the development of pathologies, it is possible to check the amniotic fluid. It is taken under local anesthesia through a puncture of the abdominal skin above the uterine cavity. The sample is examined in the laboratory. In this way, up to forty potential defects and infections are detected.

The procedure is not 100% safe. In very rare cases, it provokes a miscarriage.

Ultrasound is prescribed for special indications. You may have a Doppler scan. This test is to check the blood flow in the umbilical cord. If it is violated, then the child does not have enough nutrition. Then the doctor will identify the causes of poor blood circulation and prescribe treatment.

Fetal development

Now the baby is actively growing from the head to the heels. Besides:

  • the skeleton is actively stiffening;
  • the legs are lengthened;
  • all muscles are improved;
  • some systems work quite "in an adult way": for example, the baby swallows amniotic fluid, it turns into urine and is excreted;
  • the heart beats about twice as often as that of the mother, and pumps blood perfectly;
  • all new blood cells are formed in the baby's blood, a special fetal hemoglobin begins to be produced;
  • the genitals develop, and if the baby turns around successfully with an ultrasound scan, an experienced doctor will tell you if you are expecting a girl or a boy;
  • the eyelids have almost finished their development and are ready to open;
  • the child moves his limbs, sucks his thumb and grimaces.

In addition to the overall size of a small body, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor also checks individual parameters. For example, the baby's forearms are 12-18 mm long, and the head circumference is 11-13 cm.

All fetal movements are unconscious, spontaneous. The baby's face is already quite human, only the eyes look too bulging.

The umbilical cord is now about half a meter long and 20 mm in diameter. It is flexible and durable.

Frozen pregnancy

In unfavorable conditions, the fetus can die in the uterus. Main reasons:

  • infections;
  • severe developmental anomalies;
  • rhesus conflict;
  • other negative factors (unhealthy lifestyle, unfavorable environment).

When pregnancy dies, the dead fetus remains in the uterus and poses a threat to the woman's life. If the pregnancy stops, the doctor will write a referral to the hospital. There, with the help of special drugs, artificial childbirth will be induced.

Women who have experienced a frozen pregnancy are not advised to plan conception within the next year.


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At the 16th week of pregnancy, follow the same nutritional guidelines:

  • frequent;
  • in small portions;
  • hearty breakfast, but light dinner;
  • 30% from vegetables and fruits;
  • meat - lean, but fatty fish (for important organic acids);
  • porridge - every day;
  • choose bread with bran, whole grain.

Nutritionists are advised to give up now from soft and processed cheeses because of food additives in them. Exotic, new and unusual products are not recommended. All food must be completely cooked: no Japanese food with raw fish, steaks with blood, and drinking raw eggs.

Other tips:

  1. Wear comfortable clothing that does not chafe or crush anywhere. Lingerie is made only from natural fabrics.
  2. Wash your breasts with cool water and leave naked for 1-2 minutes. It is good for the skin and muscles.
  3. Try to avoid smoking areas. From your own habit of cigarettes, if any, you should have given up long ago.
  4. Sleep on your side with a pillow under your belly. This is the best sleeping position.
  5. Forget about heels for the coming months.
  6. If you've ever had kidney problems, watch out. It may be worth further testing. Sometimes during pregnancy, pyelonephritis (kidney disease) occurs.
  7. Monitor your blood pressure. When it is lowered, the baby may receive less oxygen, and when it is raised, you may feel bad.
  8. Even if you feel well, do not use the sauna and / or bathhouse.
  9. Take a walk every day when the weather permits.
  10. During hot seasons, do not stay in the sun for long.
  11. For sex, choose positions in which you can control the depth of penetration yourself.
  12. If you are still forgetful and distracted, start a day planner.

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In the sixteenth week, you can fully experience how strong, beautiful and happy you are.

← Week 15 Week 17 →

Video guide: 16 weeks pregnant belly sensations, what happens to the baby, movements, weight gain, stretch marks

Watch the video: Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20. BabyCenter (July 2024).